Show LEGAL territory ot utah i utah county in the probate court in and tos aalde county a the matter of the estate and auard nora aal samuel allman minors order to ow cause wl y an aider or balo of real estate should not be made al almang An manG othe parson 0 samuel allman Nora Allman and minors havling in atila petition harola praying for ah order to aid to relias re loas toe inter stac and iori alliati in artal and for aa order t the ajla in behalf c samuel alloian All nian minor for the purpose therein it la therefore ther elore ordered by the aprobato ludee othall court hat alt persons interested in the estate or bald leo aaen appear batore tha aad probity ourt on the day or july 1834 at 10 in ihal fu of laid clay at cobit R aim of baij probate C urt at me court bouse in prevo city chanty 01 utah to kaow cau e why an order should not be granted to the sald and mlton to sc sell and release so much of the rac cicato aln ors as be hecei fary and abal a copy if ahta order be at leau oace a weeks successively in a newspaper primed and published in bald utah county Terr lory of utah and that perno nul service berkof b nad upon all minors und gieir next ot in ta alt aim rn allman ua ed 1895 N dusenburry DUSENB BRRY territory t uenh f I 1 E I 1 jones clerk of the probate court in and for utah conaty territory Terri lory of ulan nei by bertly that he 1 a and conat copy of the older tf snow cause why an order of sale f real eshaia should not be made in tuo estaba of samuel kora and doia allm in alnora and now on tile and of record in my offlie my hand and the eal of bald fruat Pru at court at my office in provo city ahia abal day of june A i E cilc of the probate court U ab county U T and irloa attorney |