Show > if I u ALL SICKWOMEN SHOULD READ MRS FOXS LETTER In All Part of tho United States Lydln H Plnkboma Vegetable Compound Una Effected Similar cures Many wonderful cures of female Ilia I arc continually cowing to light which have been brought about by Lydia 13 Flnkhams Vegetable Compound and 4i MrlFannelF JC through tho advice of Mrs Plnltham of Lynn Mass which is given to sick women absolutely free of charge Tho present Mrs Plnlchntn baa for twenty avc years made a study of the t ills of her sex she has consulted with and advised thousands of suffering women vrlio today owe not only their health but even life to her helpful advice Mrs FannIe D Fox of 7 Chestnut Street Bradford Pa writes i I DMr Mrs Plnklmm i II I suffered for a long time with female trouble and finally iras told by my physician that I had a tumor I did not want to submit to an operation BOwrote you for advice I received your letter and did as you told mo and today I am completely fi cured My doctor says the tumor ban dlsap i peared and I am once more n well woman I believe Lydia E Pinkliams Vegetable Compound il Com-pound Is tho best medicine in tho world If Tho testimonials which we arc con ataatlypublishlngf grateful women H establish beyond a doubt the power of I I Lydia E Plnkhams Vegetable Compound 11 Com-pound to conquer female diseases H Women suffering from any form of female weakness arc invited to Ii promptly communicate with Mrs Pinl ham at Lynn Mass She aslcs W i nothing in return for her advice It Is j absolutely free and to thousands of tj i women has proved to bo moro precious F than cold 1 A OUAKANTEHI CUHK FOR lILJ1s I III Krtitng lllluil IllesilInK Protruding Illet lirug etffU arc authorized to rotund money If l 1AZU OINTHINT r IU lo euro In 0 to It dal sue Ever Hear of Scotty and His Record n Breaking Ride Tho story briefly told Is this Walter 4 Wal-ter Scott the Death Valley gold miner made the trip from Los Angeles to Chicago last summer on a special train ov6r the Santa Fo In less than L 4G hours That whirlwind train cost 1 2 hIm more than 6000 It was the fastest long distance run over mona talus and plains ever made on any American railway It demonstrated t 1 beyond dispute that tho Santa Fe track equipment and employees aro 01 the dependable I kind Probably you wouldnt care to ride BO fast You prefer pre-fer the luxury of our thrco trains from IH Utah and Colorado to Everywhere 4 i liust and Southwest r Ask mo for ticket rates and literature i litera-ture C F WARREN G A A T S F Ry 411 Dooly Block Salt Lnko City Utah Italian savings The savings banks ot Italy contain ovar 1666000000 PAIN IN THE JOINTS Rheumatic Tortures Cease When Dr Williams Pink Pills Make Now Blood Tho first sign of rheumatism is frequently fre-quently n pain and swelling in ono of the joints If not combated in the blood which is the scat of the disease tho poison spreads affecting other joints and tissues Sometimes rheumatism attacks at-tacks the heart and is quickly fatal I Tho oue remedy that has cured rheumatism so that it stays cured is Dr Williams Pink Pills These pills expel the poison from the blood Bud restore the system so that the poisonous matter is passed offas nature intended Mrs I T Pitcher of No 130 Monmouth Mon-mouth street Newark N J suffered for about three year from rheumatism bofoie she found this cure She says II It began with a queer feeling in my lingers In a little time it seemed as though the finger joints had lumps on them and I could not get my gloves on Then It grow worse and spread to my knees I could not stand up and I onld not sleep nights My suffering was more than I can describe I took a great deal of medicine but nothing even gave mo relief until I tried Dr Williams Pink Pills 4 I read an account of a cure in a case that was exactly liko mine and my husband hus-band got mo some of the pills I took them for three weeks before I really felt bettor but they finally cured me Mr Pitcher who is a veteran and a member of E D Morgan Post No 307 of New York substantiates his wifes statement and says that she now walks without difficulty whereas n year ago ho was compelled to push her about in n wheeled chair Both Mr and Mrs Pitcher are entliusiiiBtio in their praise of Dr Williams Pink Pills For further information address the DrWilliams Medicine Company Scho ucctady NY A round trip rate of 50 to California will be In effect all winter via the now and popular Salt Lako Route See nearest agent or write for information to J L Moore D P A Salt Lako City Admiral Hichborn W Praises Peru Jna Jw s1 4 y t Z 9J L i J tI Admirals Words Carry Weight RearAdmiral Hichborn is ono of the oestknown officers of our navy His statements concerning Peruna will have much weight as they go out in tho world What ho says is echoed by many other omcers of high standing What tho Admiral Says Philip Hichborn RearAdmlral of tho U S Navy Washington DO writes After the use of Peruna for a short period I can now cheerfully recommend recom-mend your valuable remedy to any me who is In need of an Invigorating tonic Philip Hlchttorn DONT ronoKT I A large 2oz package Bed Cross Hall flue only J cents The Russ Company South Bend lad 7 An EvtrPresenl Fee Tho soldier and the sailor are s pOcl lly subject to catarrh in I barracks and on the field PerqpI1 found equally efficacious to overco this physical enemy If overwlIIi intiS it will prevent colds from develop Into catarrh Even after a cold h settled In some organ of the body Peruna can be relied upon as an em co claus remedy to promptly over It Peruna will relieve catarrh whelks acute or chronic but a few doees r It taken in the first stages of the dlbf i case will bo moro effective than whtl the disease has become established tJ a 5 Tons Grass Hay Free Everybody loves lots and Iota of roads < for hogs cows sheep and swine 1 The enormous crops of our Northerns Grown Pedigree Seeds on our seed famil tho past year compel us to issue a speoP cial catalogue called SiLZLHS DAHOAIN SEeD BOOK This is brim full of bargain seeds at ba j gain prices pricesSEND SEND THIS NOTICE TODAY and receive free sufficient seed to growS if tons of grass on your lot or farm thur summer and our great Bargain Seed Boot with its wonderful surprises and great bargaina in seeds at bargain prices f Remit 4o and we add a packageofCoj1 mo f the most fashionable serviceable J beautiful annual flower 4 John A Salzor Seed Co Lock Craw k er W La Crosse Wis Mother Crays Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse In the Childrens Homo In Now York cure Constipation Feverishness Bad Stomach Teething Disorders move and regulate the Bowels and Dostroy WormsOvor 80000 testimonials tes-timonials At all Druggists 25o Sample FREE Address A S Olmstod LeKoyN Ir I 1 Nothing knocks out and disables like ST Lumbago and Sciatica JACOBS Nothing reaches quickly the aa trouble as OIL I P k PRICE 2Se AND EOc |