Show THE OUTLOOK I 1 it is pleasing pl easice to know that trade trad 9 throughout the country la is somewhat reviving the tha movement of the crops will of course tend to ease the financial strain for a time but it will not put in motion the wheels of the factories and from our mills closing down come A number 0 of f unemployed men today but there has baa been bean a needless lack of confidence among the people e ro re salting in a vast amount of money being hoarded that tha should not have been the banks were afraid to loan for fear their terror stricken depositors might matke uin te t e a run inn on them and other men of muney money placed it in strong vaults as though they feared fiat atiat the very existence of this government might not long continue brich anch a scare was of course without any justified cause none can well blame factories for closing down when he remembers what u n destructive menace is the victory last fallon the platform adopted at chicago to lie industries of the country but the industrial situation is entirely different and distinct from the th e financial panic the latter was waa started ly unscrupulous bankers in wall street with some sinister motives iu in view of course their drawing the financial string aggra aggravated vatel the industrial criss crisis i ibfred re is esuo no d doubling c that iboa but it weva ff r r r 6 gs 6 lilt u sauao VC industrial disturbances T HE has continued to assert ashe that no financial legislation either for or against silver remedy the present para fara lysis lysia of the country it might ag private or mitigate er as the case might be the industrial disease buc it could not eradicate it tariff I 1 legislation i egis oihi oc the proper tao d or rather the assurance that there will be no further tinkering with the tariff would have the desired effect now that the democrats have so to tried their hand on silver let us Z lee if the tee prosperity thele the leaders adorS of the virly airy predict t will come back |