Show E DAILY 0 I 1 L Y mm sens airn 0 gnarra ghanam manages manager tuc ENQUIRER telephone number is 27 mention in this column 30 cents per line each insertion advertisements and changes mus must A be eisent to anu ENQUIRER office not later ihan 10 a in to secure inser on same dav MONDAY arnil A 1 ta avelina man OA chanced to 10 b in the air catl i f K E V wood at mckeys mckees pol ito I 1 a says while he waiting to vi M wood a little girl aeme in with a I 1 0 0 tl th labul cahim 4 chamar fains lain rain pain liala and rid irid i mamma inma wat tw adoth i bottle botte of that medicine si bi sa it ii i the bra bapst madleine merli med I 1 cine leine for ill file over need kiseil 11 bor 50 rent elit I 1 A fr bale IY by P evne Ni maihen alben arll doii t in children cry for pitchers I 1 casto castona ria an L when then baby was ala we ire save gave her cartona Car toria when she iras a child she cried for Castor Cu torla ls the Es bete mis the eho oung to catoria Cast Cu cria toria wb children she castori IL pronounced hopeless 1 let et saved from a letter written by bv MM ada E hurd hordof of groton y S B D we q quote note I 1 I 1 was taken with a bad cold which settled on oil my lungs coupe set in and finally ler ier in consumption four doctors gave me up saying I 1 could not I 1 live ITO but a short time I 1 gave myself up HP to my savior de determined ed if f I 1 could not stay with my my friends on earth I 1 would meet my absent ones above my husband bandzas was advised to get dr kings new discovery for consumption coughs coubs and colds I 1 gave gava it a trial took to ok in all eight bottles it has cured me and thank god I 1 am now w a well and ana beatty woman trial bottles free at smoot drug C co 0 regular ebia size 50 cents and 4 in the florend florence oil field of colorado there was produced last year barrels of illuminating and barrels of lubricating oil FAIR WOMEN ul ill bright beautiful and facin atin women ars are made more charming by the the artistic arii use of wisdoms famous robertine Eo bertine it enlivens the most regular beauty by addine freshness fres haess pu ply ity and brilliancy to the complexion fell dead these words are very familiar to our readers and not a day passes haases aitho without u the report of the sudden deith death of some prominent citizen the elpi explanation anition i is 19 heart disease there is reasons reason to be cardul care rulif if you have any of tile the folla following a w symptoms short breath pain P a li i in n side smothering spells swollen ankles les asthmatic weak and hungry spells tenderness in shoulder 0 or r arm ann of heart irregular pulse these symptoms mean heart disease the most moat r reliable remedy is dr miles new heart ecart cure care which his has saved thousands sf af lives book of moniale ls free at pyne maidens Mai beng bens ubo ho ells dr Mi lesNew miles new heart cure I 1 12 rules mules cry fur for it I 1 nox now this ali tray nay n ay pera stra strange loge but if aney ney lon don t ery cry for or it they would do so BO if f ni alv cud hnud we are talking now ewt hallers barb wire liniment hl nover never fails to cure the corat cut cat a r fr F r sa a by smoot drug co a d PROVO OPERA HOUSE P R JOHNSON ll 11 reno renoa fords comedians accompanied by bv their famous land and orchestra in simkins the barnum of all rural co comedies in edies produced by a powerful cast of 22 PEOPLE 22 un a magnificent scale with ampro special scenery and wonderful now new mechanical effects introducing 0 many pleasing 0 ani singing 9 I 1 joshua simpkin Simp kiBB is not bot a fares farce comedy but contains a pleasant plot easily followed anil and worked out through a dialogue that is is at at all times genteel never descend ing to vulgarity BIND PARADE AT MON all ll embra being dressed sed in farmers I 1 costumes advanced Adva Adval aced cod sale sala of seats at the provo book and stationery el st oreon tuesday morning atre absolutely FREE the publishers odthe family journal tre dt determined to largely increase the circulation of their paper to do this we mate male the following unparalleled offer we W will wal send absolutely postage pre ionia the celebrate il ti FAMILY GOOK COOK BOOKs bookee t 0 on sending ch te n 25 vents cents loi fot a ix 11 luent fenics lis s u ba I 