Show THE people of utah in proportion to numbers have always been conspicuous and of great importance As never before they now have the weight of responsibility end the gaze of the world upon them whatever ideas of public polity the great conservative serva tive masses of the people of utah desire to work out they and their measures are safer and surer in association with the great ao party of protection and its advancing government in this country economist THE misfortune in our cities is the bad citizenship of good citizens said the mayor ol 01 at the recent reform convention there is a great deal of arnth in that paradoxical remark good citizens indulge in bad citizenship through carelessness then schemers succeed there is usually enough good citizens when aroused to remedy all defects in our republican government both state and municipal of brovo will have to begin rounding their shoulders for a two per cent tax this year the municipal tax is 10 mills i mill more than the county tax is amilla Sm illa mill more than last year the territorial tax is 5 mills and school tax 2 mills making in all 20 mills or a little more than two per cent that means a little more than twenty dollars on a thousand dollars home ITTIS probably in better torm for go to the scaffold singing hymna and rejoicing in a deathbed aad baptism than it ia to go there cursing as many debut after all there is not much virtue in deathbed repentance if a man can secure eternal bliss by simply confessing jesus in bis last moments what incentive have we for righteous lives T THE difference between the kentucky convention and tho cleveland convention is that in cleveland the republican silver men so scared the gold bugs that they dared say nothing against silver while in kentucky the democratic gold bugs downed the silver men and spoke right out for gold low tariff is getting in its disastrous work in knit gooda which industry waa being built up eo rapidly under the mckinley tariff in march 1894 our imports of knit fabrics were worth only last march they were worth more than double the amount of the year before EDITOR HOWARD of the salina press ia going into the mountains to spend the fourth and his society editor BO he announces desires to see salt lake with his own eye aad to sea how the girls look with bloomers on for this reason we shall miss the next iesue of the pres NEW jersey has found it necessary to pass a law prohibiting the publication of public documents in foreign languages that is right american citizenship ought to be worth the effort to learn the english language |