Article Title |
Advertising, Notices, and Articles |
Type |
advertisement |
Date |
1892-04-18 |
Paper |
Provo Daily Enquirer |
Language |
eng |
City |
Provo |
County |
Utah |
Page |
2 |
Creator |
Pike, Walter R. (Walter Randal), 1848-1921 |
Contributors |
Exchange; New York times (New York, N.Y. : 1857) |
OCR Text |
Show I 1 THE r I 1 hei ENQUIRER 4 ayery sundays excepted Except el B THE ENQUIRER COMPANY COMPAN Y diky Y APRIL IS 1802 1892 I 1 DIRECTORS IL 11 CLUFF president D jong JOHN vice president JOHS JOH X HENRY SMITH J E BOOTH J C GEO XI H dusenberry SECRETARY AND TREASURER J JM M JENSEN jolln li IX GRAHAM MANAGER entered in provo postoffice Post office a as kec ond class matter sui RATES I 1 1 DAILY 14 one year by mail six sis months three months s one month 90 one oae yeok 25 ilmi one veir vear in alvance ad vince al 21 2 r six hs I 1 LM le torje tor je 11 71 nty CITY subscribers 1 luc E IA will be delivered tk any part of the city at 90 cents pei mouth month or conta cents per week where aleli verv is ia irregular ilease j lease make cimpl complaint aint at the office or through no 27 TIME mm rIC TURES the total production of lead ore in the united states fell off from tons r Z S in 1899 to lo tons 1 mill 1 3 in 1890 ai a result of the adverse de decision decia deci iou siou of the treasury department lattim letting in mexican silver lead ores duty free as silver ores in 1889 the mckinley law afforded tho needed protection to american lead and as a result the production of lead ore increase increased ed fram tons A ia 1890 to ie tona toad 6 6 NN a II 11 AB A A B n gold 99 tv 1 iliah hyrup we have selected two or croup three lines from letters freshly received from parents who have given ai german syrup to their children in the emergencies of croup you yon will credit these because they come coine from good substantial people happy in finding ayat what so many families lack a medicine containing 6 no evil drug which mother can administer with confidence co 11 to the little ones in their most critical hours bours safe and sure sura that it will carry them through UD ED 4 citurs U 1 of I 1 mrs JASM KIRK alma A ima neb I 1 gillelo give it daughters augh college to to rout my chilgren chil chi biren cren when larr od s b u rg ky I 1 troubled led with croup lave have depended d ep ende upon and never saw any it in attacks ta c k so of f croup aup act like with my little litt le augh it it is aimy simply mi ter an and d find fin d it an in valuable reme remedy rn i r our cus ar are e in others mothers who use Bos chees cheeps german germ m an syrup among amoia their children A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for 0 r the sudden and terrible foes of childhood whooping cough croup dip diphtheria h and the dangerous eions of delicate delica e throats and lungs 0 H as in so I 1 I 1 L Is I 1 M 0 a 9 ML HE I 1 I 1 M S M MORI IT N U 1319 M M U 11 F ON U a thea a H anah giesa j a Q M K iture CO fewest and latest besig designs s in furniture will open out in a few days with the c and low prices stoel stock I 1 dont buy until yon u have bave exa examined mined our large I 1 will idill be located in the flie kates gates snow buildings building M failed to do our oar dot Y E everybody has at times failed to 1 yo 0 their july towards themselves huns hun deeds ot lady readers suffer from sick headache nervousness sleeplessness 1 and female troubles let them follow 1 the example of H stevens i point wis M s who for five years suffered greatly from nerola prostration and sleeplessness tried physicians physician and different medic inoa without success success but one oae bottle of dyt miles benj ne caused sound sleep ever night and addlie ie is is feegel ilg ing like a new person maj jv Elizabe iral M wheeler heeler ti lar amy NV WAo birg ax tried allot ber remee reme eieg iea deciampa deci arpa ana anat t after three weeks use of the for headache nervous Prostration etc she rhe was wonderfully relieved sold by pyne pyna A maiben trial battle freo free 1 1 A montana ma man n has bas invented a ranch snowplow for far scraping