Show Fruits Vegetables Local asparagus rhubarb and spinach arriving ar or- riving living on local market in small quantities Offerings light In all aU lines Prices gen geri- steady Apples Utah Apples Utah and Idaho bo bomes es and bush els orchard run culls out out of cold stor age Delicious SI 00 Rome Beauties Jl 1 2501 40 Winter Bananas II 1 50 1 75 ordinary condition Rome Beauties and 00 Arkansas Blacks 0 1 25 Ben Davis Da 60 Asparagus Utah Asparagus Utah pound mostly Ic Carrots Carrots Utah topped Lopped bushel II 1 50 Celery Celery Utah dozen best poorer 5 50 Chinese crates best II 60 poorer SI 00 1 25 celery hearts dozen be best t. t SOS poorer so Green onions Utah onions Utah Dixie dozen bunches local c. c mostly Onions dry Utah dry Utah pound sacks Yellow Yellow Yel Yel- low few best 00 poor poor- or 15 5 00 White Globes 50 Parsnips Utah Parsnips Utah topped bushel 40 Potatoes Utah Potatoes Utah sacked cwt partly ernd- ernd cd ed Russets best poorer Radishes Radishes Utah Dixie dozen bunches White Tips and White Utah pound Spinach Utah Spinach Utah pound Savoy type mostly Turnips Utah Turnips Utah topped bushel SOc Watercress Watercress Utah Utah dozen bunches |