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Show J Wilson Wins Popular Vote by 400,000 ; NEW YOEK, Nov. 10. The total popular vote received in each of the r states by President Wilson and Charles E. Hughes, but based on incoin- !; plete reports and estimates, indicated that the president received 403,312 ? ! more votes than Mr. Hughes. The table follows: i State. Wilson. Hughes. $ Alabama 89,000 30,000 5 ; Arizona 29,641 19,363 ! Arkansas 85,000 37,000 I : California 4(36,269 462,838 t ; Colorado 158,257 95,716 Connecticut 99,687 106,378 i Delaware 26,111, 27,909 Florida 60,000 12,000 ; Georgia . 109,200 28,000 ' Idaho - , 68,000 04,500 ! Illinois . 869,152 1,044,688 ; i Indiana 333,406 339,437 : Iowa, . 215,918 . 279,085 ! Kansas 315,000 277,000 1 : Kentucky 219,000 193,000 I Louisiana 68,000 9,000 ', Maine 64,148 69,491 ' ;! Maryland 133,211 113,773 Massachusetts 247,327 268,361 ! ;' Michigan . 237,114 308,'l22 ' Minnesota 176,577 177'285 - Mississippi 91,000 ' 5000 ' Missouri 376,000 345,000 ' .; Montana ' 80,927 54,709 i 1' Nebraska , 98,323 7s!o81 ; '' Nevada 12,448 9 842 ' ; New Hampshire 42,905 42'723 I ; New Jersey 209,332 ' 264 320 ' 'New Mexico 34,545 33'251 I New York 756,010 863'987 ; North Carolina 158,000 110 000 North Dakota .- 54,449 52' 831 !' ', Ohio . 578,000 496720 '' ; Oklahoma 140,000 110 000 Oregon 116,550 123'570 !' Pennsylvania 510,747 695'734 Rhode Island 39,353 44 159 South Carolina 63,000 l'soo I ; South Dakota - 45,449 6o'892 Tennessee 138,647' 97553 i Texas 228,000 58,boO ;: 1 Utah 77,381 48 948 5 ; Vermont . 21,832 38 254 ! Virginia 60,107 ''1132 ' Washington 197,000 183'ooo ' West Virginia 139,013 14l'432 I ; Wisconsin 194,000 22o'ooO 5 ; Wyoming 25,617 19998 j; Totals 8,563,713 8,160,401 '', Wilson over Hughes, 403,312. |