Show SATURDAY jona john E booth president john henry smith J C GnA aia 0 0 glasier W D robinson A singleton oscar wilbina MH graham john 0 graham Mft caser at the at brov ae second class matter 1 OF BY dully edition one benr in advance vests of ft year per mon thin advance 80 advance TO caty daily le livered sunday excepted SO cenica per month in advance or 25 cents H beek ad iresa co provo city where jolivert Joli verv ia irregular complaint at tho offida or through no 27 la prevented ted by Preen 2 I 1 1110 chri K and receives the 3 W i 1 tas abb a oiron lation eliat every week exceeds that of all ih othor newspapers in central and Boul harn utah combined in utah tanty it hw a circulation thai ex that of all the other territorial combined A cure of ichel cal march 31 1894 some time ago on awakening one moraine I 1 found that I 1 bad rheumatism inn my h nee BO badly that aa I 1 re marked to my wife it would be impossible for me to attend to business that day that I 1 bad some of chamberlains pain balm in my etore T pent for a bottle and rubbed bo parts thoroughly with it according and within an hour I 1 was completely relieved one application had done the business it ia the best liniment on the market and I 1 sell it under a positive guarantee gu rantee K T for sale by smoot drug co gaoa it tha following gentlemen arb ed to solicit subscription for stock in the utah county fruit and agricultural society and collect 20 per cent of came P H boyer wm denry and VV fi kelsea Springy ille james miller and rew W johnson and F lewis spanish fork barry samuel M jorensen H Knud fien anoa leonard and john gillea H B and J W gardner pleasant grove thoa A Aroen can fork israel evans lehi this society has proven to be a grand thing for the farmers and in fact for the community at laree every citizen of the county should call on one of the committee or secretary and secure some of ane stock before it is taken car bylaws by laws and packing and shipping instruction are now printed call on the secretary or on one ot the above corn cittee and get one free they are worth dollars to you t to loan on improved farms at ten per cent per annum long or short time write or apply in person to aw spanish fork utah cured by dr miles PAD PILLS one cent adaso at ell A swe care for pile itching piles are known by lae intense itching when warm thi form M well w blind yield at one to dr efte remedy which act directly on parta affected tamora allaug itching and effect a permanent cure 50 acta DruK gute ox aadil free or pa sold by excelsior drag paint co children pitchers cassorla Ca storla for infants and children S do you know tu Eat emans drops godfreyh godfreys God freys Cordi almany ko cabied soothing sampa and moet remedies or children are composed compo aed of opium or morphine t do yon know that opium and morph lna we stupefying narcotic poisons r po yon that in most countries druggists are not permitted to beell narcotics without labeling them poisons do yon snow that you not permit any medicine to be given your child amasa you or your physician amow of what it Is composed t do yon know that castoria la a purely Tege tabla preparation aad that list its ingredients is published with every bottle t go ton know that cantoria Car toria is the prescription of the famous dr samuel pitcher that it has been in use for nearly thirty years and that more cantoria Ca etoria la now bold than of all other remedies for children combined 1 po yon know that tha patent office department of the united states and act other countries have issued exclusive right to dr pitcher and bis assogna to usa the word M costoula Co storla and its formula and that to imitate thorn la a state prison offense t do yon know that one of tha reasons tor tag government protection was because castoria had been proven to be a handler hann ler po yon kenw that 35 B baago cosea of castoria are furnished tor 35 or one cent a dose f do yon that when possessed of athla perfect preparation your may be kept wen and that you may have unbroken rest well theae tanga are lapwing they aro lecta tho fac aimino 1 on avery ia of drugs paints oils and wall paper largest stock of acke city at 8 0 B B Q X 3 1 99 LLO iun ga fall line of liquors and bottled libeer bamily trade H S FYKE mgr call or send yon want TO THE west end WHO COMPLETE STOCK IN THIS CITY SUCH AS choice fruits and meats strawberries blackberries cherries oranges lemons bananas cabbage onions lettuce rad dishes turnips new potatoes asparagus pie plant choice butter eggs cheese all kinds of can nod goods flour feed horse shoes crock ropes brooms brushes tubs wash boards western wash ing machine salt fish golden bloaters in fact everything the heart desires at our department telephone no 29 free delivery to any part of the city P P lo 10 lioan on farm and city property low in barest apply to B union block prove gokce this is to certify that aba partnership heretofore existing between samuel 8 jenes james E daniels jr and amos D holdaway Holdaw av luine business under the firm name of 8 S jones co has this dav been dissolved bar mutual consent all debts due from the company will be paid by said 8 8 jones and all ac counts or indebtedness indebted nees due the aforesaid firm will be to said S 8 jones SAMUEL J E JR AMOS D HOLDAWAY hall klucs via R G W july ad and ath tickets bold at any elation on the line at one fare for round trip good returning july ath to loan on