Type | issue |
Date | 1893-09-08 |
Paper | Provo Daily Enquirer |
Language | eng |
City | Provo |
County | Utah |
Rights | No Copyright - United States (NoC-US) |
Publisher | Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah |
ARK | ark:/87278/s60s0sm1 |
Reference URL | https://newspapers.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s60s0sm1 |
Article Title | Advertisements, Notices, and Articles |
Type | advertisement |
Date | 1893-09-08 |
Paper | Provo Daily Enquirer |
Language | eng |
City | Provo |
County | Utah |
Page | 4 |
Creator | Jensen, Joseph, 1868-1938; Kirkwood, R. C.; J. H. C.; A Subscriber; McCauslin, Jesse B., 1860-1909; Brimhall, George H. (George Henry), 1852-1932; Jensen, J. Marinus (Jens Marinus), 1868-1945 |
Contributors | Richfield advocate |
OCR Text | Show 0 i I 1 4 1 IF I 1 X al f I 1 1 I 1 DAMY DAILY ENQUIRER ESQ inREE FRIDAY 8 1893 JOHN 0 GRAHAM Manage MiLria gelL fc tax aaa Ex QuInnis T lentone numb bomber or is ill 27 local mention in this column SO centa per line each insertion axy v and changes must most be a ant to tur office not later than 10 a m to secure luser anber on same dav mail bervice MAILS cratit U r P salt halt lata lake cloel 1 ja a in 01 IU U P golde south P la 15 a a ft G W going east djs a in 11 RO 0 W V going cortri 80 am P coins north 9 40 ro in ai aa and ogden east 01 1020 pm P m kaaina a and ogden wa weal 9 pm MAILS 0 salt bait like lake 9 sa in B U G W the west a HOW B 0 W the east 9 05 in sal biilna n it and ogden oden from west ill at flail balana and ogden from east SZ 8 AI pm p m closed P ponca 0 nen from salt lake 6 30 p m U ol 01 11 31 mau all from rom bouth So utti V M OFFICE HOURS the general deli delivery Tery stamp and registry windows open at 8 a in and close at t P pm in the tha money order window opens at in and cloas at 4 p in on sunday the general delivery an find d fa windows are dpn fraai 12 m to 1 p in postmaster I 1 provos woolen products product myron tanner esq agent of the provo worlen woolen mills milla was in town last week making arrangements to place the products of those mills milla directly into the hands of the poop leopla without the assistance of middle men to the extent of he proposes to allow the farmers 70 cents per bushel buebel for their wheat delivered at the mills milla at provo to be paid for in woolen goods such a as they may need this seems to be a very goad eod eo d idea ae the farmers can load up their teams when they ther haye have little r else to do and take a trip to provo and secure good and nd substantial clothing for themi themselves elve a and families miliea fa when they would probably be idling away the time at home this will be ba doing for themselves a good food thins thing and at the same time helping home industry which everybody knows is ia the duty of 0 every individual to do if he hag ban the good of his bis country at heart this will not interfere with the merchants whorish who wish to carry barry a line of these goods as guttler cattler brothers will carry on the wholesale business as a usual we hope both people and merchants will taken take a lively interest enters st in home industry richfield Richlie ld advocate the true laxative principle of the plants used in manufacturing the pleasant remedy syrupy of figs has a permanently benefi beneficial clai effect oo on the human system while the cheap abeal vegetable extracts and mineral eola eions usually sold as medicines are permanently injurious being well informed inlo raed i you yoa will use nae the true remedy only manufactured by the california fig syrup co for itie worlds world fair by bv arrangements the sio rio ern em railway will run through cars care from salt lake and other utah points direct to the worlds fair passing through scenery unrivaled on any railway in we world elbrant now new day cars and boft most modern palace blee bleeders pers will be ba assigned to this special service no efforts will be spared to make trip to the worlds fair a never to be for gotten journey of lux luenona ease and pleasure tauro rates batea via yi the K G W will 91 be 0 as low As the lowest call at the ticket office for COPY of worldon fair illustrate f t I 1 I 1 1 1 High riye at sprIngy