Show I PLANS COURSE I 4 A t j 4 I Mrs rs Orvin Orvin- Orvin Malmquist I 13 3 Day Brownie Training Course to toBe toBe Be IBe Opened Monday Sessions for Those Interested Interested Interested Inter Inter- ested in Development of Children 7 10 Years Old OldA A three day training course arranged arranged arranged ar ar- ar- ar ranged by Mrs 1 Orvin Malmquist i publicity director of oC the Brownies junior Girl Scout organization and leader of oC the Neighborhood House Brownie pack will open Monday Monda at atthe atthe atthe the Hotel Utah The sessions will be directed by Miss Julia Williamson of New York national Brownie director I The courses arc are open to all persons interested in the training of ot children between 7 and 10 years of or age ate the ages of the Brownies Opening sessions sessions ses ses- ses will be from 10 a a. a m. m to noon and 1 to 3 p. p m. m Monday at the Hotel Utah evening an open session on the art of story telling w will ll be beheld beheld beheld held at the chamber of oC commerce A class will be held from 10 a a. a m m. until noon Tuesday at the Hotel Utah The final class will be held Wednesday Wednes Wednes' Wednesday day from 10 a. a m. m to noon at the Hotel Utah and at 3 p. p m. m a practical demonstratIon demonstration dem dem- of Brownie work will be shown at the First Presbyterian church by members memberS' of ol Mrs Samuel G. G Pauls Paul's Brownie pack |