Show NOTICE i ane t tie probate court la in and lor for utah county il la in the M maftei 1 afef af ol 01 the estate of john kigel deceased I 1 V udar dr appoInt ur time ilma and place placa for settle battle 1 I men ul udal and ana to near petition for on reding re diric and fillus the i il a joun joan I 1 bobul executor exe cator ol at to toe e eute of 1 I otna bige deceased teng etling alorth azat tie no la iia hied died his bis cinat t of ill tila 3 upon sala gala sute ute ui in tills luuri i taa all the debu at saw saiu dc ceased have been 1 tally I 1 ly pal thaud that a par jiuu 01 we bald bauco Aias to 1 te arvidd toe lae bedrit at said becea ed and tug liuo it abhi iulus for or nn an ord older r aej id rt uj an baj ui f d or ol tuv th it and eato the persons eu entitled euttU titLed ed it ia I 1 ri ordered dered ilat at all I 1 persons in tle as isaie I 1 tile blaa jiin higgs deceased Cec Ce eusea ceased kerod ra the predate cow cam tor 10 ul 1 ul il al tali in cuhrt bounk ol of act bold court la fit abe caunt bourl kiunke on jue fue 2 gh ui dy day 0 1 ept enle ten ua am an uda mere r to bauw 0 w cius cause any au aloa alojuy ing jug sat sali fill flugl liso ace C u ant ui u von should noi jim nitride ol 01 lite I 1 tie residue ol 01 it hung acini audr aud devise sot of he be said jobu dec eastO according tu to law K Is further orde reil that thi cier cause came notice to be la in oliree publia 10 in ia in aud and u 1 copy af tiu tills order tu be putli hid in T i lii ie a printed primed aud alatau in U tali count County lour jour sue ce prior lc ic said ol of depre tr jsu I 1 JA J J ON 98 dated dated aug aue lal L alati 1 ea hl V coulty u t y j 1 V 1 au i hda r bleik ol of the iio probate bate auit 0 artsie u AZU ACU luc ut omitty Terri territory toty ol of u lau berday certify thal elie ue lor nolue is is a sul ii truo aud curmel copy 01 ol dixe me original on inaI orde order r tand add aai buce bace r fur ur k a Z arat m nt ui i a a t ar Pe 1 u ot 1104 otta I 1 I 1 it 14 tle the emte 4 juau uga g lg d aeed ad d e aubut record lu my i 51 11 my leil eil S r A a 01 d I 1 almly rit doiy la in bovo i alti it j this is I 1 alth d dy aay Y ot I 1 AUA ule A 1 I 1 V iday cleair pa ol 01 tn jhb courts f I 1 ulan foutty at 1 LEGAL TICE 1 n at me probate court in and for utah comity territory 1 tury of wan ulan n nib mailer 01 lue cata of n samael brafa I 1 or urier ier time and i nd place fora j ment ul of fiade t near bear toe lor on oa reading r ding and all filing ing the petition of john E booth oi aimuel yr belling LQ torta aus tt ff ed jan linal of hl biou utia astute in ellid i the dibin di bin af u bald decal deceased tied haw hairat ben been finlly ly pila pa d at bit a ponlan ol 01 al estal tall reni iun iff attune abe nears bt aud and praying pray lufi araug arau ai io g other things lor au an order allowing said and af distribution alth ica hta the he persons entitled v ufa ii is or deTtl v 4 gi the be estate ul of mud aid samuel prate prat deceased dece asea be and lupear bar tile ibe Piu baite court of at ellb outa court laid kud cann baz n inn L bunty court house houa on it il aa A day of abit enber ut 10 oclo cit at A in mi qa leu ea aut there canue an order allowing wa aco aca jant junt ard at 01 11 abe residue 0 ot f wild estate atoot g alit fliers flirt rg an aad 41 devises of at the swa said 1 t amuel rasit deceased according accordi ic to lw ll it id that the clerk cause canio lu 11 ll to be ba pouted in milie places in UL lt county and L copy ot of wis una arder be Publik hou lu in THIC a newspaper printed and ui int sidd utah cout tiou four weeks week prior tj itald said day vf ul ber 1993 J JD D i JONES 0 N arob 6 J pd dated august 12 1883 1993 territory ut of utah county ot of utah igo 1 V L H wid Y clerk ot at the tha probate j diuri lu in alla tur utah county th dreby b raby cecilly that the Jore joing la is a ul ua true irue aud and of 01 the u a place fur for sed le ineil 1 ul 1 alual e arid and U lo 10 t ir million llalon tor for da r ebu on ion in the ali eatto eat to oab of b a muel 1 stait decensi daud daod now ou on the aud ui oi beco jeco cecora rd lu in my amae ile mv v hand ind the seal of said probate cour ut t aay obice in hal L 15 it day ni AU AH A L u loaa V la of ake court ute county 9 T I 1 LEGAL NOTICE 1 1 I 1 I 1 farais prowls cogut lo 10 and for utah county jp ahti 0 of I 1 tile me estate ot joseph Josep lif deceased udar tm mit and lor for settle fau ha ani I 1 to near bear poti petition tion L tura ibri to un on lendich and filing the petition of emma jones vs i the eshaw of ile leccas jeaa ai ellitia jo t tn cinat tiie hile aa her amin I 1 u iril pu 6 aada estate la in this court wen I 1 I 1 q 7 liidi net it ruf sald said estate hv vua amly iraldi aft dinata tua a portion bonjon onjon il 1 tl taia h t T 6 to b be e aided divided amock iha heirs beirs ol of said cald dec ased d pray ing asiong otner lor an order r anuw lan ing kala and ol of the iha resta resti Tuo or of sald raid estate among the persons persona W e AS art frt y j persons ln sted in 11 the tsie ts ie ut ot the ibe il buxton a dobeas ceas ed d be aug aud appear belury ane P froddie efto t e e cout dol u bof of abe ahr azila con 0 kajut 1 U utah lull ut lit tile court caurs boom ROO ut ol of OIL 1 ili ule me countr court house on the 9 11 oay gay of r 1691 at 10 a m then and aad luere to cause why a an il order 4 flowing bild final account and 01 ol of d lion buld not b bo ade cl cf the lue i resume 3 W or gf bald astute among the heirs and lenses rj je efti ue a law sat t joeph deceased deceja ed ac according cordin to a it Is further litber ordered that lite ilia clerk bauge naces noi ces to be posted in three I 1 JU in liaa comity anil a copy ot of thu order be luz a printed ar and ul a beu in utah ulan C county 0 anty t tour ur wit y prior to cadd tim 01 ol 01 r 1883 X J JD 1 JONEa I baj I 1 probate idd jule ze dalea AF U 1993 J utah W 1 v I 1 y NL L clerk oathir or probate foottit in ana WW conaty territory ot of htiu le I 1 tuat aba fur ogain I 1 g to a tall lull t I 1 lie had correct copy or of tn lb original aai order he appu ur time and place of truit i account arid andla ito p for dim trib ution of the ihn ethaw tai of joceph buxton baxton do de ceaser offida aud un on file ale and of at fecura in my witness jn and afie abe seal of sail ald court leal at al ray k kia day dal af august A P D jwj V V JL clork of abo 00 coart ut ceratti V U T |