ille correspondence the parlors of the boyer house were last night the scene of enjoyment mote than ihan thirty of young men and smiling 9 young damsels met by invitation of mr ind and mra MIS P A H boyer to todar tic in a progressive high five party ln in honor bior of their son harry who goes to lo 10 logan gan to attend colleg 5 miss khoda arhoda douall won the first firby a silver treasure box OL of rare beauty miss clara hall received the booby prize a childs tin diate in informal lunch was served shoot about nid night mrs alexander rend rendered Gred one of her favorite pieces to the delight of all present A sept 6 1893 A quarter century test for a quarter of a century dr kings new discovery aas been tested and the millions mil liona who have received benefit from its use testify y to its wonderful curative powers in all diseases ot Of Throat chest cheat and lungs A remedy that has baa str od the test so BO lonz long and that has given so sa universal satisfaction is w no experiment each bottle is ii positively guaranteed to give relief or the mone money will be refunded it atia is admitted I 1 10 0 be the most reliable fer far coughs and golds colds trial bottles free at smoot drug co large size and 6 alumni A meeting of the officers of the B Y A alumni association will bs be held tit at the B Y academy room 9 on tue i day dai evening at 3 all are re ra q quested to be pres present nt G 3 H preat J 31 jax R cor sec secy I 1 territorial jots jois the critic an amorine organ ban baa made its its slips arance in salt lake J Y bigelow has been apt appoint d 1 a postmaster at helper heiner emery co I 1 sa g r ig hiep ae e hood bill for litah in the ahe univ hn 1 Thir th irskay sJay aba gravity sewer of salt lake is jaus 1 i ag 1 ahat 3 t city some trouble city Eugine Ec gincer ei coreina Po reina tia has refused to certify ertl fr to the work of the last if f 34 OW 00 bine according accordi Dg to contract i tire whirling un fever has entered a family of seven persons in lawrence Lawr etim kan han father and mother and five children fi are supplied with bicycles bicycler and are out almost every even evening in a tt kroup grona riding around town on their wheels WELL WORTH corti I A GLANCE WILLIAM PENNs will is in the possession of frank T sabin of phu philadelphia a i sr au champagne was first mode made by petrus Per Ignon a mauiri who died in in 1 7 I 1 7 1 ai 11 d T z I 1 X 1 I 1 ballard baliarda Bali ards in kaow 6 balgie lit this invaluable remedy la i bh one that angut to to be in e every v ery it will cure care your in N neuralgia eural ja sprains giitl bruised Bru isea bursa floated feet a na fa S r TI Tj troit rt r t sore Z or s chest cheat if ou 1 v L lamp P bark it will ill cure it 1 I p rs strates ti t it 0 fleat e seat of the di diet spase ase 1 it will cure aff fr coias ayin a aub contracted rum cles after alie rall all other re remedies ne have failed those who have bays been cr cripples aples for years veira have bave used ballards ballard a snow liniment sad thrown away their crutches and been able to walk wak as aa well as ever jt will care you yon 50 cents eaid ld by smoot drug co I 1 I 1 notice of As assignee signie I 1 botiz e i is hereby e given alren that julius jensen doina business 3 aa a jeweler in provo city cit utah has haa ilmy colvet convened ed and aasin pl t to th ond the me stock of ct w n hand tog ether with hie hia india jua t pr erty not exempt from ex execution cution for the of his bis creditors credi torB 1 arte havin claims atai litt said julius jensen arnould anould present them to the and underpinned under erp ignec pinned and all those in debated to him finold r betle with the undersigned undersigner under signed at the place of business busi neBS lately occupied by said julius jensen i jozefa joeie n JESSEN assignee pitovao aug 27 1893 notice or of assignee S otice notice is 13 hereby given that joseph T mcewan and isaac H mcewan ace wan lately partners doing in provo uita as aa merchants under the firm nime of mcewan co have duly conveyed and assigned to the the property of said firm and their individual property not exempt from ex es the liene benefit fit of their creditors without preference Credi creditors tord