1 to the he FAMILY th this I 1 cook coo k book is ii lent gent to el six fix months month a s subscriber tl and wit will I 1 pe be found an almost enval inval invaluable u a igle culinary guide u ld tn in the hinds hands of the most experienced ehg housekeepers as well as a necessity to the inexperienced perien ced it IL possesses the one g great r a 1 advantage over all ah other cookbooks p published b 1 bied by fielde i comprehensive campli complication caton ot f economical reelie a a tilled to h housewives limited means under other beada recipes tor for numerous UBie rons table luxuries lux urie are alvea in fact abla cookbook Is isa a comp com pellum edlum of useful recipes used and orien aled by the most celebrated coleb rated chefs chats cooks and patry bakers baher of t the present dy with ane faa COOK ROOM as a guide aulde no home housewife wife need v ory o ry how bow to prepare the moat sumptuous or mst mat bragal repast rn past st remember va w benil this boob free frea to ettar ax x months to the FAMILY joennar JO UnNAr 7 this ii no book it retails as high as 9 and boj and Is ii worth many malay times ma more re THE alsan elegant monthly at bly lai family rilly papers paper lidd handsomely illustrated and containing in sonnee tiou alou with eb arming stories and choice anolee illera buas finch special features as household hints 11 rho rhe fashions fashion the Hont anold doctor and nd numerous other departments depart menti of t each ably edited by b well 11 known writers on the viL various rious topics men ban tr nl l nix ax months trial t lal subscription is only 33 beut and entitles S sender enlar to a single copy k bok twenty alte tents cents in postal aoe or stamps to TU E LT co 78 plymouth place chicago Ch lengo ill III REMOVED I 1 mrs H W davies da vies takes tabes pleasure in announcing to her friends anti and tho the bubli c ger generally e rally that sho she has bas enst removed her largo large new and elegant stock of MILLINERY GOODS into the now new store recently fitted up in ia appropriate style and situate on n thi tha corner of seventh and H streets ladies of f provo are cordially invited to td call and inspect our stock consisting of tho the latest fashions REMEMBER THE PLA PLAGE OF MRS H E W DAVIES corner jtb ath and H streets F 7 I 1 L I 1 mp WE I 1 ur ARE AEE MAKING A 6 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 11 I 1 9 on our 10 12 and 15 spring suits it would be curious if you were not a little curious about I 1 them it about time cams came to t tako ake t I 1 1 a look at them bring your expectations along I 1 I 1 with you yon and be prepared to be just as critical as you please I 1 i i Y R UD G im ENTIS I 1 I 1 4 I 1 the more emphatic your endorsement will avill be I 1 endorse the make the material the fit 4 and ana iho ibe finish and find no flaw it i you examine them from sun rise to sun set rot thai e is 1 another thing command equally qualified endorsement and our line of home bome made I 1 auit inga manufactured by us ns at prices that will i meet anything in the west they will strike you yon as strikingly low i I 1 I 1 pro V 0 cobor fw tio 1 A U to I 1 A ia singleton 13 11 ager L 11 aaa siaa tm rr r r ii gf T amz gr J igi fl lt S jg U I 1 advertisements in this column I 1 cent per word each day dav by b v the month tier per line except marriage notices I 1 birth notices 50 cents cont death announcements free obituary comments 10 cents per line no advertisement taken foi fer less than 25 cents W anted rive five or six news boys at w THE E ENQUIRER office ladies ATTENTION woman lovely woman one bottle of my celebrated TONTI will permanently enlarge I argei your form 4 inches in 30 days and make you as beautiful as aa cleopatra or money refunded price only womans comans only true friend for it never fails TOSTI tonti glorious TONTI will make the leanest person fat and remove those horrid wrin wrinkles iles send for sealed circular MRS DR MILLER SW aw wabash avenue chicago miscellaneous P hinging hanging done on short notice at bros co still leads the grocery trade B bof of Provo Call and see pee tor yourselves geusens G PODS selling at coat at OS CS rasmus kusens harness shop T rr anz place placa to harness barness saddles IL whips etc is at CS 08 Rasmus saena sens s blankets