Show THE DISCONTENTED ROOSTER AND CAT I I u u By EUGENE O MAYFICLD REX M t WWWWWW Tho Cat and tho Rooster were visiting visit-Ing In the back yard They would have visited In the front yard but the Lady would not allow It I am getting tired of being bossed by a Woman said tho Rooster What Is the trouble now Inquired the Cat Nothing more than usual was tho reply But just tho same I am tired of It all and If Sho dont stop shooing shoo-ing mo every tlmo I peep around the corner of the house theres going to bo war What would you do laughed the CatI I would do lots of things if I dared said tho Rooster flapping his wings In the first place Id scratch all tho covering off tho bulb beds But I dare not do that as Id be caught sure and I might be served up for a Sunday dinner for the minister in order or-der to keep me from making further raidsThat That would be a joke on tho minister min-ister mewed the Cat The Rooster was so angry that the Cat should think him tough that he flow up on the fence and crowed three times as loud as ho could For several minutes not a word was said by either tho Cat or tho Rooster Finally the Cat apologized and tho Rooster flew down and the two wero soon on friendly terms again All of a sudden a brilliant Idea I struck the Cat Ill tell you what well do ho said Wo will run away I and go to tho woods and gather nuts and havo a line time with no ono to shoo you or scar me Agreed exclaimed the Rooster and they started It was almost dark when tho woods wero reachedsuch big dark woods that oven tho Rooster was afraid to look to either the right or left and the t I + QIPr i I II rJ If A 2 oy i I Cat walked with noiseless tread Overhead Over-head they saw the limb ot a tree Let us go up there suggested tho Rooster Roos-ter and stay all night and flapping his wings up he went tho Cat scaling the tree after him All about the tree In which tho Rooster and the Cat had taken refugo It grew dark and still it seemed they J I were In another world from that In which they had lived all their lives Tho Roosters head soon began to bob and then ho was fast asleep with only tho Cat on watch Away oft to tho right came a weird screech To tho loft was another and from tho front and rear came other screeches Unbeknown to the Rooster and the Cat they had selected tho nightly gathering place of a flock of hoot owls I hear something awful whispered the Cat The Rooster drew down his head closer but did not reply I hear something awful awfu1 1 i 1 a sc said the Cat In a louder tone at tho same time scratching the Rooster on tho comb to awaken him Hoot Hoot Hoot came the call of tho little owls The evil ono Is abroad In these woods groaned the Rooster now awake to his danger Again came tho call of the owls and ± tho Cat started down the tree 4 Whore aro you going asked the Rooster Home called back tho Cat and the Rooster flow down and started tooIt It was very late when two animals could have been seen crossing a ladys front yard on their way to a friendly barn and coop Both wero footsore rand r-and weary Both staggered as they walked But their trials wero not yet ended Tho barn door was closed and t > the coop was locked Poor old runaway Rooster Poor old runaway Cat Until daybreak they sat on the fence In tho once muchabused back yard and shivered shivered with cold and whispered to each other about the awful sounds they heard in tho woods But that was a long long time ago and now thoro Is no happier Rooster or Cat in all tho wide world than tits pair who onco became angry at a Lady who said shoo to tho Rooster and scat to the Cat CatMORAL MORAL After all theres no place like ones own back yard v r |