Show by unsightly skin and blood diseases Is there hope of cure Is the greatest of skin purifiers As well as blood purifiers because of its peculiar action on the PORES it is successful in curing torturing disfiguring humiliating humors when the usual remedies and even the best physicians fail entirely vegetable innocent and effective it especially appeals to those who have suffered long and hopelessly it acts upon the liver kidneys and bowels as well as upon the skin and blood its use at this season insures a clear skin and pure blood As well as sound bodily health it is the only purifier acting on the skin and blood at the same time bold throng hont the world price tac CORP sole boton doir to care skin and blood humor tree ca hair mcd alm ilm pie baby prevented by if tired ac blaff rn othera knew the comfort and vitality in plater they sever b without them 6 me time ago I 1 taken rick with a cramp in the stomach followed by diarrhea I 1 took a couple ol 01 chamber laina colic cholera and rem ady and was immediately relieved I 1 consider it the best medicine in the martet for all euan complaints I 1 have gold toe remedy to others aim who gaea it highly W valley center ofal for hole by smoot drue co or prices cream baking bowd f fair modal mod 3 illy ath pacific run the first train out of the are first to reach salt lake and the lake resort equipments fast tima t children cry for pitchers cassorla Ca storla highest of all in leavening power latest US goat report afe yio M for charity ereth long mrs laura C phoenix ala Sf atron of a benevolent and knowing the good dr miles haa done me my wish to help others overcomes my dislike for the publicity this letter may give me in nov and dec 1833 the inmates had the Li aGrippe and I 1 was one of the first resuming duty too soon with tho care of so many sick I 1 did not regain my health and in a month I 1 became so debilitated and from sleeplessness and the drafts made on my vitality that it was a it I 1 could so on A dear friend advised me to try jr milea bervine Ker vine 1 took 2 bottles and am happy to say I 1 am in better health than fiver I 1 still continue atu occasional use OB a benm food aa my work Is very trying A letter addressed to milwaukee als will me june mba LAURA 0 dr miles Is sold on a positive that the first bottle will benefit all druggists aall it at tl 6 bottles for 5 or it will be sent prepaid pre paid on receipt of prica by tho dr miles co elkhart Elk bart jand dr miles restores health B CODS PILLS cure liver ills constipation sti pation biliousness j andice eik headache indigestion clr pain pills one cent a dra outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND FOB all kinds of miners supplies giant powder caps and fuse fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 box 1166 SALT LAKE oita ejoy both the method and results when syrup of figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figa is the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita affects prepared only from the moat healthy and agreeable substances its daany excellent qualities commard it to all and have mada it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale in andl bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who baynot have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG CO SAN FRANCISCO can OW KV bosk HV KANU TO no of cars i july ath union I 1 THE peoples lisea special train service leave AM bound trip fare juab sa 25 nephi mona 7 04 santaquin San 7 26 payson 1 75 benjamin 1 75 spanish fork 1 65 8 04 au f fet 1 50 provo 1 50 lake view 1 50 pleasnat Plea saat grove 8 30 american fork 1 25 lehi lehi junction 1 25 arrive salt lake 9 35 returning leave salt lake 10 p m trains leave salt lake for the beach every conr fare to salt lake will be less than rates to the beach special programs all kinds of sports bathing never better remember the union pacific gives you your choice of resorts buy tickets via T P K B first class equipment fast time Is the only house in town that handle the BEST wagons mowers hay rakes binders 2 lows 1 ALL kinds OF knives and sections binding twine and haying tools ave money by galling ANDREW EGGERTSEN mgr A itol our goods are not 16 times as good for the money as the goods other merchants sell hut they are twice as good as you find in other stores OUR specialties THIS WEEK ARE Sat teens worth now loats lawns worth now loats beautiful cashmere sublime worth have you seen that beautiful the latest for summer dresses a combination of cotton silk and linen a yard now only 20 acts COME THIS WEEK SURE jones conn and wish to state in a modest way that we have opened up with the direct products of our own factory and have appointed as our agent at provo MR HUBERT SINGLETON who has on band now at the old oo op clothing jdell stand a fina and well assorted lino of LADIES MISSES and SHOES alao oar WELL KNOWN and POPULAR of MENS SHOES for tb manufacture of which we have been first prize medals wherever exhibited all baesa goods are new and fresh from the factory aap that the prices like the goods are standard ly boot and shoe manufacturer of utah H SINGLETON agent DOORS WINDOWS and FRAMES ornamental CORNICE PORCH and STAIR WORK Lr TURNING and SCROLL WORK telephone no 32 UTAH ALE FOR WEEK 0 POOP cipho copt tiro i I 1 3 lalli um w allol wl 1 S 3 f ay a y ra ia lay ay la A y perhaps like to know why we sell goods for which we claim so much at such prices we can do it because we do a strictly cash business nothing abeson gb eson the books in charges and every sale means that much ready cash to use the secret it will pay you to call and look over our elegant stock and get our ances A H r fl ir jl I prof J J mcclelian of the michigan university school of music ia home daring the vacation he will give a coarse 0 twelve weeks piano and cr gaa lessons in provo those desiring to study ander him mav meet or address him at skelton COB look store he will be in provo tuesdays aad prices moderate apply immediately lw dr prices cream baking powder gold medal midwinter fair san franasco Frand male help wanted 2 n n to 1500 PEB DAY at homo Lish ninE plater aua plating table ware etc every house has coeds deeding plating no DO capital no talking some agents are making 25 a day position address H K delno Colun iboa ohio |