the snow off tho the ranges ran ea so that the he cattle can get at the otiss grass an baglo measuring measuring 7 feet 0 inch inches ea from tip to tip of cf wings was shot in montgomery gomery county md a few days ago E eye aaa ssan ment meat A certain cure for chronic chrome sore bore eyes reter retter Salt rheum scald blead old chroliw sores bores fever sores eczema itch prairie scratches sore nipples and piles it is coohn cooling and soothing hundreds oi of copes have been cured by it after all other t treatment reat ment had failed it is ia put up no in 2 ai and 50 cent boxes for Fori aale gale by bv rane maiben A explosion seffi williams and morris moms mcclelland met death in a mysterious e es at cave cae city ky hy thoy they were digging a cistern and had reached a flat rock eight feet down williams struck the kocir a baledge lini hammer umer causing canning a terrible explosion which buried mcclelland beneath flying boulders bowl ders and killed him and threw williams into a tree fifty yard abdy lived just long enough to tell what had happened several persons have closely examined the scene of the explosion but bat discovered nothing beyond bluish vapor with a sulphurous smell issuing from between two large rocks exchange good looks good goo 1 looks are more than skin deep depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs if the liver be mae inac tiye you have a bilious look i if I 1 your 3 our stomach sti mach be disordered you have a dyspeptic look and if your kidneys be effected vou oa have a pinched look secure goodhe good health alth and you will have hai e good looks ele bitters is is the great alterative and tonic sets acts directly on these vital orans cures pimples blotches blotcher blot ches bolls boils and eevea a good complexion sold bold at smoot co drug store 50 per bottle SEALED PROPOSALS will ns ne received by the territorial insane g ine asylum ishlum up to the day of april tor for furni abin the aay um with supplies for the six months enuine ending oc tober 31 ors coal I 1 buhel eli pounds fresh meat pounds dr dried dred ed cruft aniu coal oil modes io clothing medicine cut lery lerv and crockery ware further particular wiil nill be furni aled ed by JP jamaca nip donn diann beward atey ard st at the lie at ay A y lum all bids bl ids musi bo be sealed a aw marked barked bids bida for ies the directors deserve rt serve ill lie right tu to je ie i t acl I t all bids not co i idera d by br v ii be 1 advantageous a d va tit ageous to tl e tt IV R w wj I 1 2 vr a w aims led apt U tl J U N A M ya ou u ii ari with i V U address wilt bo ba in seated vee tee in our burn nurn ercus us i lists and aad you yon wilt will receive them many man valuable am alc plc from compau companies lei desiring agent Aldr sg wal otal to the L agrios S T CO flacker ding chicago ill III fire loss lohs for foi last year tear an unusual amount of inventive talent is now being used to prevent the oc currence LUr rence e of fires the spur in this line Is is caused by the statement of fire losses in the united states and canada during 1891 which aggregated an increase of 29 per cent over 1890 new york times I 1 S SPECIFIC dioz n asin this ibis iw fallin remedy tor for of the chronic type is the of t many years year mall cal research of one of the most noted and medical scholars Echo Sirs lars fi of tile dr LA verne swinton patent paten aud ad proprietary have bave riad no more bitter opponent wan this most eminent abr eclan for I 1 ahe tie simple r wason rison ison that thai tue tae saina oie oe is invariably prescribed to the sufferer ferer no 0 o matter matier what the or of I 1 iha he pa ventu nano dinauer biaz athal me pi p A the ibe tl leAe and in thiis 3 too loo in ibe face nl ill ihn clams that suh ri Qiea wilt will cure care a T of kibwe di daei ei e xyr JT gwit inre n aisel I 1 feuy to what exten ilij la mild or r chiodin by ini IM foniri sni ani an po jang me hie bol becaro t to V of ds d cae ie s annii id the e jore sought diligently tor for 3 ears to t dt dla oner Us Ps me ape inc ale in he war s faldut in blog his