Show stoman bank CITY UTAH U H T J KNIGHT LAWYERS rooms 1314 and 16 union block PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A KING ATTORNEY VT LAW rooms 6 and 7 bank building PRO VO CITY UTAH J W H AT LAW booma 11 and 12 coin and savings bank building UTAH THOMAS LAW block up stair UTAH S K KING attorney at law I 1 onis 1 2 3 nad 4 martins banff bd CITY UTAH E E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 baak building TROVO CITY UTAH D D attorney AT LAW 4 and 6 reed smoot block UTAH HOBERT ANDERSON AT liw rooms 4 and 5 reed smoot block UTAH J E att LAW 23 X J provo city at collection Ool lection agency office bank PAYSON CITY UTAH SAM JEP landscape sign painter PROVO UTAH coraor F and ath street W B CIVIL arri and water power plans special city surveyor Sarve of deputy U S mineral office at court house cily UTAH R G architect and superintendent PROVO J F HOYES M D physician ani excelsior block over pyne halbent Mal bent draz stora UTAH office fourr 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A SURGEON bioux residence 2 bane corner telephone no 45 office 0 o 28 atah PATENTS ind tie mart t is terail and al paint CUBIS in the P sat biao anil before the courtil promptly r 11 aurely receipt of babodi or tabeh tB eh oi in on lioni mako careful examination and as isec to ih fre et eti arce offles s directly across ram th patt cm oceana Oce and in ahe it Is abat I 1 hiyo apera i ta Will lios for prompt tar taw aaa ot tor tor to all to ray iare n the hortt rca ofies ta want n on aasi J B LITTELL V stool and attorney in patent daibes washington D 0 law room 15 back bonding centre st PROVO ciry UTAH E A WILSON boons 6 and 7 bank building urah CHAS F attorney adlaw room 9 bank PROVO CITY UTAH S H ALLEN sargeon 8 V W office at smoot brisk house 1 east of tabernacle PROVO ony UTAH fire insurance J of naw yon horwich union of loudon northern Nori hern of london kritich american of toronto national life ol 01 vermont life of des moice office at martina bank provo city utah ft 8 B L knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH IM the fim dt mountain kesort in alie west excellent hotel bood barthine Ba thine Fie hine huntine Hn ntine etc ncr better place to recruit your wonted vigor all trains at abia resort except no 4 train no 2 ilavee provo at H m no 6 at pm lave astilla no 1 at 1123 no 5 at no 3 at 9 ap m castilia hot springs co C K mr BEST lake ace delivered daily to any part of the city at HALF A CENT A POUND leave orders at grocery store or J W grocery store C A ALLEN tr proprietor i aad ande obtained obtain cd inci 11 art conducted for fcc i Us aad we can lecure in anno thea abo i remote frota i tseuk model or chotei wo artrie or noice of i cli arga alai cost usina I 1 i A tsi 1 i PATENT ct asmon Vs moN 0 C 5 fc W AE AN FOB ioa of appetite low spirit bad dyspepsia pleasant to the tsute and a favorite tonic with ancel THE DR J H act EAM IVED CO ST L ol HS al smoot drug co FIRST OF easha mm W K joich vice president GEO E F baarts D A cashier drawn on new york chicago san francieco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per inurn in and upwards PAPA a was most welcome because it was from pupa and especially because it contained good news theres good newa for in provo in our stock of stationery as crowded with elegance and no city as a cheatie when even standing room is at a premium why our stationery is at a premium with all who have an eye for the artistic we paper provo and that makes it the leading town in the state its also worth putting on paper fur u daily reminder that we lead in all wilting ad drawing materials blank books and school supplies arso soa aai Cs BASTE main st sail lake ally open from 7 to 8 5 per cent interest paid on de posits ol 01 or more and compounded four timea a year UTAH TITLE INSURANCE TRUST CO capital f full paid Y president W 6 mc ck vice A L secretary and to any oart of the city bock springs lump castle gate lamp pleasant valley lamp winter quarters lump rock spring nut leGate nut anthracite 1100 YARD 17 bmw agents PROVO commercial and savings PROVO CITY UTAH capital surplus DIRECTORS beed smoot prest D T dark vice broat john jonea james A bean roger farrer E R eldredge L J R general banking business transacted THE PEOPLES blacksmith general and wagon repairing done en the shortest notice HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY first class work at living prices Jt 1 blocks north let national bank provo city DAVID caa for prompt answer anil in honert opinion writa tc 31 U CO who ate butr teara experience to the patent aloni strictly A of in fand bow to ob tola teem lent a callona of lofta and book ant tree patent bukea munn co and t tann r widely ont cort to the inventor Bo lenAil PCT braet gra et weekly bu kiy fax tha aby in taft orra ba R tear coplea ant frea year single iia benta etcor ben platea in color nd of new hoam with gaiu enabling to show ur latt duleba mil contrael cont raef addran CO IW Garlic ld ath the union pacific will tun an excursion from all points in utah county to garfield beach and Sl tair you can have your choice special prom 1 l 75 spanish fork and provo pleasant grove american fork ind lehi 1 25 special