Show i TRUSTEES SALE whereas areas I 1 lm ell LH I 1 hard eitard and sarah lid hard h b s wile and 1 loab columb a sargie man by their de d mst datel date l 1 july ard and duty duly recorded in tho aflee or the coloty recorder Re Ree corrier order of U utah t ah county utah T ou on the day or of alv 1892 in ID jooa no 15 of at paga 67 eon cem ved ve d to th ih as trute tn th lolk loli w win I 1 ug d land and premises al ta arv cit utah utah III iu bondea da td d desert ed s as 1 solio I w ws t to w alt it am M ne ine 2332 chains chain and 2120 21 20 west of the north ast corner of ins so ev auter ot 01 7 township 7 south of race mag 3 east a f alt aalt alk like meridian thence outa 1 dee dec epst cha chalias lits thence bout east 1436 chains th nee ince nth n th 29 deg degwert wet 4 30 chains north 69 9 eg g west 13 12 20 chains to beginning containing contain iOK an area of five errs liao cow 1 og to 35 chains eart and i 1 40 chalep hf h of the northwest corn corner er ot of th northeast vt quarter of meet eolan nn 7 town h p 7 0 hh 0 rana se 3 eist of sal lake arp meridian t h ene 89 cis ean eai 6 07 chain tn a in uh a I 1 deg dee west chans chams thenea norto sa M ag and no 30 min west bo 50 chairs th we n e north I 1 deg dee east ea st t 3 chains thence north ay 8 dez det atil aai satan in west at achl chabos ahen mortn D j I 1 deb dey 1 easi 60 ahans thence north rth 89 west 2 40 chains thence north 10 de let east 6 50 chains to the place a ea of 1 73 acres es in trust hp however wever to secure the payment a of a certain prom 1 korv noe no e tb therein rein d described gerb to five Thu th sani usa l five hunted hollars dollars at abed ed july X Y dt h bisoi I 1 r signed and executed ind A d dial delav red bv s said aid samuel his wife Ire colllns Collin sand and aquila collins to brov chinn erceal and Sa savins vints bankard Ban kand anapa abl laft t the commercial aad a ia d savings Savl Dira ban t r in arrovo city ut olah ah ap onal year arin alter er date with interest thereon at the ile r rate are ft I 1 me 0 per cent per month from date dale until paid ad a anil nd whereas W as sald said trust heed eed provided provi ded that tn in case default defa ailt be made la in the payment ot at any ol of the indebtedness secure fr 1 el either t he principal at or interest tuen said deed dee 1 to re malj in force and the haij of the second part dart or in the event of the death dist s or absence from provo peoro city or refusal to 0 aci e I 1 0 01 other t h e r d disqualification 1 8 iiii 41 10 n ol of I 1 the pa party lt y ot at the he second see d part par then h e it the t b sheriff e r bor ot t a canut any of nf his bis deputies then act actina tit ng m kiy ly as successors of tb the e party of the arcond cond part proceed to sel sell I 1 said described properly jr 1 or any 1 cpr part thereof at public t the highest h t b bidder e r fir f ir C cash a 3 r 0 of the part parties to said deed d b being ir at 1 liberty abil 1 V to b become e aoe the pur chaer climer at such sale at the banking houg bousi 01 1 sad ad provo commercial and savi nas bank in provo city ulah first giving twenty days dava public notice of thu tho time arm terms and place tic ol 01 fid sale and the WIN to be r sola oly by adae t e ul lf roul newspaper ile PI r I 1 la provo it y 1 lc the 1 I tane zu uze and published in said aid provo city and up upon ji such ach sat sale e ane said par y or the second cecone palt pait or his big su de c t 3 shall hall s execute and deliver it I a deeder deed or e e d s ain ale e sim simple pie at 01 the property properly sold to the pare haser or seri there oi aai out of the proceeds of sale first fint t 10 a pay ahe expenses of irus including reasonable ire at attorney atio roey a aud d counsel fees and comp j to trustee truee 0 or gaid aid in trust trus Irhie for his eer vicea vices aico d to pay the amouak pad a d bythe by itie said party of the third part its successors essoM or assignees for talef burnce insurance