of said firm will therefore present to the he under signed their demands for payment and all persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm will call and make settlement of said eaid indebtedness with the be undersigned undersigner under signed at the place of business lately occupied b by y said 1 id firm fr in provo city E R 0 KIRKWOOD assignee uiles milea nerve ana guiver pills act on a now new principle the liver stomach and bowels chronin the nerves A now new discovery dr miles mil lea PUs pills spee dilly cure core billious nesa ness bad teate te jle torpid liver piles constipation unequaled f for or men women chilgren chi luren smallest mildest surest barest 1 I 60 50 doses 25 can cents ts sam samples ples free freean at I 1 ane malben advent of free trade behold the waveless wave lesa ocean wide of free trade covers covers all 91 the land its ita glassy surface tide engulfs our conr hopes on evera hand band look in the mirror of free trade the bad reflection it reveals of bankruptcy and ruin made by idle looms and dormant wheels when factories spin and miners minera delve nhep shuttles fly aad a nd advis rit rii e az when am eltera rj roar front twe va to twelve free traders cry A king I 1 a king I 1 when patriot heroes dil behilo the rho kingly tyrant tr trodden down and when his bis fame fadie shown bright as aa gold did washington exact a crown 7 when lee surrendered birthe south unto no power could stem when rebel adbel fires brea bad flickered out did grant demand a diadem oh no i my friends this V cannot annot be I 1 no monarchs alai nag shall be on nn y thestira The Stara fold the tha tree free and benm the king kine fx from out etli the world T T H BC 0 Moli toba sept 11 f I 1 abl e I 1 ia s Q it I 1 4 N P 11 5 24 2 I 1 ku balsir aril 1 tr fl M d sally gailya A savior h has begun began suit 13 id f k divorce against robert robart E taylor joseph 8 wins wing wants a divore I 1 from franse A 0 D A M U wine probably on mccoun t of the name john S groeser Groes hr k I 1 to try legally to recover f om bariou coahn Cof linar ar a valuable etal linn 1 mayer S asconi ii n b ia finx on mt t i it j B U wi oi ei ni al for tilt foreclosure of a 2700 itic rivage HEADACHE F AND DIZZINESS F frequent causes of and parc lysis the most moat recent ard and D profound cofou nd re searches in this lire dire lion tion by i specia specialists lists arvo developed core kusiv ely that the ai isia frequently result in death rr verma next disability dit ability dr miles mil es restorative Ner vint is 19 the he greatest remedy for either of these apparently i causes nothing sr ac oro aclus it in merit mrs W V deburns EB urns of sauth bend ind who had suffered Bufi pred from constant headache for three months was cured by it the daughter of daniel myers brooklyn michhal mich bad had been insane tor for ten years and was having baying from 15 ta 25 fits a day cured her of both fits and insanity sold bold on a guarantee by pyne evne maibec got get a booz boo z free 4 reduced rates the rio granilo grand western lias again arii adiv reduced rates to all points east to missouri river points sioux uty CAY to kansas city one way 2503 2500 roq round trip to st louis lonia lie one way 30 round trip to chicago aeo one way round trip provo to chicago and return 61 00 lobi fool until nov kov for r returning n i dg to denver colorado springs and pueblo one coneway way 1600 round trip asoo one way tickets limited to continuous passage round trip tickets limited to continuous passage in both directions with a final limit of 30 dab from date of sale except those vur purchased chased to Chicago and return at the rate stop tiptop over will be allowed ed on an these at colorado points or west thereof shortest and fastest line to all points east baat see here scandinavians scandinavian tailor P A hansen haneen will do all kinds of tailor wo k at moderate prices and take in payment all kinds of produce wheat potatoes cutter pork beef etc am shop two blocks north of the 1101 railway way station omi str et el in m andrew knudsine residence fittane and work guaranteed I 1 utah day alume 1 the following pro pm gramme will be i renders rendered tomorrow evening aith terree aree coic