Show hut time in denyer CHICAGO june 28 A special from denver colo bays the fight for an in dependent water service or a redaction of the prices exacted lor the present service which w as made an issue of the spring election culminated last evening in the of an ordinance submitted by an alderman charged to be in the pay of the union water conci pany for eight hours the aldermen satin the council in front of an in diamant malti tade of citizens who threatened them with lunching lynching lyn ching if they carried out the plan contemplated for the passage of the ordinance A force 0 forty policemen and a score ot city detectives were in the room and they were expected to interfere if it came to toe worst A rooe was shown oy the crowd and its aaa was called for when alderman emery changed his vote from the aide of the taxpayers to that cf the water company there ivas a ansh to the rail between the crowd and the aldermen ant one I 1 of the citizens representatives representative a in the on a chair and begged the crowd to allow the proceedings to go on in an orderly fashion the crowd hooted and for a time there seemed no of the crowd back freoa exec ntina its vengeance on emery alderman leet one of the minority then addressed addren sed the crowd them anat it would be impossible foi the aldermen to DABS ane ordinance at the meeting BO that it would be effective and told them it donld have to go to the board of supervisors and then to tbt mayor before it donld become a law |