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Show "Y" Championship Films to Be Shown At Mutual Meeting The MIA of the Second ward will sponsor the showing of films taken in New York's Madison Square Garden of the Brigham Young University basketball team in their recent sweep of the National Invitational In-vitational Tournament, becoming the national champions, next Tuesday Tues-day evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Second-Eighth ward chapel. Stan Watts, noted coach of the famed BYU team will be in attendance attend-ance and will make a running commentary com-mentary of the championship games shown in the film. Efforts are also being made to have present pres-ent some of the players of the team. It is felt that Springville is in- jt. !l deed fortunate to secure tk it-films it-films with Coach Watts perso appearance so soon after' J 'i; tournament play. Showing 0f jt films has been enthusiastically r ceived by audiences in Salt Lai' City, Ogden and Provo. ! Preceding the showing 0f ft, films a short specially prepare mop program will be presented, inciM' Ujt ing a humorous reading by to L, Ann Boyer, one of the finalists it the recent high school speech & tival and trumpet solos by Ajib'; ill Joy Pinegar of Spanish Fork. ' I f The evening's entertainment will l start promptly at 7:30 p.m. All who are interested in the program, f are invited to attend. There is f admission charge. 'f |