Show TILE IE september issue of the utah j I 1 4 1 i 1 I 1 i I 1 I 1 ili mm az I 1 magazine afir our t table able tn it J 31 has eal an all article on who tha bible it is an answer swei tola to ir U OT TEsa article in a former issue the higher criticism of the tidied bible fur r do s bonor to himself and credit to the ibe subject handled bandied lie HB shows a conTer conversancy sancy with the bistor 1 ci c I features of the bible which must maat have made the preparation of the present article a pleasure leasure ur dr article is dwarfed by mr STo iams effort suspended bank the commercial batio national nal has resumed business ile one ol oi the two suspended Bus banks of this city has already resumed and the other will begin business in af a faw aw days utah has great et strength tr i enath when it cornea comes to finances and ogden and provo are two of th the ebest bast cities in utah their zed zeal foli fo greatness in the past has probably caused them to slightly over overstep the bbunds of prudence but our or people have loarn learned some that booms booma cities I 1 |