Show a TIM PISA ita of organization and worle work for republican clubs clabo A how to arg organize anize a club 1 circulate for signatures ol of as many republicans Republica rip its possible ible the following paper calling a meeting we the undersigner undersigned under unde signed reigned republicans ot believing in the principles 0 of republicanism and that the part ls interests arn be advanced by the organization of a republican club in ti this is locality hereby enroll our oar selves for that purpose and corpe to attend a meeting at on the thedac day of for perfecting an organization 2 at the first meeting elect a temporary chairman and a sete se te tary adopt constitution as furn furnished shed herewith or by the state league or substantially the same 3 elect officers as provided by the constitution 4 elect as officers only men who will when elected receive the united sup toi of all elements in the club 5 every ollices elected in the caal should shon be a person whose re is unquestioned B work within the club 1 it is desir desirable alile that permanent headquarters be established at once and that the looms be access ac ceso i le ie to the members during tho the dy day and aad oy evening ening 2 make tle club room the centre of political activity in the neighborhood bo bc and the co common school ft where here the voter can receive his political Loli roli education aducat ion 3 make the policy of of the club so broad that every Re republican can work vork under it keep out of and stand on the great cardinal principles of tie the party 4 invite to membership eve every ry person parson who sympathizes with the republican party and who wh 1 intends to support olt its candi dates 6 see that every R republican publican le in the ficini tv joins tile the club 6 have regular beatings meo mea tinga tings of the clubs at least east once a mouth month 7 the officers should see that aj ai interesting inter eating pro gramme of wor work it is pr prepared ajr for ever meeting mee tini this is essential to the exis tence of the club 8 9 the clab should never bo be made badt subservient to the interests oi 01 any individual 8 9 the club centt should never idars or of recommend a candid candidate for office until after be is nomina nominates teu by the re regular ular party convention 10 the individual member should ex exercise exer erciso ciao his right to a voice boice ju ill the bartys councils ils at ata ua party caucus or primary the tha foundry tion stone of our political in institutions 11 at each meeting in addition to addresses by prominent visitors have eoma member prepare a political paper to be ba reador an address after rater which ask tha members bembera to talk upon wr 12 invite the fullest and freest freean dis 3 cassion on republican lines of 0 all political subjects as discus eions of this cLar character acter en the party 13 permit every member to h haye ate his chissay say free freb speech is dav ob oi 01 the tha carlin ca rUnal Rl of UK th republican Kerub baity 14 supply the club room with the th best political poli lical literature 15 5 see that every member t take akel and reads at least lea one republican newspaper and aid stimulate the circulation W u your oral foral party papers 16 aruid lumir nto into debt keel balew receipts lloil 1 ai your club on caplia 17 1 7 join tile stat leagle and la lav i your club lui tu ay iy y reif a 1 jil L 1 1 11 iud ii as 13 18 1 I in i u riad acta with th ti abbt tie J x agi gi rep jiing III 3 ou iu iu eail etui fur alit 11 u b n ti 11 i lle flie lv yua pua ind aud llulu I 1 19 L let et the iba ataw bt iu lase l 1 ase anuw ab 1 leiding waar bite i itE aj 0 cilva tile tiia comy men lull juli shirr sharr ct CI the iho active ram zi rc t rall yog cali jaa work C 11 T lt tut oda the club 1 1 tatt uy no to arise be efen your club awl an 1 other a g cl 0 tho iho party parly 2 cooperate co oj operate with all othe othar ro eo publican in of tho the party S Q alite lubs clubs ara not org am lt t in ad ada lining jilling towns and oia tracts see lliam organization to your own are per 4 see that all republicans attena the caucus and primary meet ings 5 seo see abat that every republican publican He it ir your district is registered 6 sie si e that every republican votes vote I 1 ea eaily I 1 yon on election day 1 7 your cano does noi not take place of but is auxiliary to the regular committie ea of tilt party |