Show I Insurance Men to to toC C Convene Saturday Hundreds Hundreds' of ot d delegates legates from all ail sections of the Eo tate ate are expected to be in attendance at the annual meeting of the Utah State Association Association Asso Asso- I of ot Insurance Agents which will be held at the Hotel Utah Saturday Sat Sat- The session will be called to order at 10 o'clock the In-the morning morn morn- ing The program program for for the morning session will be as f follows Singing of or America report of Frank W. W Jennings president secretary and treasurer reports report of or the lo local local lo- lo cal board reports of or the standing and special committees an an address by Insurance Commissioner J. J G. G and the appointment of ot ofa ofa ota a nominating committee In the ther afternoon addresses wIllbo will willbe willbo bo be given by H H. F. F Badger of San San Francisco secretary of or the board of or fire underwriters and J. J II H. Roberts Roberts Roberts Rob Rob- erts secretary of the local board of fire underwriters Election of or officers wilt will also aso take place A banquet will vill be held In the evening The program will consist of an address of or welcome by Mayor C. C C. C Shori addresses willbe will willbe willbe be given by Mr Badger Leroy DIxon of or Provo James Rogers of ot Salt Lake and Arthur J. J See of or Price J. J H. H Andrews of Ogden will willbe willbe willbo be bo toastmaster |