Article Title |
Rio Grande Western Railway Current Tiem Table |
Type |
article |
Date |
1893-09-08 |
Paper |
Provo Daily Enquirer |
Language |
eng |
City |
Provo |
County |
Utah |
Page |
2 |
Creator |
Dodge, David C. (David Child), 1837-1918; Welby, A. E., 1855-1909 |
OCR Text |
Show 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 gidde 4 1 I 1 51 WESTERN I 1 RAI I 1 tn I 1 standard ganee CURRENT TIMETABLE TABLE ta ln abin LEAVE provo no 2 for castilla cabrilla CaB lilla grand junction and paints east am no ao 4 ajor kor irad grand junction inaction and points east pia no 6 for eureka Springy springville Spring ville ille thistle and salina alma ti pm so no 1 for salt lake ogden lehi Aine american rican fork and the west a in so 3 salt bait lake ogden ara am furk fork and lehi and the west 1020 p in no 6 5 for american rork I 1 lehi le bingham junction and salt lale lake pm ARRIVE AT PROVO no 1 from eureka grand G an d J unction anu easl am a m no 0 o 3 from grand Ju junction ution castilla and east 1020 pm no 5 from salina sal M a manti I 1 ue U stilla 1 j 6 pring ville 42 20 pm tee MR au ao 2 from salt filut like lake ogden y W Awe rican folk foik and lehi lebi and the west 94 am no 4 from salt and the west no 6 from lait bait lake ii pm leni lehi american bulz 1 aik oik pan p in train au u 3 2 we tte atlantic flyer leay leav ing ine provo at a m cOd cochetti hetti at pueblo with the east bo bonaud d train ul ol the 0 K R I 1 P i and missouri a I 1 iud ad tiac havea close connect connection iou a at t denyer with lasi gaet bound trains traina of the bar lingan and santa fd fa routes no 4 the atlantic express leaving provo prove at 9 p m make hakea close connection at Pi pueblo leblo with the fast east bound flyer of the C R I 1 p at denver danver ich kith the burlington route and at colorado springs with through fast train to chicago Chi caKO this train carriea car rieti tho the only through pullman sleepers to chicago forra For raea es tickets andall information call on 0 B R alej alay ticket agent provo Pro or J H bennett G P 1 ri A aj fiala lake city no change of cars can safety speed and comfort D 0 A E geal benl bupt supt |
Reference URL | |