Show I Talking It Out S 4 4 By JOHN BLAt BLAKE E. E Two automobiles each swerving to avoid other cars came together head on The I windshields windshields windshields' and fr front nt wheels of both were badly smashed S The drivers were severely Jolted but able ble to get S out One of oC them advanced threateningly and began I to abuse the tha other for tor running into him That wa was l' l your fault you you you- he began I The oth other otner r held up his hand This Isn't going to do any gOO good he said if I answered you as you have talked to me you would probably probably- hit me Then I would hit back We would have a. a j. j fight here her on the street and do 10 each other more damage than the accident did and meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile mean mean- while ours cars would be ruined completely by other cars that would run into them The thing for us to do Is to get the cars off the road and then talk it out If It you still want to fight at the end of the talk Ill I'll fight and i nd I 1 probably bly thrash you for I am larger than than han you are and am a a. first class amateur boxer to boot What do you ou say There was nothing much the smaller man could say gay Silently Silently he he helped get the cars cars to the side of the street Then he sat down on the curb Now Nosy he said go on with your talk I was thinking the same things about you ou as you were thinking about me when I saw I couldn't avoid a collision With you said the other I was about to tell you that you were a fool and oughtn't t to be allowed at a steering wheel Then I got calm I saw that both of us were forced into each other by other cars and that neither of ofus ofus f fus us was to blame I saw that you were very angry as you naturally naturally naturally ally would be for you hadn't stopped t to think as asi 1 r i did So I Just decided to let you see my point of vIe view and get you rou ou to agree with me Well VeIl said the belligerent man I do So that's that Except that I am much m obliged Most of the collisions of life lite that awaken sudden sudden sudden sud sud- den anger can be talked out If those who figure in them are willing to do so Just lately the nations of the world are trying to find a a awa wa way to talk talle out the disputes that lead to de devastating devastating devastating de- de wars and seem In a fair fall way to be successful suc suc- I Nearly earl all the little domestic squabbles over money and the rearing of children that lead to separation separation sep sep- and Unhappiness can be compos composed d If they are talked out and each party to the difference is made to see the other othet party's point of view It is misunderstanding that is to balme for much of the rancor and bad blood In the world and misunderstandings mis mis- understandings are Va al always s 's due to the f failure of ot one side to know lenow What the other Is thinking out It Is the the- business of all society to war on crime and evil S But that war does not occupy nearly so much j time as needless wars between persons or nations who never neer are Willing to consider the others who others who never pause to talk talle It out I AVe We are still savage in Inmany many ways and we never show it so much as in our quarrels most of which are needless and would be easily avoidable if it we only were willing to think that the other fellow ma may have as good a reason for hI his his' opinion as all we have for ours and that there are better ways was of changing I his opinion than hitting him In the nose and trying I Ito to make male him apologize for It Copyright 1925 by the Bell Jell S Syndicate Inc I |