Show VH anslum sa A D F D aid I 1 simmons MM bickford physicians au aid barcons oar cons rooms 1 and 2 Excel excelsior bior block PROVO CITY WAR I 1 P F kel HEEL LESUR r F F h h HEED tr t rr r BRO SS De dentist benusis nUsis all modern im for tle me tl e practice of operative ana rac artificial GROW CROWDS I 1 LT N b AN D BRIDGE WO L KA A SPECIALTY SPECIA ltv jacw all work guarin teea Foo roo aiNo niNo I 1 III usiri U iri i 1 a provo br B I 1 11 J 1 l IU insight I 1 a t d 80 R surgeon dentist I 1 Ele electus ettic gas ad administered when do d sired teeth extract 1 by it w it pain all kinda of di atal work tile me best and latest all wor work i j X this dato will be ba guaranteed gu ac according cordin to agreement or tho money will be bc refunded Koo koomsa mso no 2 and 4 1 bank Build Bui ldLa Lg provo uit git 0 utah 11 if UM U M 13 1 archael L ana builder rians plaits and specifications of all ciss cl t c i of a edings prepared and a general 01 0 buildings Bud Buil dinus P aj 1101 us 0 ou ii 3 V cu 3 SJ i i Upa Lip taira stairs cenar SAM ww LAMIM r ig IMN 1 SIGN I 1 ami PAIN NA 1 I I 1 UTAH arii 6 0 a ill I 1 I 1 til sarp abts OS DR 1 1 I I 1 E LS 4 P 11 VON DELK HAhl I 1 i massage ff issam cee treatment and anc I 1 tha 8 WO li ill ma calces kes a specialty 0 of treating treating 10 diphtheria office over krucero Kr Kru usera cers gun store one ona block ivest eit of the west coop co op WAN a KE K 1 N 0 V vr az OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK OF PROVO CITY UTAH WILLIAA itkina fl D HOUTZ T y attorneys at al law lai ROO IS 5 and 7 firs tiona bank building provo ciry oi ry UTA UTAH H J W N A D gash chiffi I 1 L 61 I 1 a CY josil I 1 attolee ATT VS AILIA AT LA IF room gooon 1 11 nad 12 baur bau t aldin proy brov officio 4 11 jurs y 0 to 12 1 a m 2 to 4 1 I p m A afe carta ar ly 31 D 41 S 1 d AID siuea palace bluck 28 Resi deaca no 2 cottage row PROVO UTA UTAH H DON G C JOHNSON AT LAW office at as chev hall springville SPRING S 2 R I 1 VILLE VI L L E 0 PAR FAH GEO I 1 attorney at amab law a lisuk Buil diu PROVO CITY urah T da WOODS attorneys at law 1 9 t bank Buil building din PROVO orry ciry UTAH UT aj J E bauth B A 41 willal fd WILSUM A IT ILI L YS A T L LA A w I 1 V and laud adice ag aylita ats no 2 23 3 N S J atit stil PROVO CITY A I 1 sutherland Suttie dand arrula NE V ar LAW ba office in gates S now op 0 court PROVO CITY UTAH U VA 11 valets K PUR fw 9 MUD CIS 17 SHORK 1 2 houra binco floars IJ to td it 1 LO 10 m w 12 nil and 2 L tu 11 1 pike SHORES physicians sf surgeons L I 1 local i fur or rio orande gianda and U 1 ia ry cos ty herh atti 12 aroyo 0 it ap U i I 1 I 1 N I 1 A I 1 lt U I 1 I 1 1 11 I 1 a J R J K offic R nm 15 fir fiaai 31 Sati i ouid bauli building lavi lai ra ory sa IV V sixth street A ASSAYS 17 A AN AND D AN I 1 1 YS A S 0 w hu wy I 1 1 u 1 u U A b I 1 0 DENTI I 1 STi la a graJ iuie i viv va I 1 litva vr r ll m of if mich igei arl lato of i the 1 l iha hp nev ne T york dental colle rc hant 0 venea a dental office in the evne malben block across the hill I 1 f bom om D drs s B amond and 1 ick forti where he beis is pro pre pried to do all kin kindi 11 ol 01 0 hostal by the latest improved methods method 2 special attention givan to treating tr eating childrens teeth t I 1 APRIL 18 1892 A sure cure tor for files itching piles are known by mastne itch causing intense iko ike perspiration this form its aa wen well as mg ins when warm yield protruding and blind phe file reme bemeda I 1 Bosan kos fo dr it once on e directly on tl 2 I 1 arts e effected ff chich acts alcad alla d itching chins it and absorbs cur 50 druggists fleets a frea dr Boa bosanko anko ir r mail pa P sold d by 2 arch st gt chlad O bj 1 ryne fr maiben spring medicine dr genits In lo proved liver pills on account ace aunt of their build action tire are espe cape cisily adaki adapted ed fur for GO co reeling spring dis or ard rs qs such as impure blood tired brain and aching and worn out body they act promptly on the liver and kidneys drive boutall out all impe