our nce or nic mechanics hanics liui mid r tji in covenants ove nanta nants of said gaid trust deed w th one per cent per month inter st thereca til reon arm the ditto date or ol payment thereof to pay the amount remaining un unpaid paid ju id note cote ah ive deso cited leattie the P I 1 lanan and in rest ram calca iu I u t e interest up to day of le 4 fourth in tile event of tricie aiding a capus ol of ach saih proceeds then to pay inch sul surplus plug to the parties of abe he first par part t their personal per depre anta veso or rass assigns na mill inease incase ot of a d of such proceeds state an account c edli the amount aunt pid on oil said note and v ilg L aunt binl of such deficiency and wb ore a s the said note la paa pa a due d ue and rs 19 wholly unpaid d to together icae r 1 tn toe interest thereon US as in dald ald note provided since the ilan day of april amounting in all to th inurn ot of five thousand Thou sana seven j t forty seven keven al ai d 50 60 HO dollars anti and whereas the holder of said note has re quested th undersigner undersign ei krusee trus aeto to said sited pr ts accor according ding to tte terms Conta conzali lied ed la in sale deed of ni arf an lie notice Is hereby riven th that t tile the cunderi andera ened trustee in accordance acco accor co cor dance with the lenas and provisions of as said d deed ot at trust to which w floii re ruie terence rence is 11 arra re by made aud and at tile the rt quest of the o oner iner aad dr b bolder of said tell above tand and a at v ndue to tiie bidder for cash in the banking house bonse ok 01 the provo Com mertal and savings bank in provo ity city utah on oa saturday day adept 23 1893 at aa 12 a clock ot of said day lor for the of 01 payin ilia ex expenses ol of bald arut include ng a reasonable reason acle compensation to the tru trubee tee aud and hla his at orney oraey ana lor pa y said interest and full fully Y erff citerin out the bhe terms leims contat contained neti la in said deed air onrush t dated at provo city day 0 of atu AUgust gust 1893 18 93 REED smoot trustee J W N 11 attorney for Trustee TRUSTEES SALE whereas Wha joaa joa ollena ol llna a single sin ie man maa by his dead of trus dated july 23 and duty of or U utah tab con county at Y L llah tali territory 04 4 the ek day of joiy 1992 11 book no 0 is 15 at 01 mortgages at 55 bouve ed to the undersign d ft a to fo lowus lowing described land and vr gh lu in r avo city utah coutt y q biah territory us s foll follows ws to 10 wit A ail I 1 U ol 01 j lots I 1 67 and nd 8 tu tn block 3 ai plat A provo city grivey of build LX ig luu luts tile ilio same being the east hall orid or 0 aard id bloc 35 33 plat A provo pi ovo oily survey ot of building lots situate in see sec alou 12 town hip 7 south of bauge 2 east kaall loat lct meridian a a jn in trust however no wever to secure the payment of ft a certain promissory provins pro mins 0 ry note noie for five nd fiva div ilund hundred ed dollars dadd july alth 2 ignec HT d bod de evered ady y said joan vj fi in s samuel ltd biard and 8 rah li batard ll 11 bia wile and aquila colllns collins to croo co commercial lume NO cial and aal 1 I banz a aad a d payable at the provo cozat r cial a and na 3 iu brov cily utah one 1 e year fear after datt dale wita interest la lerest there lh ereon L te of onet one par cent cant per mo month ito from in I ate u until paid and whereas EMU eald trust deed provided that in ID cade deault bo bama made delu in liia lie t payment 01 any of ane thereby secure secured ds either principal or interest deed to re maln lu in force and the aalde party or of the tha second part or in the event at 01 the deatti dis sivility lity or abit tice irom froio city ID or r ill the refusal to lo act actor or other of the party darty of the second pirt inen the th ot of utah county utah or any ol of tila bis depa tits men acan ac ln may as successors at 01 lie party af tile 8 cna parti to ell sad iad desert beil bed property or any