Show TI ilja I 1 4 L R 1 aj Y V T ivlow V ICS presented A I 1 1 at le I 1 A I 1 e THE GOODNESS OP OF GOD GO his delius wil with h tho the saints Port portrayed raed bythe speakers the second meeting of 01 the he at ike conference commenced it at 2 uk loc satur dmn un I 1 file anech ch ic each ariso arise 0 glorious gioi i thou jy ot of latter iatter d dif tr etc prayer was kofl aed by edar win 11 K X 1 asey sey rho cha choir san sang I 1 arth with nith her ten thousand flowers a 1 r with all its beatris beams and showers eca SEy wua D B was tb alist speaker tie ile asked for the fit h and gravers pr ivers of it the saints thit that hg ha ni ht be enabled to speak such words a would b acceptable to the lord and of benefit to lo the lie congregation we have oo od organic ution of atlo church in this B etke ake and the blessings of the gospel n nali we have received through the prophet josaph joseph joseph when a young 11 nau felt the necessity for more krow lee ledge and faith in in regard to the pits of the gOi coipel pel th thin M was possessed sed b the sects ejects ai mound aund the he place where ha it 13 i i d the hiie various church organization woo w 0 held their protracted meetings iia Ls and enjoyed a spirit of faith and v f le ration according to the knowledge rolv K v to him to be lai kins king some something thim essential to salvation h I 1 after darrest prayer by the bo boy y 1 ibelli eph the lord jesus jeans Chri christ and the h a 1 other appeared to him and adain admin adminis aeed tc bcd to him and made him promises s vich v ich ft we e know were all fulfilled fal fillod his eu ades endeavored to destroy him ai am i it seemed at times that the L lord or d add let lit ia ft the work of trani translating lating the sai sa red records ti a weak ves and at t ties ies UPS it appeared to joseph that the deat deo nyer would oyer over come liim him la in slay 1829 19 john tile the baptist ap feared bearc d to josph jos ph and oliver cowdery ami conferred conferred tin priesthood n v r more inore to be takes bakem irom the tha earth td the lle sous sons of zion again offer effer an offer in to the alerd in in th month or 01 june jane peter james and i n who rt rc ived the Melchia edek pl pi abod ITOW the savior appeared to joseph and t uliver liver cowdery and conferred I 1 that noon them prior to the ath day oi or april SOtha 1830 IS the lord had ta to joseph that lie was about to organize the ci courell urell of christ tor for tho the last time and iyer thim I 1 f A r taftt o tvr ohp th iun r he was w da to A hij arul GI inai I 1 I 1 at ay ilme lew men who bad received the kuspel Eui euirel pel met I 1 atthe the of reter peter whitmer in loe jae town of fayette Fa yetto county state of new ew york and organized the tha chuich with six members on the alth kiy tuy of apil a conference of the i t ot w christ was held behl at the name aln P and there the first dif discourse course from I om iu aik liler 11 tier 0 of the church of christ in this uit tm sensation was delivered by oliver t dery under the direction of the prophet joseph after jo joseel cepl nad received the plates bum the angel moroni 31 and was engaged in m their translation trans laHon in a yania vania at the house bouse of his father in law it mr r hale the tha intolerance ol of the people around him so great that it became necesis feces sury bury to obtain another place to continue continua t tie ie work while he was thinking alnut moving ti 0 sume other plate lttie whitmer arrived with an ail davila un to come to his bs lathers fathers house the buse of piter peter whitmer tiner in ia fayette new york the prophet enquired of tho the lord if he was togo to go the lord told him to go and directed the delivery of the plates platea to the angle moroni to be taken care of until such euch a time a ha ba would be ba in a place of abety and the angle anale appeared eared and received the plate plata from doseph joseph when he arrived at peter Whit antu erb house the th angle again appeared and aad delivered the plates to him while rhile he be was as wb waking king in tho tha garden we believe that tic angle moroni cam caage 0 to tn joseph in 1823 and showed him the h I 1 Cli cumorah norah and the a nouli cw cealey andee belive that the next morn ing lie he arose ani and went into the file field wei 1 and the experience lie he I 1 hul id passed through thron 1 l when whan lie he related his vision to his father he be did lint him but raid enid to him my eon BOB this I 1 ia 3 a visitation from a holy boly angle it is fro from in bod daod and I 1 advise you to py pay strict heed to all the instructions you have bare received and prepare 5 tor lor the ehe work the lord has for you to perform the nuzzle anale came again during the day and took him to the hill and showed him the plates ile he attempted to take the plates but the cho angle told him that the time bad not yet coma for him to receive them ile he further told joseph to visit the hill from time to time and he receive instructions in regard xa to the work the lord desired him to per perform forin ile ho visited the place every year until he fie received the sacred record and at those visits received instructions until he was prepared ore pared to do the work which was required of him he was instructed astruc ted that