Show sass sS I 1 I 1 rih r i h I 1 ss i H HE CT TERM F ai JM YANKEE various 1 irian Tile ories epich which 1 have been advanced ld sis ats to its itis orl orlean gin the theories which have been advanced need as to the origin of the name Yankee Yankees sare zm numerous according to thierry Thi erny it was a corruption of jakin a diminutive of john which was a nickname given by the dutch colonists of NT new w york to td their neighbors in the connecticut settlements in a history of the american war written by dr william gordon and published in 1789 was another theory dr gordon said that it was a cant word in cambridge mass as early as 1713 used to denote especial excellence I 1 as s a yankee good horse yankee good cider etc he supposed thatis that it was nas originally a byword in the college and being taken by the students into parts of the country gradually obtained general currency in new england and at length came to be taken up in other parts of the country and applied to new englanders Engi anders as a term of slight reproach aubury an english writer says that it A is derived from a cherokee word which signifies coward and slave this epithet was bestowed upon the inhabitants of new england by the virginians for not assisting them in a war with the cherokees the most probable theory however is that advanced by mr Hecke Heeke welder that the indians in endeavoring to pronounce the word english or anglais anglaia Ang lais made it or and this the terni term |