an part ihei be read erf at ai public vendee 10 the highest bidder tor baah eliher either of tile the patties parties to taid abed being ul at liberty to become ane purchaser at such ale aale fit at the hubia ol at troyo commercial and in provat city stati first div public nutice notice of tue nine little terms and place ilae of sud said Sale salie aud the pr property erty to be sold by advertisement tn in some newil new paper printed in mihe the lio gitti labugu age and published publish tEl in arrivo P avaid LV and aid upon suen saca sule ule the apte so ond part pare or nis ms irs bus shall I 1 I 1 excy execute to nd dellert deed ur tie debeus as in tre tee simple of the property properly a id to the I 1 pur par chasar or thereof and out 0 of tle proceed of sale firel faral to TJ p any y the or ol said trust truss a rea ret S ble atto ney a and nd counsel couii sel teea fees ard and canup 13 0 to O sal said d trustee or auld anixter or in trust for uis is service bar vices s 1 lo 10 via amount oala data by birthe the said party p of the third part I 1 ia a hue e e sardul insurance or m eca anical litno under tle covenants cove nauis in said trust deed antal tied with one per cent pern man jn it interest Inie resl ti eretia irom from tho lb date of ct payment thereof third 10 lo 10 pay tn ane 8 amount reni rem tilling unpaid u sali ball note late abord des princ principal and calculating the ahe interest up to day tourte la tile the eventov event 01 inre in re being thereafter a turp t us of 01 cacti proceeds tien to way ray said surplus to the parly or of tile ibe first part mi his success ill pi ro i HI I 1 representatives or a jb eiith ditth tr in n case ol of a of at lucli proceeds s diate an acau account credit the on sat said at oi e and cerilia the i mount af such left and r ahrea wh the suld note Is past due and ro mains wholly unpaid tu tue eiber pettier with anle st liere oo aaen si d n le provided slued the alth day at 01 april 1892 amounting 1 in u all air tn 10 ane sum benm of ad whereas tue howera sald said acte has re ra tie Under undersigner undersigned signed trustee to sell said j according acco iding ing to 10 the terms contained la in said deed now tz 1111 I public notice is hereby agven that the under undersigner undersigned signed trustee in ac cord cordi tice uce with the urma and aad mo visions ot of sa d deed of truar to alich reference bi t hereby made und at the of tho the owner and holder of said note will sell tre tee above land and premises at public to tas highest bidder lor cas casi i in vit ban bankins kiu house of provo commercial and add 6 bink ink la IQ prova city utah on gair ia september 1893 at ait 12 noon of otard said day lor for the e at 0 paying tile ibe expenses ol of said trust including a re reasonable t s compensation to 10 the trustee and hi h t attorney i and andlor for dabine said interest anil principal and tally fully carrying carryl ce out the terms term I 1 contained cont aired ed in said ged dead of trust rust dated ted at provo ProTO city j atall this soth both day ol of A anaut agust 1893 eert eekt khoot onule J W N X TON XON attorney for trustee Tru tee TRUSTEES SALE whereas samuel Lidd liddiard lard imd and sarah lid laid his bis wile wife of provo city utah county utah aeed trust dated january ath and duly recorded tn the office af u the recorder tte Ue corder or stati atao county eril tory a j the day of january 1893 in book nu no lo 10 of ilori naga aza on page 81 ol of said boole book conveyed to tho ilia as trustee vie tle following described buia ana L piam r m isei in utah aty territory bound u d ed and wi as b follows flows to ly wit 11 I 1 c commencing 0 21 1 ruda I edit east from the at h t carriar of block 18 16 plat 0 provo city 0 0 f bul building lulng lots thence sout boutu i IL 11 rood orience east easi 4 rod thence north 10 rods thence west 4 rods to tue tile place tit of beg beginning binning area 40 square are roddan rod and d situate in section 6 