Show How to Make Peanut Dolls Very odd and funny and Instructive little dolls can be made from peanuts You may have an Indian chief squaw and little papoose John Chinaman a Japanese lady Dutch woman Norman peasant woman with high white cap a witch In peaked hat and red cloak a wizard arrayed In star trimmed cloak and high hat a Hindoo Yogi with white turbaned head a gypsy and many other characters In this Jolly company The peanuts aro threaded whole upon coarso white twine through tho length of tho nuts Very short nuts aro used for feet and hands and tho round single nuts for tho heads A thick peanut forms tho body or If more bulk is required use two Long slender nuts form the arms and legs Now for the wigs For tho Orientals use horsehair or the hair filling of a cushion gluo the locks In place and then fasten on the head covering Now rope If combed out fine will make a splendid flaxen wig by coloring color-Ing It you can have an auburn or brown tint Fasten this wealth of hair with a Jaunty bow Outline the features feat-ures with Ink The wigs of the wizard wiz-ard and tho yogi should bo white use cotton picked out fluffy and gluo In place so It will fall long over the flnouhlers and mako flowing beards Material for the dresses can be of rum or crepe paper In gay colors or from tho scrap bag The garb of tho Chinaman will he silk cut the lea garments from paper patterns tho shoulders are naturally YOn narrow Gilt paper will bo very useful to help decorate tho gypsy and yogi dresses It Is only half tho lun to make and dress the o curious little figures They can bo made to act on a miniature minia-ture stage like little puppets Philadelphia Phila-delphia Inquirer |