train service leave A M AM juab mona lacfi view PI grove aso paydon am fork beniamin lehi 8 42 sp fork achi apt arriving Arri vinz nt salt aks at a m atrat daab debt in e no change of carb to for over filly yenn ans lor over fifty cef ri by millions of mothers lot their children while teething with perfect abc eess it soothes abe child softens the guia g uia U abin anres colic and Is the beet remedy for a it will relieve the poor little sold by druggists in every pan ot the world twenty five cents bottle be nure and ask for M r and ether kind excursion etli via the union pacific baly ard 3rd ard ath abe union pacific will beell excursion lionett to any point within SOO ailee at one fare good returning until efly ath second land seekers excursion via the union pacific june the the union pacific will cell round tup tickets to blackfoot idaho from 11 points in utah county at half rates who are in search ot new homes will find of goad land in the snake river valley under the peoples canal of which is pread dent J 23 for sale A 15 horse horizontal enema and upright boiler almoas new can be together or separately chrisp bv applying to P 0 box provo city parties 0 takane the city will do trell to call on the in for abe coat of connection lo 10 tha water main bates or any othi questions pertaining to coat and use ol 01 the city water answered by epa HOMES suda thai lame back can bo cured wit ur miles NERVE PLASTER only csc when baby was ria ire save her castori when she wu a child ehe cried for Ca atoria when she became misa duns to castoria waca she had ChU dreo sha fare them opera house S J J U GRAHAM manager evening july 1 efficient orchestra special scenery SUMMER PRICES 25 cents 50 cents 75 centa sets for gale at the opera house commencing saturday S a jones S J jane J 0 manager afie most successful american play yet written WEDNESDAY JULY 3 ONE performance ONLY clement famila new york company in augustas thomas masterpiece A story of the south with the same beautiful effects designed or the production nt A M halmers palmers Pal mers theatre new york TUB COMPANY frank 0 banes ethel trying clement bainbridge Bain bridga inez knowlton george B miller loniak V mcelroy L P hicks emyline arr charlea frank edward esaa charles moore prices 75 ac sale of seats opens tuesday at 10 a m PRICE 2 A BOX positively guaranteed to cure every cj et nasal catarrh catarrhal disease require both local end constitutional treatment direction for using dr G W shorts flou curative remedies in all catarrhal chronic dl seu if your have catarrh asthma bronchitis bay fever or any complicated e th not throat bronchial tube or lunes use dr G W shore catarrh cure cough cure and tonic and blood puri 1 fier to cure the catarrh stop the couch cleanse and puffy the blood the appetite and if complicated with kidney liver or bladder use dr G W shores kidney and liver cure ani in all cases take one of dr GW shores antt coa tl pills at bedtime if your trouble Is chronic and dp sated writ dr G W shores penio nally tor his new symptom list and have your case adlay and ret expert advice free dr 0 W shore tonic nd blood cla ansis and purifies the blood givs strength and vigor cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseases price 1 per bottle dr 0 W shore kidney and liver cure cures all diseases of the kidneys liver and bladder price 1 per bottle dr Q W shore cough carr cum all coughs colds and bronchial affections on dose win stop spasmodic croup keep a bottle in the house larz lie bottles dr 0 W mountain oil stops the wont pain in one minute for headache toot bicht neuralgia cramps or colic use it externally and internally ter nally prevents and cures diphtheria if used lo 10 time keen a bottle handy price dr Q W shore destroy intestinal worms and removes the tittle round nest when they batch and breed it never falls pric a bout dr 0 W shore salve cirei an fils eases of the skin removes red spots and black pimples from the face heal old sons in price 25 a box dr 0 W antl pua cures chronic constipation sick headache and bellou attacks price a bottle these famous remedies are prepared only by doctor G W shores alons medical institute salt lake city utah for eale by smart go provo utah r DR ginns 03 COLDS 33 AKU best for children Cb ildren to and no danger in m over doM sold aio t bottle md br DR co philadelphia P sod by excelsior arna faint co abia r ia a diirr cure tor rheuena tiam leading Le adine indigestion catarrh chronic cea palpitation of taft heart and all kif ne and marvona troi blea towels and washed by empire laundry OS r 3 I 1 y PIERCE loca ted in basement on J street under brovo hardware and iron co cigars guaranteed in all cases NAME OF BRANDS biby free silver 16 to I 1 billy pierces leader also perfect model PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY CITY UTAH successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and 6 flooring xa ha lumber order scroll sawing and turning done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and aard opposite R E depot P 0 box 79 telephone no 20 J JOU U I 1 R HT T ir T EJ bjoro OrO manufacturers of and dealers in Fir birdi di li OL VIOLO 3 all ii clava A oam ai 1 fl oom asad tsar us JW |