Show National League News Plttsburg has asked for waivers on Peltz This Is a surprise I Hanlon declares neither Harper nor Chech will leave thoClnclnnatls It has been settled that tho Clncin natl team is to train at Marlin Springs The Boston club has released Pitcher Pitch-er Harry Olmstead outright to Louisville Louis-ville Col Dreyfuss has adeal on for another an-other pitcher and when completed will stand pat on Premiers for 1900 According to Patsy Donovan Nip Cuppy had the pit ball many years ago but never divulged Its secret Fred Clarke who has a farm of about 1000 acres near WInfield Kan 1s negotiating for an adjoining farm Pitcher Jack Harper pictured t months ago as being all done as far as Cincinnati goes Is to bo retained by Ned Hanlon Ned Hanlon has decided to give Third Baseman John Lobert a trial and has arranged for his release from Chicago The National commission has de sided that tho St Louis clubs draft of Catcher Mike Slattery from Milwaukee Milwau-kee Is valid Before completing the single Willis deal tho Pfttsiburg club offered Boston eight players for Willis Moran and one other player Tho Indian pitcher Charles Roy who promised to sign with Cincinnati has now decided to remain at tho Carlisle Car-lisle Indian School two more years President Charley Murphy has not been handed many bouquets in Chicago Chi-cago for making tho trade by which Sheckard becomes a member of tho Cubs Hans Wagner looks for good work from P illlppl next season as ho Is steadily gaining In weight being now 185 pounds as against 170 pounds hst season I The Plttsburg club has asked the other National League clubs to waive claim to fourteen players Including Pitcher Flaherty who refused to go to Cincinnati Brook ns now manager Patsy A Donovan last week went to Scranton Pa and Induced Pitcher M J ONeil + f lately purchased from St Louis to A sign n Brooklyn contract Tho Cincinnati club has It Is reported re-ported decided not to experiment further fur-ther with Pitcher Vowlnklo of Utica Pitcher Van Anda of Canton and Pitcher Johns of Dayton < Since tho close of the season Chicago N d Chi-cago has disposed of sOon players namely Jake Wolmer John ONoll + Frank Pfelffer Billy Maloney Jack McCarthy Jimmy Casey and Bert Ili Briggs t The Roblsons admit that they arc considering Arthur Irwin for tho position posi-tion of manager of tho St Louis Nationals Na-tionals but that they have not yet din sided whom they will placo In charge of tho team t jJJ From Cincinnati comes a report that President Hurrnmnn has decided to transfer Charley Carr recently so b cured from Cleveland to Brooklyn and let Kelley 1 and Barry fight It out for Cincinnatis first base Tho Philadelphia Telegraph states i that Pitcher Willis some time ago signed a contract for 1900 with Iho Altoona club of tho TrIStato League furthermore that the Altoona club backed by the TrtStato League will seek to enforce the contract in tho > courts |