Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings A days more and the bicycles are yours barney pounds of sugar lor one dollar at YOUNG ladies wanted at the drees making department of 8 B jones company t growers and bea keepers can get their supplies at tho lowest prices at geo V mickela Mick elg mill FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly by the popular grocers boa hard baxey tire bicycle races at gastilla took some of our wheelman wheelmen elmen from provo today go to the city lumber co for your fence we maou facture four different kinds at hard time prices 25 acte per at P P BARNEY has dotted swiss in various qualities large or small dot black white or red BAna AiNa for young married people and old ones too in bed room suits and other furniture at the gates tura co give us a trial line of cheap dresa boods at the P 8 jones company is a marvel to all t provo lake resort will be opened to the public on wednesday juneas the darton quadrille band will be in attendance in the evening everybody is cordially invited iw A co are making three to five years farm loans interest 10 percent call on or write them at pro 70 t mide suits at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO TAKE a pointer and bev a waist from one of those beautiful new india silks at barneis barneys Bar per yard BAXBY carry all the leading brands of flour at lowest is go in to celebrate the fourth in grand style THE onion pacific will aall yon an excursion ticket to garfield saltair or aalt lake at cut rates see their adver ti elsewhere DOTTED ses india awaa ana linens jaet the proper tor bour pretty white dress at the 8 B coues company t paint 1 paint 1 paint ready bixel paints at warda sons 1 per gallon can provo chop house ia the place exactly to get a good square meal open dy and night basement of excelsior block center street win ALL kinds of produce wanted in exchange for woolen MILLS GO IN order to get the millinery depart mint thoroughly introduced we will give you lo 10 per cent off on all trimmed hats during our summer bale S S jones tire sal of AIa bima tickets will commenia com menca at 10 tuesday morning BABY carriages and iota of them at the gatea furniture store coma and sea them they will euit you as to style aal prica DONT forget you get cent off on all trimmed bats at tha 8 S jones company JUST received a large and varied block of cents ladies ani childrens shoos at bed rock prices for call ind be convinced 6 doors west oftay 1 ir broh G choules d sw THOSE mans enita at are equal to any thing in town at S S cloar ia burldine buil dine a largo com modicue frame dwelling house just boath of the pleasant view bouse go to the provo city lumber co for combination benca we mann factura four different kinds at hard tima prices FROM to feet of loga wanted immediately G W mickel provo t FAMILY washing 5 centa per pound at the troy hieam laundry of provo go to the brovo city lumber co for your combination fence we maun facture four different kinda at hard time prices D L DEAN baa goms fine improved farms in utah county and choice reali dence properties in prove city listed for sale price and terms cheap and freaa anable office ia martine bank opposite poat office t tenion pacific bava arranged to ann their thair coaches through to salt air beach july ach changa t to wed has been issued to robert taylor aged 23 and mica louretta cayia reed 19 both of salem hadine used chamberlains cough remedy in my family and found it to be article I 1 laze pleasure ia recommending it to my friends J V FOSTER westport port cal for sale by smoot drag ALL our cotton challies go at ac from this day on you cant duplicate them for less than half as much again at barneis barneys Bar tas besting of the utah press adso at this week was a hr one and accomplished good to the fraternity praise is due tha corps for proy idine pleasant masting rooms and for tha banquet at the hotel roberta ENQUIRER ia a generous entertainer mt pleasant pyramid |