Show aal the horizon I 1 grows BOG hers LATEST TRADE NEWS NEW 8 the agencies all report keport i better feeling uncle sams revenue 1 I 1 special to EN sept 8 there is ia a pronounced buoyant feeling this morning in financial and commercial circles as a result of advance intimations that the retort report of the commercial agencies to be issued tomorrow will show that the rapid restoration of business activity which was waa noted last week has baa leaeu eon more pronounced during the past bix days special reports from nearly all of the principal cities of the country show that the currency that hia neen deen withdrawn irom from the he banks during the past few month mont beas sas a ic result of the pr vail i ailing lack of confidence it financial in 31 ii tu tut tiona ions is rapid ay iy returned and that hundred ri of bankc bauke that a mouth month ago aeo were wera r at to an extremity in order to bucure biffl bent curf acy to mat the demands of dep cep aitor jara sare rot ro only well fortified agLi nat the run ran but nave leave money to loan collections s are reported d better batter for many months past and the requests for extensions aro are less than ten per cent of taa total pf af a mouth month ago prominent houses in all lines of bu i are starting their drummers on the road and the i umber rumber of large ii manufacturing ar i that have re samad business ba siness nas increased forty per cent over the report 0 of f last week this taia latter fact is is attributable tob to the e low law stocks atocha now on band the in in many lines bing b ing practically bare both on oa wall acre i ul oid i 1 i commercial cir cles clea the opinion ai expressed that christmas maa will rill see eee the united baltad states in even a better cond condition tion both ea as re gards finances finance and industries than pro railed a year ago cada sini sies Cin cloo ado 9 beatr e pt T thae inter Ck eans washington special says A most extraordinary tra rumor is ia current here and s believed by congressmen izene generally rally wall informed it is to the affet that secre tary carlisle contemplates chinini coi nini tiie the seignior aRe without any authority from ConR congress ress under the general dower chica he be claims is ia conferred UDO uvo I ji him to coin gold and silver the in the treasury amounts to about the secretary is very urgent to do this and it seems beemis to bathe be the opinion that he will venture to do it unless the president shall of it without waiting for any affirmative action front from congress this seems astounding and it is ia only repeated rieca uee it le ie ceides general credit the secretary needs money because the customs re chipta are failing tallinn off and because importers iu in expectation 0 oi reduced duties are making no importations importation at no time since the war have bave the customs receipts been so eo tow low to w as now the matter mattar is causing mr CST carlisle a good deal of worry in the tre treasury abury last night the cash balance was reduced to inclusive of 0 the rold gold reserve and abras iii and subsidiary BubBi diary coin what is left ot of the depleted cold reserve con continues to be the only cash balance in the tha treasury with aich to pay current expenses the receipts are now about per day behind the elpe ei tures tares for the first time the alo lipport duties have fallen below the internal revenue receipts for the fiscal year vear from july guiv I 1 to the le present time the government eov emment expend t iturea exceed the receipts by at this rate the deficit at the en end ot the year will be very vary large women troa troubled bled with headache e will y find simmons liver regulator relieves relie vei and cures metals Ettar lial rome i 1 special to ind sept 8 the exodus of veterans was resumed in earn est eat this both delegates and visitors are enthusiastic over toe pro vision made for their comfort and con veni vengence ence and the general verdict is ia that the encampment was one of the no al of recent years general sati satisfaction ia a also expressed with the selection ele action next years encampment as well as aa with the result of the vote i r seers of the order tor for the en ensline year kimmons liver regulator Is ia a medicina endorsed and used by physicians and druggists choir chair colitas it at the fur fair iri tu anu emu RERA CHICAGO sept 8 this afternoon the mormon tabernacle choir will participate in the competition for aa tha fira ave thousand dollar prize offered by the tha worlds fair authorities besides thi the tabernacle acla cho choir t ir two welsh ch airs from scranton pa and the reserve choir chair from ClaT olanA ohio will participate in ahe the competition the event has attracted a great crowd of 0 lovers of vocal music to the fair grounds rounds |