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Show Kiwanis Sponsors Annual Art Banquet Saturday Springville Iiwanians will be hosts to approximately approxi-mately 300 fellow club members and their partners at the annual Art Banquet and Gallery Tour Satur- $day evening, April 15. Beginning at 7:30 p.m., the banquet ban-quet will be served at Memorial hall and in connection with the banquet, a program will be given featuring Supt. J. C. Moffit of the Provo City schools, as the guest speaker. Following a custom of previous years, a fine painting will be given away as an attendance atten-dance prize to some visiting Ki-wanian. Ki-wanian. After the banquet, the group will assemble at the Arf Gallery for a tour of the exhibit. Ax personal invitation has been given every club in the state to attend the function which is one of the highlights of the April Art Month. H. W. McCune, district governor and Le Roy Olsen, Lt. Governor will be special guests. In addition to local and visiting visit-ing Kiwanians and their wives, special invitations have also been given local artists and their partners part-ners including, Glen Turner, Wayne Johnson, Florence Neslen, now of Salt Lake City, Oliver Parson and Hughs Curtis. Members Mem-bers of the Art board and committee com-mittee have also been given a special invitation to attend. Frank Cranmer, club vice-president, will be toastmaster at the affair. He is being assisted by M. F. Miner, Harvey Robbins, Dr. C. W. Judd, and A. Y. Wheeler. The regular Thursday meeting is canceled in favor of the Saturday Satur-day evening Art Banquet. Dr. EIRoy Nelson spoke at a joint meeting of the Kiwanis club and ' the Chamber of Commerce last Thursday. He described the population and payroll increase of Utah county since the founding of Geneva steel plant, and various other industries which have resulted resul-ted from it. He outlined the vast possibilities for new industries in this area, particularly if the Central Cen-tral Utah project goes through. Dr. Nelson has made exhaustive studies of the revenue possibilities of the . state including minerals, both metallic and non-metallic, chemicals, various ores, agricul-(Continued agricul-(Continued on Page Nine) m "Kiwanis Sponsors Annual JfllArt Banquet Saturday ill (Continued from Page One) 1 11 pure, horticulture, livestock and '"jioir products, and industrial pos-1 pos-1 1 liabilities. I N 1 He, with associates at the Uni- ircrsity of Utah, made a survey of 'south central section of Utah in 1948 under the joint sponsorship if the Utah Association of Chamber Cham-ber of Commerce executives and .he industrial division of the Salt w"Lake City Chamber of Commerce. Arthur C. Boyer was toast-& toast-& master for the meeting and the IEfuest speaker was introduced by William J. Phillips, president of the local chamber of commerce. |