Show city and county jottings cottings Jot tings A beautiful line of cli challies allies from 5 cents up at the S S jones co jocha Josi on W edn eLday night AU an kinds loose garden seeds at bosh ards arda go 0 TO Bos bombards Bo bards to buy bay your groceries MENS suits for 0 ONE E DOLLAR at the he coop co op clothing dept Bun bengies GiEs carts carta plows and garden tools at stephen bonnello Bun nella nello ALL persons persona contemplating b ins ing will wi 11 do well to consult with r W mickel corner N and biath deru denny ty U ea S Mare faal ma lan goes 9 oed to this afternoon on civil busi businow busino aoi 3 J A MC NORTON and kaoda loda pala or er took oit ait a barriage age license iroff 1 up received on savings dei 0 t rt J R cashier Casbie LADIES percale morning wrappers i ram to and seo see them ahey ato aie at the S S jones jonea co t TINNE t carrissa HAr rissa mut ba trying to I 1 ice the elie season hy by exhibit exhibiting exhibition in 1 big flower pots aprin isling cans anti and fly faig C CASTLE ASTLE gatt gats nut coal is ia the best coal in the market for the kitchen stove boniv per ton deal deai it Spat firtl ag agents gants 4 AL was arrested saturday niah for tho the old of fence and ju buttes tee alexander savo gave him five days this iuar ADVANCE of seata forthe for the I 1 joshi a si in akins performance will commence com menca at 10 clock tomorrow to morrow morning at at tile imy i book store eldredge Eldr edgo blo 61 ck ac THE dry goods dept of the S 8 jones jonea go co are now located in their new quarters iab with the most sla elaborate borate stock of adly south of salt lake vegetables including onions if and sl si at bosh ards ardd 3 have bers belle iaiser by a provo g ardner ird ner AICE W tv s 2 is the plane for staple ra en i i laney lancy gio lo ceries cries first class ch ass flour buon bacon liui fresh butter and eggs hialit Ui alit lir t lavoire brand ot of crackers rho me best borim sor iii medicina medic inh is 13 a lose dose or t two 0 of st dt I atri ks pills chev no not t only flebut sit but cleanse clu inse the whole system an I 1 onrey th s blood for salo sale by pyne maiben ben druggists S S inna A co havo have 2 an 21 1 elegant lille I 1 nib ef ct spring gebis on liand hand the ladies lades col isidor that establishment tho the headquarters for seasonable and fashionable booda MCEWAN A co are of offer ferin iii great bar baing in illies li lies awl ami mens underwear hosiery ry youths arie anil boys suits chii ui drens drena hoobs lade go gossamers gos ss amers in in fact AVery thin g in the dry goods line must b basold i sold miss JULIA der desires sires to an rou to ahr ladies of 0 provo city au and i vicinity that she is prepared to do dressmaking in all tha hecei t styles tylea fi parrs parra at mr knudsens Kiuda Knud ans sens one block wast i in dr pikes pike a residence THE floral contributions upon the of president gatei were most meat beautiful the rhe large cross prepared by mr was one of the tha moet bf apt iliin caimens ens ol of floral decora tiona eions wo we have sen sem and refi tet q great reat t upon our eiter enterprising to on atio li no effort orl in making makin r his business second to ta no none a in the lie territory Terri territory tor 1 miss maria olsen who has suf suffered fored from frair a birg dis dianise di aeise ime f for or six fais mouths last d dard this life at the resides ce CB of 01 lier pa 0 qi it mr anil and mra MH in inobe the second ward at 6 0 click evening miss olsen war nearis twenty years of age and a vry vrr v rr ry estimably estimA bla louiz lady she sha leaves a large number of relatives iTes and friends to mourn hr hir departure vie funeral will he ha boid thursday Thurs dar st 2 in the second ward nier iner tin mig house WE have always had a L reat ilea deal of respect for ellov AS a wila awal alaks 0 pro arft sive c tv the rarden garden ciar as it iri ii t known has baen sup borling pori in two enily for soine tini ina naina 9 a board of 0 trade find in other ways way lias hwi shown t itt it intended to conduct matters as hloi hw oi a thriving city of today its it ia kr the thess se gerom om that wo w look with hofius oil 11 tle act of tle city 0 council si few fe w evenings sim sime e alich deprives the catiz ns cf ane an electric light service bervice every hamlet of cf any air importance in the tha wast either has wit nut in or contemplates Tr utting in ole ele ailts lilts li il tv and to lo ue ate i a S orph expression 6 its ita it a poor lookout wi wh n hals she phe is too poor to rt rl i his im imo octant ant luxury park city aai 11 1 rr 4 r |