Show tuomas tie father of Damm rcy biad no DO sympathy eyra pathy with free trado trade theories ha believed it wits was not cot patriotism that thai d aboh doctrine and durin during I 1 his adain admin istra tiou protection i to Amori Amo rican caa industries dus tries wf watt ro increased when the ravo ulle il 11 from the tariff WES im moro than own taw H iet vial needs af f tho the al u still defended defend pd tho tariff ho he wrote rote as follows in his annual messas message 11 to congress dilall we suppress the ilia nit post and give eliat fl fulvi ta aa t a e to foreign c over ver do nut w 1 catto 1 1 ly prefer its io continuance fonti nuance ani ip ap arcati auli 1 1 thu creat of cuhlic education I 1 t i on rod rivers canals canali una sni fuch euch other objects ol of public ap rov liento as it way lie be or 0 1 o add to the coi i f federal powers THE mie local organ of democracy doit doi do i not relish the llie publicity which we give to the act of the administration ii IE telli na ab it i is 3 an in alry to suit so it is blit then hen THE is 11 no way resins ns u for that wo we poopoo apropo e to show up the defects of democrat ic rule ellry time until th lunac cu I 1 either act with mora consideration coa or the people become so eo heartily sick sie k of demo democratic rat rule that they will never consent to another tuch administration I 1 th tha a meantime we ve challenge any one to show wherein we have not told the truth |