impurities cities i f from rom tile the blood and malaria from the system oliv one pill for a dose try them this I 1 spring sold at 25 cents a box by pyne maiben f AB A zm era of t reform ri tr ta 1 dres D a 1 to bo be beautifully and stylishly dressed nowadays one must pay as much attention to one underwear as to the gown the fewer underclothes ander clothes the better i ia the slender effect all women order to gat ion long for the silk or wool tights with is ia all that is feces one no silk petticoat A now new method ethod of regulating the liver stomach and bowels through the nerves A new dis dia covery dr miles nerve and liver pills pilla epee dilla cure bad taste torpid liver pliay pilai constipation un ua equaled for men women and children S smallest mal lest mildest surest 1 60 50 boges doges 25 eta samples free at Mail lens IN is the r tor fr tamb C feie eik d geaton gt aton can be taken by the child for sale by lading leadin ir druggist through Slee sleepers Ders via it G W ry effective march ath R G W train no 2 which leaves provo for the east at 1140 a m will carry daily a through first class palace sleeper from Og dento chicago via R G W colorado Bl midland idland and A AT T S BF breya F bys Eya this is aaa a great convenience for provo brov P people eople and should be appreciated by the traveling public A smokeless fuel carded Alas sut jt is being used on steam rollers in ia Vinna davinna Vi nL the anel is composed of the liard re of petroleum refineries everybody should be interested in preserving the fote forests ts that art are left to us for they help to maintain tho prosperity of the whole cotry I 1 WISDOMS VIOLET CREAM th the e MOB most at exquisite preparation in the world for softening and whitening the hands and face it is ia not only a sub for but in every respect sup superior er to glycerine gly cering I 1 cold cream vaseline and like preparations arv il it 0 to county assessors we have a large stack of assessment roll abbet best beat approved form and gol heavy beavy paper raper willbe will be mallid mailed to par address at lowest price I 1 go co provo city r lah I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 t v I 1 ne HER FACE HER FORTUNE Is commonly said of us beauties she who uses use wit arthic artis iii tate wa vi doms famous abertine hber tine has fortuni in the possession of a n to which not notra r cut nt the banh of nf the he the freshness fre siness rf the lily can be compared tha is ii just what ii ir B claimed fo 0 o b the root mot roo mo t toilet article and anthonly ant only perfect beautifier known read tha castim nials from amous artists celebrated arid and orni eminent mi nent physicians a the irregularity of maines coast line is indicated by the fact that a lubec mancho man who bought a horse in eastport East port was obliged to drive the animal more than forty miles to reach his home al though the two towns are only three miles apart in a straight line to the eskimos of labrador belong the honor of having discovered that the moon was the fhe paradise of the good and that the wicked are to be consigned to a cold cave in the center of the earth the man who never went to the theater in his life is usually the man who declares loudest against the immorality of the stage they T 0 Y are ereen areen apples and then he be h W cramps bud and cli di airhea and thinks has h as guinto did dia and wont ever ear stal again the careful mott er 1111 always bivs a b batlle ade of hallers pain r a it 1 if hi boy lives to do so BO some more fur i ale by smoot diug ding co df d F wooden still in bavor the arrival armil of tv weil limit built clipper I 1 ships in new voi after a race from ban francisco ardini ro c li 14 attention to the faut fact that woolen wooden 4 w n i ire cirp no longer i in a disfavor on long iong v z vapo iea but have in some bome instances instance i di their iron rivals this is au an encouraging outlook for the united states because in tha past the fastest clippers have been built in this country arid and it a g general