time witnesses would be ba bequir required ed to testify to the truth of tile the sacred resal ira and their translation oliver oli cr cowdery david whitmer whilmer and martin llama harris became those witnesses I 1 althou although gl martin Nf artin harris had transgress ed before ho be lord and it required the earnest plear plea iu in prayer of baill joseph and biLn h self before he was permitted to hear bear the testimony tee teo of et the ansle angle declaring claring do that the translation of the plates had been accomplished by the gitt gift a and ad power of god they a appended their r name to the aaa red w work 0 rk ind dud their na sames mes hav egone forth to all the nations of ef the earth as wit wil nef aes eltho truth f the book of moir I 1 history telli us they became careless and josi their bleir faith in the gospel althe althenia nih their testimony to the truth of the translation of 0 the book of mormon and the visitation of the augle angle romain pd with them to the end of their nys days and was eras never denied by them thy ali y went in ill to 10 un belf cf as every one will rho transgresses after receiving ready ink a testimony mon av of the aspel through the holy spirit but they remained strong in kneir tt alimony ot of tha roami efstation es tation of the power of god to 10 the prophet joseph we WB are informed that W the saints faints wele to built brifil tot temple tipler lue first t hm m le ie vat wa s bull built t in kl ki fiand and we tre the A joseph u ing the fol lowing lan gagge in leli atin that temple 0 0 Loni Lord God of israel thou who deepest covenants another I 1 mple was built io iii N erected by the people in their p aty ar vere nere gathered from ilis suri anil and frain their dufferin suf ferin feringa gs and there we te abc again ag aln bad the privilege of temples amp lei in the western valleys val leya A few days day 1 age 16 we had the pleasure of wit it the ibe laying ol OI the capstone ol of I 1 the salt lale lake temple commenced thir ly lanine nine I 1 ti years e re ago every heart rejoiced to se sea the e tei aple we have been permuted to build in this land of joseph so BO nearly completed president young 1 hinted out ut the spot wl wi or that t temple ariy riy pow now stands when the pioneers a arrived r d annalt in salt lake and said mv brethren bertwill here bere will be erected a temple to the tibe meat high god president president young said af after tor the return from the mission to the south in 1858 1859 ali aft soon ail aa we ug again aiu commence the building of this temp lethe evil one will put pul forth renewed elloris to prevent I 1 the that and othe te temples coples in order to prevent the emption of the lead dead he ha prophesied at the same time that the sainta would he be able to complete the temple it seemed atone time ithac that there was danger of the tem 01 v dassing in into to the hands of those who would not have used them to for the purpose for which they are but the hand of the biord has haa been over this people and is over ova them anem today it was over the prophet joseph the arna arm of the lord was around him and nd ilia his spirit him all his life we can see aee the hand band of 0 the lord preventing tile the success of the efforts of f the evil one many times hai bai ha stretched ferth hs fas h s hand to ve babs hia P eop leand lies haa faai eted his hia 11 pleasure sure an and d approval thit this has bits encouraged us in times of trouble aud and prevented us from becoming dis I heartened ened and has strengthened our oar faith the eaily settlers in utah instead ot of feeding the little seed grain they brou brought ht with theet their hungry children committed the tha seed to tle tl a earth having faith in the tha promises prom isea of the lord and according to their faith it was done unto them trev chev were enabled to sui sustain stain the life of th and their ct children ildren and the seed placed in the ground grew and gave promise pro caise of a harvest but before the grain was ripe swarms of locusts came down frona from the mountains and ther was wai danger odthe of the 0 graim raim being entirely destroyed but the lord in his mercy marcy caused gulls gulla to fo come from the sea coast and destroy all 11 the crickets in ii order that tle saints might have food to support themselves and their little ones ana the hand band of the lord was over the people who settled the valleys and enable 1 them to ta sustain themselves in this barren region the lord was merciful in the gathering cathering agthe ef the saints the indians indiana could have prevented their coming if they had bad been permit permuted ed to do so Prem president ident young advised tho the brethren to be kind to tho tha indians and told them if they would treat them as aa art an bonest man would treat another they would permit us to dwelt dwell in peace among them these words were fulfilled i the saints unmolested crossed the vast plains because the indians indiana had learned it was wag wrong to harm them the spirit of tho tha lord haa moved upon the people and upon their leaders directing them where to go and what to do in thin th settling of these valleys 2 and in sixty three years the bil blessings ings of the been upon all their labors we haye witnessed the death of joseph and