Show western education Spec itU lu the june 29 the growing ira tance of the educational interests of the west is evidenced in the hearty support that bao been accorded tie movement looking to tho establishment of an of western torr of modern lanaud zea and litora abare baa been an association of thia kind in the east for many years but the members of the faculties of western institutions hava been deprived of its benefits owing to the inconvenience of traveling a thousand miles to attend the A preliminary gathering WEB held at the hotel barry a ow diva aeo those i i atten danca including of kuneac wilson of iowa dossier of nebraska karsten Kar steu of indians hatield Hat neld cf northwestern university ver sity bakerville Bakery ille of vanderbilt oni varsity nashville Pea reon of beloit and several instructors from aba alic ago university prof schmidt wart enberg of the university of chicado Chica ao who was elected pro tern baa received a carpe number of inquiries caming from instructors all over the west the airet regular meeting will be held at the university of chicago during the christmas recess of the coming winter the precise date beine so arranged as not to conflict with the convention of the eastern organization fhe new association wilt be known as the central modern language conference |