Show editor of a tot paper cared by fames celery compound t th banner of light is as ear one one of the mot successful denominational publications issued in this country la its volume it in at onca conservative serva tive and bright not only modem spiritualism but frequently lending ils in matters of public outside its principal field mr john W day who is the editor and ono of the proprietors writes in the banner of light aa follows to the of pained celery compound 1 I owe you a debt of gratitude in ing on the market euch a nerve easing and soothing remedy as pained celery compound it waa brought to my notice by a briand who had himself been greatly relieved by its use as I 1 have also been 1 I have frequently taken oc naion to commend pained celera compound to others and I 1 do not know an instance wherein if faithfully tried it has not worked a benefit yours truly john W day mr daye portrait ii eian above he is a mai berof the masonic odd fellows grand army and otner fra arnal and is highly esteemed by hia brethren and others in the social walks ot life hia gratin ie for the bood that thia greatest of rene nap dona hira IB in no denae thousands wao have been diarte well by painah celer compound have eat their testimonial a to the nf the r medy or dirret tn medical urnald or telling for the feneht i of othera the revolta that have hollowed loll owed the use of the lemady that is food for the nerves and brain that the alon 5 abat makes the weak and is he one never specific ore ascribed scribed by physicians and recommended by all who haqq faver faithfully it for neural gia and the many ills come from deranged der aneed workout gervea and impure blood |