town shil 7 south ot of range 3 east cast of salt bait lake meridian A ASO so commencing 6 rods north of t the be south lal A crova city sarv survey ly rf thence west 12 rods thence norta a 6 buds thence east 14 rods the ace south 6 rods to the tb place at 01 beginning and otherwise d as aj being the norm null half or ol l ts I 1 and 2 la in said block xi 32 plat A also lot 6 in baluca 82 plat A prove chiy a urvey survey 72 square rods s situated in section 1 7 south ol of range 2 east sait bait lake mer alan also lot 7 in bloc block it ai plat I 1 A provo city lurvey situate in an section 1 township shIp 7 south or ol 1 2 emit i contal vIrAg 72 square rods lu in arutt however to so secure care the me payment otla ot a certor cert clr promissory note therein described bedfor lor OU dated july lith signed and ana uail delivered b aa sat c 8 muel liddiard aid aaran ladda ti his fiudo and esav bani ii in provo city and i payable at ac tile provo bom om m iclal and savings bank in provo city utah one year elfter alter date with luberts lut eesi tit at we rate of one jer er cent per mouth month dat enli paid and whereas scald id trust trusi deed provided that in case default be made madam in tha pay ent eat ol of suy any tl theresi ireL oy secured elioer principal pat or luie iaLo iest then iben sa ad fad F d deed to remain in birce aull and me lae said pirty party p of the seed second al d part or tn lu the he ev avul ut ol at the death disa billiy lilly or abonce irom from arrovo city or the re fuw to act or other disqualification of the party ol of t the second ld part pan ihen tha of utah county U utah tab or atty any at 01 his bis de deputies then suiting acting i may sn ju successors ot of tuo atle party pur I 1 ot part proceed to sell said e ser bw pru properly perty or nay pirt part whereof at voudie to ibe highest biggest bidder bior 10 cash carti eliher el the parties to 3 said aad deed being at liberty to became the iha pur par chaber at ai such sale gale at tile banding come e of 01 8 ndoc 4 id colimer da and savings biuk 1 tn 3 i provo city utah arst giving acut daye public notice ol of tho elio ume term erni and A lale lace or of sala saia sale and the property properly to lo be sold abid uy sa s1 advertisement verti in tomo som newspaper printed in tile language Langus ge and lied in grovo city aud upon duct BUCU sa sae e tile ine party ol of tile the second p his hia buc successor cessor adall eleu a and deliver a deed or dead la in fee or tl atit sold bold to the liaset or pure b t Lne reut and our one a 0 the pruce elt of suie s te TO apsy the esp ut unsaid truittt truit in tn eju dinga y and Cun cansel sel lees fees and alia compe aaion to sald iid tee or oat trust fur his services sea vices lo 10 pa PAI the paid riv b the cue varty aari ol of ibo buiu part pari successors or assignee a to taxes inara uce or lie lies s under the llie cov enaus iu I 1 iiii rust nith 11 iu me 9 per per cent per lier fiur si reo franj ine 13 e adte dt e ol of P me thereof 1 I hird ro lo pay the abou amou t rma remaining lulux unpaid ou said abo e described und d lo 10 terest he 1 UD to day or of luthe lu the event of ft tue there re being thereafter a but pius or of saon anon proceed thou to pay wid cuip ui te tc the party althe a niba I 1 1 P pan rt his pei konal oual represent rep representatives reent t i ve or assigns assi ins fiah lucase in CASS 1 va I a deficiency ol 01 BUCU proceeds proceed take an chuum credit the amount pa d ou on said note ald aid cerilla tile ibe suca nna whereas Wh ereis the said bala no noldia to i past du dud and n d re maws whily unpaid til geLner wah inverts I 1 ih breon reon aa 11 ini aid nute provided provid td the ibe lith day of april lbs adjo amounting in n a all 11 to lu tue taw sum of aa anu ann wheres whereas the holder bolder of nf said noie has reque refueled Led the ibe i autee t tu keil aid promises accord accordine inz to the he wius contained tn la said deau ol of alim now publio public |