and fur and plush hll HOESS lap a p selling belling at cost coat at 0 S ephe dinners atthe at the excelsior hestad T JL rant are superior to any in town con considering the price only arave you a title to JUL cure care an a n abstract from havercamp clark without delay for delays are dangerous and learn the condition of your title tide office first national bank Provo utah dis kufs haye have several copies left oi of the n pamphlet Joseph Smiths views of the powers and policy of the united states goyt readers will find in it the strongest and most convincing kind of republican doctrine and asi as such democratic leaders no aa mat maitin tin van baran and john 0 calhoun copies can be obtained for 10 cents bents at the office sw I 1 MEETINGS patriotic order sons ot america the meet m ayery thursday night those desiring desir in g to join the order please make application to any member of the order 0 E LOOSE past president PRO T va MILLS COMPANY I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 manufacturers OF THE ME EST WOOLEN m IN i 9 IVI ill H I 1 C merchants buy the ha ach y e S t v C F UNDERHILL SUPT I 1 PROVO CITY UTAH I 1 I 1 1413 FT a I 1 ar fc jl r V V TD JJ W effi TT ID 1 JI AN AND 1 CORN av EM U the old felt olson oleon stand with the provo book and stationery company Compan yat at the I 1 I 1 NEW ELDREDGE BLOCK I 1 rt GEO ua S TAYLOR TAILOR manager I 1 aa BERN M M V PA t a M n ram R we have just received tho the largest stock of WALL BBB fr A P E R ever brought to this city ladies when you clean house remember wo can please you yon with any grade of paper you wish ALL AND 7 SEE US WE WILL GIVE YOU MM I 1 M aa IT 9 9 IVI W I 1 H 0 rim 0 A 1 fiirst 0 an ti 1 1 ia jank aa 0 0 0 al PROUD UT LITT paid in Cai campal ital a burdus a AL A 0 SMOOT v S S JONES VICE PRESIDE 0 A GLAZIER 31 RECTORS JOHN 0 GRATIA 15 IL H CLUFF waller E R PIKE J at P B R JOHNSON GEORGE 4 lafe bate deposit vaults absolutely fira proof rents benta V 3 to 15 per year sw S DEPOSITS PAYABLE ON DEM SENT US RECEIVE PROMPT AND AT LOWEST RATES BATES correspondents new york a N 10 roaix PAUX biaas san francisco a PACIFIC balk lake city NATIONAL bias m F OR SALE SAL I 1 the american fork house at present owned and conducted by robert Kep american fork city the house con bains 0 14 rooms on the premises premi ees are stables barns bams Out outhouses Oatho houses and every convenience apply for further information to R on the premises legal noticed notice P full ull luie line H 11 I 1 J pra I 1 ro y W aall PIPER I 1 E R t V C ETO MUS ht LINT MEN T adlor bros co so aw I 1 ito the i popular tailor ailor I 1 IB a making suits to order cheaper than ever UNION BLOCK PROVO wm IS 19 PREPARED TO DO PLUMBING AND FURNISH pa c us F I 1 loss I 1 house owners contemplating patting in water service should consult w with I 1 ith him 2 doors west of coop co op clothing astore ahe if F air 0 Is the place to go to when you yon want fine glassware ele elegant 0 lamps CROCKERY I 1 FAMILY HARDWARE LAWN CHAIRS STOVES MIRRORS ARMS ALBUMS thle the fair faira 5 HALF BLOCK NORTH OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK RR SALE THUS off good shade trees of ofa j ELM CATALPA ASH 1 A AYD AND YD SILT SILVER rElt at the Reside residence ot oi JAMES BOYDEN one block north of factory on S 8 7 7 7 7 r z I 1 I 1 how flow is your bi lawn anvil gebin r along Is ho il ii cut if it is you want ant a a W aft the best one 3 ready to AUL to tb B buy iby is the I 1 philadelphia aul a F jav ir jle and if you wish to sl see e one call at air store and look at it 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 11 I 1 v I 1 1 1 I 1 t if 3 you oil d dont ORN V want a lawn lawil mower may be you want comeru some I 1 13 B 1 lu 1 R JL 5 JL 8 0 S A W 2 aa an a 4 we have got the that 4 T wa I 1 r I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 17 z Z I 1 but it may ilen I 1 v be 3 you ou are not ready for lawn and bu house J I 1 T your yet are building alding a and need locks hinges 6 9 window fastenings I 1 abild some nails now I 1 no conein one in provo Z 1 P pretends rot ends to carry the line lille of that class of goods 1 that we do and we would like to have bod 1 call and look at A V our fine BRONZE GOODS I 1 ex 1 I s I 1 I 1 I 1 IF TT X ay 0 att 4 C 1 EA BROS 0 0 I 1 5 7 i |