Show More in Castor Oil Than Any Child Knows That there is more to castor castol oil than han the thc rebellious small boy boyar or even his ils insistent paren parents ever Imagined is s evident from a report to the Amer Amer- ican can Chemical society For from casor castor cas cas- tor or oil a drug has been made that tha takes lakes the poison out of poisons I It H renders harmless the quick death death- dealing venom of the cobra and rat as well as as- those sluggish ill-defined ill toxins in the bowels o oman of 01 man mart which arc are responsible for the condition commonly known as auto intoxication Sodium better known as is the name of or this castor oil derivative The action of so merely removes removes re reo moves the toxic properties of the bacterial bac toxins and other poisons and leaves their other properties intact A toxin such as that of tetanus or diphtheria when detoxified by sori son cm cin is said still to retain the power of oi producing immunity even though It is no longer a dangerous poison 4 |