conler ul dicov ery tte ie nevor overlooked the grout great medical ti tit h that I 1 lle he sin la in each ev cae t anial differences and eve evea t tb habits babit sand anit i ot of the ro qui fed not only ad in tin prescila ion lonia ef his re rei redy but bill also sup gup vit mental ireat treatment ment and dietary ami widely lu in different cases till WI CO bret in t m with this celebrated for despie g sma aa com comploier comp plate loie the boet docter fr wh loni ato the suf buderer Bu Serer lerer 4 iliac hemak t asarie ant rdo rd o properly the di and P pru a mini minister mf Disier the leme u tal pra suited to the case tills this is 13 medical treatment and not i quackery I 1 do not be robbe I 1 of your money and your or restored rest sred health by alleged pana kejs ell which compa t avely harm harmeem lemi M cir hotville ho saji VI roh rn IS i ts a sold dy by all drug in 1 l OJ packages paek s are I 1 t ou s ia this ablie before placing I 1 un on sale ilni i leading hn an ailts ft send to any anny address of 0 SO kulii lu at lii hach each package contains the medical trea treaties ot of dr dwinton iving giving stetary directions and supplemental 3 address SWINTON MEDICAL COMPANY flacker aih AGO ILI ailt I 1 DEESS MAKING IN THE j Xa latest test st tyle starle BY r MSS 0 SS MAY WARD VAR D aper fourth and H streets PROW CITY UTAH a 1 I 1 pam TO FARRER BROS BUTCH 0 E P a ah 1 l rusford BAST OF IOB FICH gash n paid tor for fat calves awa a ira UL e ELV tj 0 r a acca as af ia ida ca M UD 0 0 t remaking st if I 1 8 djs 0 AND Rier F miring co 0 9 71 W centre street south side half hale a block west of Alec meeting ting house all work done at the factory in the best manner and of the best materials our prices are within the reach of all 11 so dout dont wear shabby boots let us repair them thein at once we can often ina make ke them better and stronger than when new we guarantee Ila rantee entire satisfaction to Z 5 every customer favoring us witti with orders for new nev boots and shoes JW J W YATES rates alar mgr fj cos b MD SI 1 iq I 1 1 1 aw ii I 1 e q A BARGA BARGAIN I first glass class business stand 10 lo bated near U P depot pleasant grove suitable table for most any kind of Bu business sines it is now occupied as an agricultural implement d depot CP ot 12 rods frontage anda and 8 rods deep frame building feet with baso basement ment same siz and sheds seeds enclosed with good fence excellent flo flowing winer wall good water and suf chent for steam power for terms and other particulars call on or w e to J E GAMETT pleasant grove 4 liy by send seid eil eis eill l for your fruit and ornamental I 1 v i I 1 0 UI I 1 11 L ES I 1 N AM m bmw AL when yon cm cin get thain here bere at nt titia halt ot assante ano ana betar stock guaranteed GARDENIN after any plan also plans find and E estimates maue and stock a at reasonable fi figures agures gures 1200 ever greens on hand of different sizes 1000 roses rosea 47 kinds orders blew auw ever small let me price fiem stiem for you I 1 funeral designs of every description maje made on in short notice E everi very thing in the florist line call and eee west ad street or address P 0 box bos 39 provo city I 1 I 1 J alv I 1 I 1 q WARD STORE f carries a full stock of fan fancy cy and staple GROCERIES cash paid for fat calves WALTER COX PROP HOLDAWAY BLOCK PROVO THE P R E S 4 5 NEW YORK YOEK VOIR EOR 1801 has a larger daily circulation than i any other republican newspaper in america DAU DAILY T SUNDAY mt WEEKLY fhe aggressive republican journal of the metropolis A NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES hisses founded december 1 1887 mavor NUN DAILY daar V tho the press is the organ of no fa faction pulls no wires has haa no anim oai ties to avenge the most remarkable New newspaper success w in new afew york THE PRESS IS A cheap news vulgar sensations and trash find mo ao place in the columns of the press the press presa has the brightest editorial page in new york it sparkles with points the tha press sunday edition is a splendid 20 page t paper covering every cl current