Show THE LITTLE WIDOW Mighty Good Sort of Neighbor to Have YA little widow a neighbor of mine uaded me to try GrapeNuts when II r stomach was so weak that it Id not retain food of any other d writes a grateful woman from Bernardino Co Cal I had been 111 and confined to my with fever and nervous prostra for three long months after tho l h of my second boy We were In pair until the little widows advice ught relief I liked GrapeNuts food from tho bgiinning and In an Incredibly short uito It gave mo such strength that I ablo to leave my bed and enjoy threo good meals a day In two r iiths my weight increased from 35 113 pounds my nerves had steadied n and I felt ready for anything neighbors wore amazed to see mon mo-n so rapidly and still moro so en they heard that GrapeNuts no had brought tho change MY 4yearold boy had eczema y bad last spring and lost his ape ap-e entirely which made him cross peevish I put him on a diet of peNuts which ho relished at once Improved from the beginning the ma disappeared and now ho Is and rosy with a delightfully soft r skin Tho GrapeNuts diet did I will willingly answer all In rles Namo given by Postum Co tie Creek Mich heros a reason Read the little k Tho Road to Well vIII e inc in-c i |