Show H BURIED BY AVALANCHE Six Men Meet Death in a Snowslide at the Mining Camp of Alta Awful Avalanche Came Down Upon J the Men as They Were Sleeping v Sweeping Away the Houses and Burying the Victims Beneath Twentyflve Feet of Snow Sandy UtahAfter many hours of frantic toll on tho part of a large bund of Alta miners the bodies of tho six victims who suffered death In tho awful aw-ful snowsllde nt the camp Saturday morning were uncovered and Sunday afternoon brought to Sandy where they Ho In the city hall awaiting funeral fu-neral arrangements by friends and relatives Following are the names ages and so far as has bean ascertained ascer-tained the places of residences of the dead Bennett Albert aged 25 came from Santaquln Utah history unknown un-known Claybourne George aged 30 mother resides In Salt Lake Brick son John aged 2C Rlverton Salt Lake county Gray John aged 55 stranger from California Murphy Jerry aged 45 miner Park City Powell William aged 18 Sandy boarding house keeper Powell was In charge of the hoarding hoard-ing house conducted in the camp by Mrs John Matson of Sandy his mother Gray was a miner employed by the Columbus Consolidated Mining company The remaining victims were strangers who had come to the camp seeking work In the dead of night while all the victims were asleep the avalanche rushed down the mountain side without with-out a moments warning sweeping away the boarding house referred to and the saloon of Ross Ormburst the adjoining building Gray and Murphy Mur-phy were sleeping In the saloon the other victims were in their bunks at the boarding house Armburst the proprietor of the saloon sa-loon Lee Herrick and John Baker were sleeping in that portion of the saloon which escaped the heaviest portion of the slide and by some freak of chance they escaped death although they were hurled in from three to six feet of snow Armburst who says that when he was awakened he found himself out of his bed and entombed In a drift was the first iu recover himself Although clad in nothing but his night shirt without even a pair of Bocks as protection from the icy drift Armburst probed the snow until un-til he found Lee and Baker who though buried were still alive and assisted them In digging their way out Then these three brave men with only their night garments to protect pro-tect thorn from the storm which at that hour2 oclock Saturday mom ngwllB raging fiercely worked for hours In an effort to locate the other victims All suffered greatly and Bakers feot wore badly frown Although the slide which came from the Ruster hill on the outn Bide of the canyon had traveled nearly near-ly half a mile before finding its victim vic-tim it seemed to spend Its force at the point where the buildings were struck as the avalanche did not go farther across the flat Tho rescuing force began work at 7 oclock and shortly before noon Saturday the last victim had been uncovered the bodies being burled from ten to twentyfivo feet In the hard paoked Snow |