Show 1 Acquittal May Have Come Soon LITTLETON Colo Cob Nov Nov 13 United Press Press Another thirty minutes of ot deliberation would have meant acquittal Instead of a n. hung jury for Dr Harold E. E Blazer Eleven jurors had decided that the aged physician was Insane at atthe ate att atthe t the e time ho killed his i imbecile daughter r Hazel February 24 The twelfth Juror was oh on the the- fence at the time of the twelfth and anti final ballot a poll of the Jury showed today It was an acquittal jury from the start despite despise e the fact that the dozen men mei were not inclined inclined- to be merciful or r condone an act of hom horn i icide ide The first ballot at 10 o'clock Wednesday night Ight showed that nine jurors wanted wanted- to find the defendant defendant defend defend- ant not guilty The first ballot Thur Thursday day morning proved that two of the had changed their minds after atter a sound sleep Three m more re ballots were taken Then after atter an Interim of ot argument I with William P. P of Olson son a a final vote I Iwas I IW W was loS cast Olson a garage garage garageman man manfrom manfrom man from Fort Logan was still obdurate obdurate ate and the Jury was assembled In tn Inthe Inthe the court room to report its in inability inability inability in- in ability to reach a decision lon Believing the were deadlocked Judge Samuel Samiel Johnson I dismissed them with consent of counsel on both sides i iI I 1 would not have changed my vote if a thousand ballots had had been been taken declared Olson I believe belle Blazer was sane when he killed his daughter I believe he Is sane now On the other h hand nd Ray l an auditor from Englewood was equally emphatic to the contrary Another thirty minutes would have won Olson over to the majority majority major major- ity he said We should have given Dr Blazer a clean bill bm of health |