meral return to wooden ships for long iong ocean voyages might result in a boom in the shipbuilding business in new england and e ISO else where boston advertiser 0 K T honest results Ke 0 K T many of tle the pioneers of oregon and washington have bave cheerfully testified to the wonderful curative properties of tb the e celebrated eleb rated oregon kidney tea purely vegetable and pleasant to the taste and can e taken by the youngest child or most del delicate acate woman 0 K X T is is a never failing remedy for pains in the back and loins non retention of urine scalding or burning sensation while urinating docous discharges and RII all ki rey i ey tr cuble of either sex 1 at all anz ats good story about a saco lawyer A saco lawyer lost his office key and with it on the same bunch the keys to his safe and house there is a spring lock on his office door and he concluded that he must have left it in his office and have come out and locked the door he accordingly borrowed a ag X g ladder and crawled through abc mu back window of his office no keys heys were to be seen and after cogitating over the peculiar state of affairs fairs he at last la t let himself out and there on tho the outside of the lock were hanging the keys hey banger me commercial death and its agli up to now whose entered ato a fight with death fought a kosir g acht now science has diw discovered a 1 way to circumvent even delih death hallers sarsaparilla burdock grapples gr applei with a disordered system and carefully builds and reorganizes gan gin izes try it for sale eale by smoot drug co d s r think that a trim film weist waist is all that ia i necessary to carry them through lifo one woman says when you come to realize the freedom of having no stiff hard tight squeezing affair holding 0 you I 1 as it seems sometimes as though y yoa ou were in in a vise you begin to get a little real enjoyment from life at first there is a feeling as if a strong support were taken away from you as if you could not sit up straight alone and I 1 con confess feso too to having had a feeling of in tho sides and back when you come to think of it that was waa natural enough and there is no doubt that had I 1 la laced Q tighter than I 1 did I 1 would have felt Bac backless klens arnica salve tex bebr in the world for cuts bruises sores ulcers TJI sers salt rheum fever sore tetter hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures curea piles or no pay required it is gURran guaranteed teed to give perfect t satisfaction or mosey refunded price 25 cents per box for sale by isug me 0 co o dont don read this with each succeeding exceeding ence ding eding day comes an increased demand for better bette i service on the railways of our country the union pacific and missouri pacific railways t the front as usual have been leading ili in these lines linea of improvement for some time and running through pullman sleep sleepers era between salt lake city and 1 M I loos on 3 a denver through passenger groins through freight trains time via the ch abi I 1 cago union pacific north western line t U the principal cities east ot the I 1 missouri river elver via omaha bues tues fri M daiv A C Y BUT CLASSIC 11 abihu 8 assi ru g whatever vermay may te be bald in the ice former connection cannot detract irom from the tha real literary merit the powerful fai rea hm and wonderful fascination ot of those char minx narratives of THE DE I 1 lue lie eighty seven sevea gandol nt nirla provoker provo kir ir tales which tue are am ju justly aly conceded concise to bathe a elie gems of lit or excellence it 1 to true iroe that owing to lie common to the literature ot of lie the le fourteenth century femurs our postal authors ue tiette have Te prudishly the lion ot of this ibis benk through the enalls and the publishers scrupulously this pro by sent tending linZ iba I 1 he book by eikrem alv ibis beat 1 is profusely by that celebrated artist who in an fur far excelled scell ed gus dore doie arents can reap a harvest by selling this book A glanca BI