Show HERO OF THE ALPS I The old hero of the Alps Leopold Greed the Alpine guide of the h St Bernard has just been 1etour with the Order of the Legion of ii None deserved the distinction bet than he writes the Geneva eorrespl ent of the London Express Grand lived In a tiny refuge hot the Little St Bernard and has shy the llvrj of countless travelers who their way or were overcome by 8to and avalanches while attemptin reach the St Bcrnaid Hospice In 1887 Grand saved fhe lives of hay R1 travelers who were lost In a snow Iji rlcane His reward for this act TIJII silver medal In the following HarL a received the Order of Merit yearl1A tVs i King of Italy for saving the Uvea o Six Italians In 18SO he rescued sing handed Mine de Vcrrage a rr n lady who had been swept way by t avalanche and was rewarded by a of sixteen shillings Some years Inter Grand and his went to the rescue of a detachment Alpine troops that had been oercol1l overcorat by an avalanche While toIling at ut work of rescue Grand saw his swept away before his eyes and dash over n precipice The poor old father recognizing tin t his killed said son was n prayer it went on with his work of rescuing u soldiers nnd after digging them out the snow lie carried them one by on t on his back to his hut n distance nearly n mile He succeeded sat the lives of three of these men and celved from the Government 20 as h reward Agalnln 1000 ho rescued a party Alpine troops from death and not year has passed without the heroic 01 man saving one or more travelers I Z the risk of his life a |