Show MARSHALS SALE Pur pursuant to two tiro writs writa of execution to me directed by the first judicial district court of the territory of utah I 1 shall expose at public sale at the front fron dour door of tho county court house in the cita of provo county of Utah Territory 0 utah on the be day of september A D the hour of eleven aleven a in all of ci the right title titie claim and interest of S S jones of in and to the following described real estate situate alyine and being in utah county and described as follows to wit commencing at the south east corner of mock fifteen 15 plat B provo city of building lots iota thence west on line of sald said block one hundred and thirty eight feet parallel with the west line of lot onel and eight 8 of said block one hundred and thirty two feet thence east at right angles and parallel with north lindof said lot eight 8 six 16 1 feet thence north parallel with the west line of said lot eight 8 sixty six 66 east on north ling of said ja easl lite lot 0 t eight eig renu 8 one and thirty I 1 T two feet thence south on east line of said block fifteen 15 one hundred and ninety nineta eight feet to place of begin inz containing an area of 63 5 equale rods also alfo an aa undivided three fourths interest in the fo following lowing described piece ef cf land to wit Pom commencing at the worth north west correr of lot eight 8 9 in said block fifteen 15 plat B provo city Is urvey survey of building lots thence south sixty six ba 66 fleet feet fast fait at right angles sixty six 66 feet north parallel with west line six 06 beet to north line of said 8 thence west on said line sixty six eix 66 feet to place of beginnings beginning la in provo city utah county utah territory Terri torr to be sold a the he property of ki B S jones at tte mil of the utah county bounty ap brt i ings bank NAT M BRIGI MiX U B S Mara marshal lial by THOMAS FOWLER deputy dated sept ath I 1 |