at a midgle passage will sell ell it every time library edition sent to any 16 on rr celpa of ott lOO sample copies lot foi agent age i ue se enly sent on receipt ot of BO 50 cents adar address the mm EVANSTON PUB CO faton evanston ILI 11 M ISA irja W 11 URNER mm I 1 I 1 T imm ATTORNEYS AT LAW E D B warner typewriter OFFICE 11 UNION BLOCK PROVO I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 ral E na 10 A G K 1 A line of ef rull pullman 6 a n colonist 0 1 on i t i e eberl Betwee li st lo 10 u a s u aud t d P portland 0 r tl a n d a Z february let the union barfie am all missouri pacific allys ry s tit th tu 0 a through jide of ai 81 0 Ci inist deepe leemeta lee peta ts beeer bt bl loui and aad portland Port laud the cars are leat ati clean the appointment is sra oLin in tle the daib it ib the 11 are re are attached attach pd to the regular dail st ruin anuj are by bv experienced uniformed rs who look after thu A ants and comfort of the v pis is for accommodation in id these cars eithe eist 0 wea westbound bound ap div to our bour amerl pacific aaeng i S E L lorn lanux ax ode ien crai pass and ent union pacific omaha Nel rabka t apr aar SO 30 A ral I 1 a eats i ard and re kt doica bradt mark cik i and all ail ithel patent causes in the put office ana thi before lle buru promptly na ajl I 1 care eare tuU tull prosecuted apon aole or a katch ot of in ia JA A tion lion I 1 make careful examination al and id adise as to the tree ot of Q diarse arce I 1 with ray 0 ga oes across from the patera na bein being in personal atten dane there it is apparent that I 1 L taye emperor hupe roi ia for maitin making prompt le Je arches tor for the more and prosecution ol of applications tor for patent paten tard acca acct for fer attending t ding to all busquet Daa lueia is entrusted to my care in the time hila n and exclusive attention atteA tion hato lo 10 patent patau bun fass lator mation adyln ad ID aad special on re request quent J JELL 11 mEU and in AC ftp 11 n qa pata info GEO W MICKELI corner N and ah streets 0 F iacov 0 c ur ie ai UTAH ra 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 FM a 0 A N 0 oars U I 1 3 N aruca 01 li I 1 a la M r 6 a P ila e c I 1 a a BUT I 1 2 h top A 11 P IJ I 1 tep 1 aqui I 1 r illy I 1 am 1 q all I 1 I 1 I 1 1 ate I U 4 stools ar tillie til tl lie se laj lajet rt D ag yg V 1 ol 01 A 0 jj 41 P 4 I 1 I 1 ak i I 1 j MI 1 1 I 11 ai i U I 1 TT ON 10 i ig tp t p jj J 40 ao 00 rl A I 1 I 1 gf 0 I 1 ta 1 I 1 t feather justers lerp lir eso 0 O knitt skirt I 1 1 1 d I 1 at 1 jack hu ai I 1 I 1 P G TN T I 1 I 1 M f 11 bingue pigne dols T l au zu J ladies 1 l 1100 1 11 japan 91 10 it 4 musical r to 10 ii jerga dass I 1 1 i R I 1 4 perfume per fr bottle 10 7 fir 10 I 1 1 2 I 1 S Z 3 M 1 I 1 mrs A 1 mit lite jure jore s 7 i I re rl 1 l loll 1011 R I 1 abea t am I 1 11 I 1 14 S pint at S Is qui A 11 kle I 1 c E I 1 e t il dry 6 iti pro a I 1 t ahna I 1 ela 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 arico I 1 1 I 1 1 having t iner increased eased tile butterick pattern stock to ia I 1 t 1 ia pred ared U 1111 iuri ia iii iehl iii at ar ai billic promptly agents lor for the Delenia tor mail orders a specialty I 1 I 1 ia ah r N 0 tax 4 6 4 L wt I 1 n ara I 1 9 a 01 va T 1 0 n pi X AA U W in noia union blo bloch I 1 5 pr provo am to 1 A S T ri T V U M A Z S Is prepared to do all kinds of mar ble work orders for ut promptly alton ded to prices Remo reasonable call and inspect our work on hyrkin dukes lot first waro provo city 7 L HALLIDA 7 V F OATIS MITES Krul liday 6 gates y rf des the oldest agents in central and south en ell utah aud the largest agency in utah territory representing the I 1 ASSETS HOME OF UTAH ROYAL KOTAL I UND ruso AETNA INSURANCE CO OF norta i 8 MENIX OF LONDON f HOME OF NEW KEW YORK ti to LIVERPOOL AND AM LONDON AND total assets INSURE TODAY TO DAY TO rr IT MAY BE TOO LATE office in gates snow bock opposite he court house I 1 1 I 1 I 1 a a 11 the foremost of 0 our ur periodicals 11 commanding 1 GREAT 1 f I 1 km I 1 CENTRE OF |