Show China Resumes the Buying of Silver Siver NEW YORK Aril April Apri China Chia has been a buyer of silver siver in New NewYork NewYork NewYork York during the past few days and some shipments shipment have been made it i was wa reported today Sliver Silver authorities are arc said to regard this his buying as indicating a resumption ton tion o of Chinese activity in i the New NewYork NewYork NewYork York silver siver market after a few months of ne negligible interest Interest Silver Siver shipments shipment from New York to o China in irs February amounted to fine ounces compared with wih in January and in m December Dc De cember Shipments ShIpment from New York for or 1931 totaled only ounces ouces against in 1930 1030 and 6 In 1929 1029 Shipments from San Francisco have shown a similar drop it is i said |