Show LEGAL NOTICE in the probate cobit lu andor and or utah coun ty territory of utah in the meater or of the estate 0 of jobu liggs deceased notice ot of tinie lime and blare for of p ti ll tion for admission t pr fr bac re ot ol will Pai t 0 an order r f said court in said fuld matter nolice Is gloeb MIA Sa lurda the 23 day or april A t 0 1 at 10 a 1 ui I alne county bourt gourt ou 1 l liens lo in provo city cit Y atall county Couil ty to re miry or of ni ill tn in the court C urt room ot of said coun coari has been appointed 1 t he tim afi d bior the of a petition p e t itsou of john K E boob praying prating for the admission w lluis sion io 10 probate or of a centia document therewith purporting to bi the ast ids t will vill ind ana 01 ol of jolin john rigs Rig 1 deceased hueu and ail peri sous in ia er eted anav appear anti coulett the bobile 0 ot I 1 bcd s id will or the granting ofle Elem te Teta tamen nien lary to john E woth as grayel praye I tor for lo in s ald ild pennon at provo city avril it 11 1892 VI ti HAlt Jav v prohn e clerk utah county U T ka W in iii the court hnud in and for or utah county tren tory ul L atah tan older ume time iid ad pla place cetor for setta meni ot thuat aua to petition peili ion tor lor diarl but on in tile the matter of the eliat est ate igei ry savage d alce 5 d un on r ading abing e and fellur filou the ibe petition of heary Sai iBo LIM I 1 forth ue lie lidi aas die d lis hual un of tin his ad tion upon said estate in iiii thia court wat that all t the he debts of said estate ua re been ful mill paid and i portion ot beald deslate re wain b to be divided amons g alib heirs ur of said bald decease dald among other bilings lur jor au an older albium alium K g account and ana oj oi distribution or of lue resit residua lue of said estate anious itie derrom euti emited tied it 1 14 or luat all twi tuni in the estate ot of the said lieury lieuary bavage at vase deceased cea jed be anu alper a speir the court ot the ot of utah lilah ul at the courtroom court couri room ot said baid chui coui 1 lu in the co 4 luuri court klouar liou c un on tue the day or ol april 1602 at IU 10 adock a ni then aud and there LO 10 t holf cause why an order alu alio wiry said final mid atia ol oi distribution 31 jula buiu lil im bd cluade or tile resi r SI i du dud U f aid state anious the heirs aad devises us ol tc ta SAI i lutary li rr drags do leased acco ang eg to law it it mat the clerk cleric cause notices tu t ha be posted in three inree pubic places iu utah county and that at a copy of this order u be published in lue 1110 a and circulated in utah chuy thea kieria bucce prior to said eaid loch icib day of april josepn JOSEPH D JONES Probate Judge dated match march 12 1 V Y L fluidity cirk of the probate court couil in and for utah county territory ot uth ut h nerecy certify that the fre ft elig ing Is a tull full true nue und and cot copy of the ori original lual time anu anti eror fur fettic beut ot 0 final account and to 10 hear bear petition for distribution in estule escau of 01 benty savage deceased and now ou aha and of record in my cay grace ivirnest rt iciness my hand and alid seal sal s al of sald sad probate shaf eburt courtat t n ny y oale in provo city ait mis ilia jalda d ofal arca irca AD A ism na L H lt 1 y clerk 01 tie lob iii 0 r 11 i mail co nil I 1 T r legal notice tilory rt ot ill blab al t utah Co Cou tinty rity r is in the court li in and ariail fri ail I 1 cunov in the matter of the astute konnii bf iloise aoi e decea ed order to show cause causa why onar nt nf sile ol of real eshaw cald e should not nol be nude made eronia edinia A AM at brehe ore ih adrium of the estat ot ol af went ircel moie deed de ed ni q filed allf I lura pt lerhu straying itra ying fr f in 1 order der ot sue sale ol oi al ail I 1 tareal ta th real estate vi hui IL ilor for the purpose therein set sel 1 orth it Is therefore ordered by tie ile probate judge of eaid court that ill ail persons in the easte ef tate of said dec easto appear l the said pio bate court on Jl plouy MOBS ouY the day bayol of april wal t 10 ocl 1 alii l in tita lle ll e ii i i eloon owsald dav at the aha court room 0 of said sa ld court RI a if tile the court house in provo eliv county f utah to show cause why an order should not granted bagian ba led to the said to 0 seli belt so much of the real stale estate ot of the said morota 1 moore deceased as should be necessary and that a copy ol of this order be ad at least once a week lor for two wees week successively in ibe EsQuin xit a newspaper printed and d published jn in said utah county territory of utah JOSEPH D JONES probate judge dated april 9 1892 of uth Ut ital ts county ol of utah ia 1 I V L halliday Halli jay bleik of the probate court ill and for uta ciau county oUn LY territory of t tah hereby here by certify that Is ft a tali fail true trae and correct copy ol of tile lie original origin nl to 10 show cause causa wh why v ader of f sale of re rei 0 estate should not be roade made in he be estate of ct moroni antor 0 nt more re decease dimit now dow ou on and 0 of f r record cord in tuy my office witness my hadd and ibe seal ormid of said aseal coun ourt at my office offic ein in provo city this yiu aday day of april A D 2 V LIMI berk of the probate canut 1 nat olai county 1 t I leal le 6 al notice in the probate ourt of utah aruty 1 ter tar ditori in the matter of tue the estate of george cx cox deceased notice of time rud and place for hearing w of petition for admission to proba teof will pursuant ti an order ot of ald court in slid matter mail tr nutice notice la is hereby given that ii the ard 3rd day ol of april A U D 1892 at 10 i elt cc amatto i m at the courty county court house lu in brou prou pro auy alty utah terri ory orv or v of 0 etab in vie tie court room boom of sail iu louit has been appoint eo tue toe vine rine and abid placa ino or a ot wichum jex pr praying tying lor for ow in admission tu to probate ot oi A certain therit di p i anted purporting pur to I 1 ie a th aas wina d d 1 cl gerge cox de ae cast cased ewhen ind aud abert itil all eadd may appear aud contest t thu 10 probate ate 0 viii tae frantin hr antin or letters jetters tc eti ta to william jex as 33 prayed played aorl for lr said bald petition dated at provo Prova city april ath 1892 nr L HAM I 1 probate clerk utah coat t Y U T |