Show CHECK MACHINE SPURS INQUIRY s S. S L. L Police Find Apparatus Believed Used in New Swindling Racket Recovery of or a check writing machine machine ma ma- chine believed used by operators o of ofa a new bad check racket which in the thelast thelast thelast last week has mulcted Salt Lake merchants merchants merchants mer mer- chants of hundreds of or dollars spurred police to new investigations Satur Satur- day The machine said by police to have stamped the amounts on faces of at least a dozen of oC the checks was found lound in the rear of a vacant store at West Vest Temple street and Broadway by Cit City Detectives Lester F. F Wire and J J. J Ross Hunsaker It was believed to have been stolen Using hi highly deceptive means in passing their checks and building up an apparently way of convincing convincing convincing con con- merchants the checks are arc genuine these latest racketeers thus far have evaded capture by fast work police declare Under th their ir system one ohe of the men enters a store dressed as a workman and carrying a dinner jail He presents pre pre- seats a pay check cheek for tor 2950 and tells the merchant his employer is a contractor con eon tractor an and gives cives the merchant a telephone telephone telephone tele tele- phone number to call to verify the theela ela claim irn Another racketeer answers the thc call caU calland calland and informs the merchant the man is employed and that the check is gen gene The men usually operate from froman an apartment and constantly are on the move from one to another giving ghin the same checks in payment for lor rent police said |