Tt in tho the Ti tabernacle bernacle I 1 1 hymn page I 1 2 hymn pace g Z lord of our Life J H R bushard boshard 4 th the chapel male chorus 5 altherr An let the moun mountain taini ONO ah c I 1 for ajoy joy 6 doxology I 1 ag I 1 I 1 hair death a i T tw instantly removes and forever destra destroys Vs y i ovea ble hair whether apon po the it j hands face arms a or neck without wi hout disco Q i coloration ari or injury to the most y r still n it wis for or piny ny years tl 1 for s tia wilson j r ledred by 07 as t e highest t i authority ail i 1 the mot most eminent der t t and hair specialist that abat pi T ever lived during his private practice ti a 7 of a ide time ppe and m ii r t ui nu upa J 2 by y 1 I eack packed e confidential fid W 5 bole 1 A AS i ats lor america cit address I 1 the hokum boot hair grower co i dept R 67 57 south avenue new york 1 r T M T I 1 5 trl t A e L S zm 77 arr I 1 tt v 10 ap af i 4 hg i 1 enty aty sent to the vienna vienia workhouse no as a vagrant last week ui upon au her bet avow ment mint that her would not support hai her shi she Is th the widow of n u millionaire and mother of the privy councillor baron reden eeden tue THE heir to the throne of austria accompanied by a prince and two counts will be in this country early in the autumn he is archduke francis r ferdinand er dinand d deste I 1 este he is a young unmarried man and one story has it that he is traveling around the earth in search of a wife idian felidi en cry for Pit pitchers chess Z X sen ien aby assy v vas as sick WB gave cai her Ca castora Casto rit le he TBs T m B a chi id J she sha L cried led for or Castor ls tasi ae clung to castallo castirla Ca Cas tarLo isca sach ul children she paye castoria Cast orif reduction reductio n in rates kates via union pacific ky ity to ta Mi missouri river points sioux C city ity to kansas city one way 2500 round trip to st louis missouri one way 30 round trip 49 50 to chicago one on way round trip to ro denver cheyenne colorado sprinza springs and pueblo one way 1600 round trip 2800 one way tickets limited to continuous passage round trip tickets limited to contin continuous U 0 us passage in both directions with a 11 final na 1 limit of 30 days from date of sale QUICKEST AND BEST avs to above joints tf E TOMMY jommy FLAGLE EY T of bucyrus Bu cyrus crawled into a twelve inch pipe and stuck there then the pipe and tommy were dipped in oil until both were thoroughly lubricated and he slipped out of the country hotels economize gas by putting on small gas burners in the rooms the expert encee traveler circumvents this economy in carrying in his satchel a gas fitters pincers and an assortment of gas tips which give a good light GUNNS 9 I 1 0 L IYER n AX L 8 A MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE dorm A movement bowels each day dar 1 ii nee na cenary cwi Vs ira these auprly w cyst tin I 1 tz zut it they cure U h b a atie byes md and clr apa the U br better t thin b lin coa atti they am auldry neither tripe nor aur acken ai wip t CUU L do T to aw yea ct th their meriu mgt T w wm iu mu f diw 0 or r U rau box for EB 25 bentt S SL aa L X CC utia fe F sold bold by pyne fe Maili maiben ert I 1 booth co undertakers XAV tty A 4 full fall line lina of andrit Und rit asral si os I 1 WHOLESALE ANI AND RETAIL 0 it i walnut Ito rosewood sewood and burl ua ca keu and coane of all sizes ux AIR TIN aa arling tho iba cantal Oa aboia orders by mail or dispatch prompt r 6 end d ro 0 o liberal discount given to the trade mmae two doors north of bank provo olty city cluff chiff sooth booth and co I 1 tobacco aers sniffle sometime when told that tot tobacco iacco hurts burts them their crivea never do because shattered nerves weast weak eyes chronic catarrh and lost manhood man hood tells the story etory if y your our husband uses tobacco yon you want him to quit post yourself about no ro bac oe wonderful harmless guaranteed to bacco habit cure by nir for our little book titled dont tobacco spit and smoke your life away anav 11 mailed free druz stores store generalli general lv sell ell noto no to bac THE STERLING REMEDY CO |
Reference URL | https://newspapers.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s60s0sm1/1481668 |