brigham and john jehn taylor and naw we wa have 1 t woodruff tl although he has the a ae e I 1 of 0 years is ia blessed with a strong mind and ana a strong body and the lord is ie loading leading him in ia the way all tho the prophets have been lead and we have the apostles to guard the interests of the church tuyu trough h til all the world do we b lieve thesa abeso do we teach them to oar if we do L 1 1 1 1 1 t I 1 1 11 n N 1 afi the T aa vt 1 euch cuch that all aty realize that the lardis with us iia by his power we should cheer the desolate rabaa up the downtrodden minister io to the sick and afflicted and live so that wo we may be ba worthy to receive the blessings promised through the ser servants TantS of the lord in our daily conduct in conformity V with itla the testimony we have often born and the ganv amany blessings we wa have ro re we should remember the hand band dealings of the lord with his bis people teach our children to walk io in his him ways and let our actions correspond with sur eur professions then his spirit will be up nn in us and we will be ablo able to fight the good fight and endure unto the end and and at la last lait it receive the tha crown of glory hat is ia laid up for the faithful the choir baa sang praise to the man who communed with jehovah jesus jesua the prophet andsager and seer i etc tc APOSTLE MOSES said I 1 do not remember of having the plea pleasure surn of being with the people of this stake of zion at any quarterly conference batore i i I 1 am happy to have the p privilege tyl of meeting with you and benj enjoying the spirit of the lord the spirit that surrounds the people in this mountain region is ia the same in the north as aa in tle the south there is ia no greater evidence of the tha power of unseen influences influence than that it frequently haw pas gens that a feeling of division and dis con concion ce naion sion sweeps over a community like a flame of fire over dry grass it does not require a very doge close student to see that there are powers and influences over which ve e as individuals or communities muni ties have but little control but 0 are here bere for a purpose and that purpose is good we will be ba tried by theft unseen influences until we learn to control ourselves oure elvea elves for until we cn can do that we are unfit to v govern others it is ia our duy duty to strive for improvement and help one mother another to attain to per fec lection faction tion it if the education of the few I 1 is good education of the many is better what one man has learned others may inay learn the beauty of ef the road to the kingdom of god is that when one man maa travels it he does not put obstruction in the way of others who follow him 1 the history brother young has baa given given 0 of the church shows how bow the people of have gr arvn in spite of the opposition with ellich they have had to contend then theca is ia a necessity for opposition and the holy one has said for it must needs be that of fences come but woo woe to tilot ali at man by bv whom the offence offense cometh the object abject of the creation of man a as a I 1 dundei stand it is ii that he be may become a god it was waa revealed to the prophet joseph that thatah as a man now ii i fo 0 o once was godana god and as god is so man may be with all their aspirations the dream of no dead hero bero has ever reached this height no na such hope has eyer been written on tile the palm of glory elory until the lord voiced it through hi hit prophet if we believe this to be we not I 1 e truthful and prayerful erfal that our gur mind and tody dody may reach their i highest development we need constant activity to the most perfect u development the constant train ing of the rate rac borse bores arld and the athlete produces wonderful results so 30 with the spiritual development of man there about the decadence has been much said of the human race it maybe may be true that men are i retrograding under certain conditions wi i jiuu yu t ti cambridge Carri bridga aad with the splendid educational witti eNed there from tile the primary pr inary schools to te the sity of harvard 1 e rl to find evidences evidence ot of decadence 1 and yet may many of th the bright mind beins trained there are by past conditions but man in obad obedience leuce to certain laws laira bay de aalop under adverse circum star ces wo we are here for a wise purpose and we should not be discouraged oa account ace of adverse e there things that seem antagonists are many ani to tb the church of god but that is only in appearances I 1 F thine thime in the tb present condit condition ioa of ind iad fint am cial laffaira to indicate blat the pt people ople will lose faith in the gongol but at WWI WO more 2 than at other times when the cry i the tha cometh half of the people will be asleep and PI perhaps chaps all but it is ie written that half of the people will oil in their lamps and while they are trying to buy the doors wilt will be closed and the they will not biot be ba able to eater there are two forces at work one good and one evil christ re represents everything dure cure holy hely good and desirable lucifer his bia rebellious br broiler olner thi son of the tha morning everything the reverse to the character of the ton of go 1 when they stood before the father |