improved larm and city tv term biye years with privilege ot part payment of any amount before maturity this money ie loaned on morte ae only thereby granting to borrower the lawful redemption in case of foreclosure low rate ol 01 interest call on or write george A duzenberry DuRen berry at county recorders office provo city utah da knees ut vast ilia utah county cycless should all attend the races at caltilla Ca atilla sunday anna SO in addition to race there will bs baloon concert by aspen band and other attractions all to those horn special train sat 1 pm DR PILLS A MILD PHYSIC iron A DOSE i ait oit e 01 ol da IB for bettl abst aba system lak la k to miko it ahby alre He heche dhe th cje the complexion bettty than lter beltner kape nor to contance con Tince yon w whew budanko MED CO pa sola by dm pan i Is now being treated under the DR JOHN BY melisha STEWART A licensed licen aed non graduate BENJAMIN iraq zions and trust company sail lake chiy utah pays five per cent interest pt y annna on any you maxe write lor particulars WooD Hurr M prest cashier TOP ARE GOING TO kansas city st louis chicago new york or any other point east see that your ticket reads via the missouri pacific sy elegant coaches anick time and superb roadbed road bed make this line the peoples davonte route leave provo p an pueblo 7 CO p m arrive kansas p m ht louia a n chicago call upon the nearest ticket agana or address commercial freight pass abt trav paes agent salt lake city utah TOWNSEND general st louia ko THE mm RIO GRINBE Scenic line world the only line tac fast trains daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN PUEBLO AND DENVER 29 1894 train no 2 9 26 a m arrive at pueblo a m colorado springs a m denver 1030 a m cripple creek 95 a m train no 4 leaves provo p m arrive at pueblo p m colorado springs p m denver p m connections made at pueblo chloi ado springs and denver with all lines east elegant day coaches chair oara and Blee para on all taace the afe R G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on the continent shortest line to Cr creek colorados groat gold camp train no 2 leading provo at a m arrives at cripple creek next morn ina 50 A b S K HOOPER traffic manager G P T A denver denver colo B F KEVINS general agent salt lax e cita ut T tr tv NEW SERVICE TAKE K x U ky 8 50 p m connecting at denver with alie burlington ROUTE train lo 10 uita at joseph at louid and oilman sleepers free Re clinice chair cara A la carte lickers lick ets at RG WRy office R F V F McM lILAN art ast room 11 over no 10 W second south bt salt lake giov utah AT bevelry picc mairena Ma ibena drug store sit refaced rei Aced iines LOOK aut FOR big stock of new goods deB scientific ily ad bated to all sights without extra charge sv S M v A 0 prop successor to provo milling co and dealers in CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR AND FEED wheat received on deposit diatom grinding A specialty cah paid for act mill tenion pacific D pt D it FREE AND CORN SHELLER JOLL TM T A J J ia sall Sp LL CO s td chlo WibB idL OBI rit we will place on asale our entire stock ofa summer goods which must absolutely iohd by july abst attlee Att lae calicas calicos in all colors at 25 pcs extra wide percalee percales Per cales was yd 15 bolts ginghams former price loc yd now 6 12 pcs shelf oil cloth was yd now 15 bolts central park shirting warranted fast color worth loc yd now ac 50 pr turkish towels from now loc 18 pea ra tines former price yd now loc linen towels from ac up 15 pcs french striped pongee former price yd conr price ladies waists former price 1 ap 10 pcs cremons Cre pons in all colors former price yd conr price ladies parasols from now boc 50 pcs pacific Sa tines former price loc yd conr price ac alace curtains from ap 15 pcs french brilliantz brilliants Brilli ants all iliades sli ades former price our price bed spreads from yd ap empress debity warranted fast colors former price now ladies muslin night dresses faoro ap 10 pcs flemish lawns former price now loc 15 doz ladies ribbed Under vests was up 10 debity De mity former price now 10 t t f now 10 pcs linen lawn former price yd now 10 childrens t loc now 19 pcs white apron goods now 12 bolts bleach from now ac 10 pcs zephyr ginghams now luc 12 bolts lonsdale Slie eting was 5 pcs be d was 12 yd now loc bolts silk ribbon former price loc and now ac breeze dress Duck now loc pr ladies corsets from yd now oc yd up stipe lt ipe i iso pr misses slippers red black and tan to be sold for 6 doz mens sh rt at pr ladies 2 and 3 former price and 2 now 1 5 diz mens twilled pr fine french kid shoes A it jahnson Juh make worth 1 2502 shirts worth shirts striped former price now 5 and now sa 10 adz jersey Over shirts 1 and 1 25 until sold will go at pr aliases slices worth 2 and 3 pr boing at 1 25 d z forster price 1 l now price and sl infants pr slippers at pr 25 AZ suits ish rt and our price mens shoes furmer and drawers former price 81 75 pr heavy price now 10 doz gents keck liea was boc our price 1 15 doz gents neck tits was boc now 10 doz gents now soc bata firmer price 81 1 50 and 2 75 hairpins Hair pins for 5 ants 5 boac mens checked dumpere Jum pere forauer price our price boc 2 fur 1 5 our price 2 idez dress buttons for 5 3 childrens handkerchiefs for i ladies linen handkerchiefs f r gentsy cited handkerchiefs for overalls Oye ralls at 25 each devery an article will be sold just as advertised until july ast 1st tva |