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Show 4J.4.4-4.4.J.4.4.4.XXJ.4.4.4.X4.4.J.4.4.q4.X4.J.4.4.4.X4.J.X j t ! S A IL IS I l Our company, A Utah concern, has successfully "i j 1 served the needs of the people for 21 years with 1 values like these ... BOY'S CALLS takist: 1.79 1 Close-out price values to $2.79 Heavy 10 oz. Sanforized j BATH MAT SETS 1.22 1 LOOP RUGS 24x42 inches 2.66 1 J MISSES PANTIESste,H 5 FOR 1.00 E j rayon, assorted colors : t -j DENIM assorted .colors yard 30f! - t TAFFETA bo:.co':s 69 I KITCHEN SHEARS 1.22 j STRAW HATS Palm.. 98c THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR I i ANNIVERSARY VALUES . . . COME IN! I j CHRISTENSEN'S - tji 7 TT T T 1r lii. J m I ' j J j :j!J 3' . ' ' . ' -i ' l ' i" I - Wk. -a . - - J . frWWH "" ' ' . 1 ''.j: J .. -. . i " . J I I J rjM,j irni LafJ 1 I nq , WE WILL BUILD YOU THIS 1 I 2-BEDROOM FHA HOME j i I On Your Lot j I FOR . . . S4750 ! rj Act NOW for Spring. Building j L CONTACT J. GRANT NEILSON j GRAND LUMBER COMPANY j Phone 134 : Evening Phone 660-W Spring Cleaning LET, US TAKE CARE OF YOUR WASHING, LUBRICATING AND EVERY CAR NEED! ' " ri ,V'-V V 1 j , c . 1 Come in and try us . . . WE WILL GIVE YOU LUBRICATION THAT IS LASTING, LUBRI-TECTION WITH SPECIALIZED LUBE EQUIPMENT. ( A CAR WASH WHILE YOU WAIT! CALL US AT YOUR CONVENIENCE PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE - PHONE 36? f Msb Eagle Station j ? ' n "ighway 91 -Jt south of Park Ro She' L"1""""'"""'""1""" IIIM.mh,, tn f .T.,.MW uu r- ?" M nM HliHihi fc ,M tum,tti t. if HM MM ---W--tW-Jrf'r 7 r7 & ? 7 7 7 7 7 7 Z7 47 & & '7 WntSHa IPerm Son 3aQ(2l That's the modern, convenient way to shop. With pen and checkbook. It's'saf er, too, than carrying cash, and besides, your check automatically becomes your receipt. Open your checking account here today and, when ls you shop, go Math pen in hand. At Sis C. FEDERAL RESERV Flil Springville limikiiig Company READY FOR OCCUPANCY! Attractive, bright as new, spar-klingly spar-klingly clean, revitalized garments gar-ments . . . garments that have been brought back to their original orig-inal look of rich and glowing newness through our personalized person-alized cleaning . . . today's most modern method of cleaning and conditioning garments. We think you'll like our prices, speed and service, too ... we know we'll try very hard to please you. Cleaner's name, phone, etc. Humphrey Cleaners |