Show I I Boxing J I Jack Dougherty of Milwaukee has Issued a challenge to fight any welterweight welter-weight Ills manager has posted a substantial forfeit Mike Schreck of Cincinnati and John Wile of Chicago matched to kittle twcutyflvo rounds at Colma an ee tho first Friday In February Jack OBrien who recently defeated defeat-ed Robert Fltzslmmons has authorized authoriz-ed the Issuance of a challenge to James J Jeffries tho retired heavyweight heavy-weight Any terms that Jeffries may demand ho says vlll bo accepted The biggest boxing event of the year In England took place December 2C at the National Sporting club when J Palmer successfully defended the heavyweight championship of England by Knocking out Geoffrey I Thorn In tho fourth round The match waD for GOO n side and a purso of 750 Tom Sharkey representing Georgo Gardner the Lowell Mass scrapper has issued a challenge to Philadelphia Philadel-phia Jack OBrien to fight any number num-ber of rounds at from 1G8 pounds up for n side bet of 5000 Gardner Is ready to fight OBrien at any time or place and will let the conqueror of Bob Fltzslmmons name the conditions condi-tions of the battle If OBrien will not fight fifteen twenty or twenty five rounds or to a finish Gardner will meet him In a six round bout In Philadelphia tho sldo bet of course not going on a battle of such short duration Sharkey will post tho 5000 sldo bet as soon as OBrien says tho word |