topic of interest the press weekly edition contains all the good things of the daily arid and sunday editions for those who cannat afford the daily or are p prevented r by distance from early receiving it the weekly la is ft AS AN advertising hedell HEDl ll the press has no superior in N Y I 1 ahe JT I 1 within the reach of all the bast IG and d cheapest newspaper in america daily and sunday one year 1 6 months A 1 45 one al daily only one year 00 9 four months sunday Si inday one year weekly press one year send for the press circular samples free agents wanted everywhere liberal commissions address THE PRESS 38 park row eow N Y EMPIRE M eat 8 IN I 1 BEEF P zd rauT Toa PORK r 11 VEAL as C SAUSAGE ETC i tin if ui mealy MATI W fw f ravha in y 11 11 11 TERM a dmn CREP prompt delivery to nil all parts parta of the city COOK SC TT CO 1 NOTICE the under undersigner undersigned signed have in connection connect ioa with their business opened a first class litcy itea rad pessi asi ad silos silks AT THE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT LEHI and can furnish famish all kinds of conveyances vey ances night and day dav horses and mares lor for sale at reasonable prices carriages I 1 carrying passengers connect with all trains on the union pacific and rio grande western peoples co operative cooperative r institution DEALERS IN GENERAL merchandise DISE eu eli el i utah EXCELSIOR BAKERY FRESH BREAD CAKES PIES ETC A TINE rune LOT OY or CARF CAKE ORNAMENTS AT HYING PRICES OUR one AND SELI ROASTED specialties in iii connection wun our bakery we nate have a nice cozy LUNCH AND DINING boffi fresh oysters and borle porle ehause house always on hand band A fa FOP LAME wpm OD te The theatre ate provo H E oste loh prop TAR STAR s IVI MEAT MA MARKET J JE E B U TC I 1 K HER has haa opened a new shop one door east of his old stand where he will keep y ON jaja iad THE boal man oa orl N an AND PORK vat fat calves and dressed hogs wan free deli delivery iery to any part of the city is J E cheever prop NOW NEW SPRING S I 1 AT T C 2 a S d 0 1 I 1 1 5 spring flowers ladies straw hats 9 D I 1 S GOODS MENS HATS LATEST STYLES OF SATS TS great reduction in all classes of BOOTS SHOES I 1 SLIPPERS RS ETC at teasdell Teas ders dels nos arid and E tern tem pie st salt lake WEST END MUT MARKET JUST OPENED H ff bowman proprietor keep on hard hand a full fall stock of choice but matton vill veal sags bokena 9 ark M ito etc etc aa GIVE USA US A TRIAL free delivery to all parts parta of the city remember the place corner E and ath streets gt H H BOW bowana AN Aia PROVO CITY UTAH utah county sayings savings bank the attention of those desiring to open dav savings g 9 accounts is called to the utan county ty savings bank which allows interest on de deposits p at the rate at 6 5 per sent ent per annum compounded quarterly to loan on approved rea estate security CAPITAL SURPLUS DIRECTORS A 0 prea B V pres 1 C GRAUA W H KING J B X DANIELS JOHN B E MILNER w H Dua DUBEN ESBERB BERRY cashier c A GLAZIER assistant cashier U AL a 1 I 1 I it I 1 N I 1 i i CASTLE 7 AMr mild PLEAS loael jai aj hm h m T aa e L GO GOAL band at i constantly on 1 2 deala deal staffords affords St goal coal yard leave orders at or telephone to the provo C aiji jiin ani saving savin B bank BanIt provo J T FARBER city A abent ent W K S SAFFORD AFFORD 1 I Tan lana azpr klor prevo city mills ills 3 0 0 building material door 0 aal mavi 1 U i bracket wak vork sawing 0 I 1 sash and dows doors Tuy turning ning and so rol work ALL WORK FIRST olasa 9 and done ori oa short E J ward sons prop PO P 0 box brov OD oba jr M a M MIK M in 0 V U ARM pj ri a I 1 T I 1 0 9 10 L U IMMA rd E 9 vak U X 6 ff H a U X le auti d ato il 1 I 1 sar rocksprings Rock springs and P 61 dib w 9 za AT 5 0 i A lc 0 V V V pleasant valley fumu L ff 6 Y t Q mu 0 q lc A 17 ny sy 4 7 lc M q S I 1 y 0 IQ 1 Q cy P icy 1 0 7 r CA W L 1 E L JONES secretary president JAMES L HOLBROOK THOMSON vice president M L ferl 2 11 ff SMITH treasurer treasur i er SPANISH PORK FORK I 1 coo iffe |
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