Show A Simple Bookrack This Is a handy piece of work that can be made by any boy who has tools some wood and follows directions direc-tions It can when finished be hung upon the wall of a room and serves just as well as one bought at a store First get two pieces of board two feet two Inches long nine and a half Inches wldo and onehalf an Inch thick These are for tho sides of the bookcase book-case Two and a halt Inches from tho top draw a light line and with a scroll saw saw as shown in tho din grrm and saw a half circle In tho middle mid-dle In the bottom of the wood For tho shelves get three plecos ot board two foot long and nine and n half Inches wide and a half Inch thick Poi a ton place get a board two feet long two and a halt Incites vide and a half Inch thick and saw with scroll saw na shown In diagram For the bottom got a piece of hoard of samo i dimensions as for ho I top piece and saw In curves on bottom edge When all this has been completed null tho shelves to tho sides the first one two and a halt Inches from tho bottom tho second nino and three qunrters Inches abovo the first and tho third nine and three quarters Inches nbovo the second Then nail tho bottom piece In to tho front below be-low tho first shelf Then nail tho top piece In to the back above the third shelf Now If this Is given a coat of var nleh or paint you will have a serviceable service-able bookrack with little labor or expense ex-pense |