Show on if tAISE rr I 1 of r beut deut gates NUMEROUS SPEAKERS test testify to the fidelity and d worth of the departed veteran the funeral services Ser vicas of president jacob gates gatea conducted under the direction of the presidents of seventies yesterday afternoon at a quarter past twelve the K members of ahe ihs quorum of seventies and friends of tiie deceased gathered at nig liia residence and followed the remains to t tho the tabernacle preceded prece dad by the military bandtke band the pall bearers were presidents seymour B young john Morgan George reynolds 0 D Jj elstead B H roberts roberta and J G kimball the casket covered with beautiful floral flaral placed on months the stand the choir sane san hark from afar a funeral knell ilovea on the breeze its echoes swell ell tha chorus cleu 3 birthe far the dead ec prayer ayaye was cilfred by elder george goddard the choir sang I 1 parting PRESIDENT A 0 SMOOT said I 1 have been acquainted with brother jacob gates from froin the begin beginning log I 1 became acquainted c quain ted with him in Nauvoo 1 and since mat time have never known a man moro more devoted to hi bi calling in in every capacity ho has been called upon to fill his stern integrity to the tha cause causa oi zion haa been rewarded dej by the position which lie held at the tims time of his death and he has merited his preferment by his faithfulness and faed he be became a residence of this stake he has been a regular ular at our meetings wo have often had bad occasion tu to CC counsel together in regards to officers in the hatake and our cur acquaintance las deen been closti brother gates ars fi lod the measure of his creation honorably and if there is any anything thin against hia cha character it has baa not been brought lr brought ought to my knowledge there is no cause causa to mourn it is only a short abort tima till he will maetris meet nis friends again therit thera are hundreds hun dreda and thousands t h i who hava gone behind the yell veil that will great him witt with joy jay we all leel feel release would be bewelcome bewel coms I 1 haye more airm friends behind the veil than hare bore so has bro gates in the days of the youth of the church wo wa all knew each other may wo we all go as well pre prepared as brother bates dimand did d all will be well with us and may 51 bod Z bless bles and cm umfort fort the family A of brother gates APOSTLE alies THATCHES spoke ot of the pleasure and profit he had derived from froin his short acquaintance with p president re gater gate I 1 have frequently bought so u gil t information bom him bim in re regard ard to me the early ear I 1 y history bistry bist ry of the church and the tha great I 1 prout iet I 1 have hava aln always ays regarded bro ates as a pure man lull of integrity inte grety and love for the truth HIS voice had no doubtful sound and his doctrine no a meaning I 1 have regarded him as fine ane of the tha noble spirits reserved to come coma forth in this generation he was a humble but courageous ma roan u ile he has bas coma near to loving god with all his bis might mind and strength th content cOuten tto to fol fellow low the tha bordies Lor lord dies rit t I 1 and we do nat mourn for his ala departure 0 of late years I 1 have not regarded re added death as an enemy buethe but the be beginning inning of a higher bighor life the soul is immortal il mortal and we are ara grateful for that knowledge knew ledge the voice of cr revelation overleaping over leaping the k knowledge now ledge of man has haa planted tho tha truth a as a light fight upon a hill rho fhe life of brother gates us aia tile the duties devolving upon us we saull permit the solemnity of eternity to brebt lp oaie alway aldaya keeping keepin a i in U vi view 6 w 0 our ur obligations obliga none and duties iia is no now vr on cn the tha society of cf joseph joeph heber U kluball Kini bail in young john taylor an I 1 la a hot hoa of valiant ones who have go la is before we ale aie in the midst 0 i lapid changes atit ematt lit years no go brother seymour B boing was the junior member of th first seven presidents of 0 I 1 seventies and naw lie he is ia the senior demor t rc ember enaber li the patting p absing away of the other mem bers berg this sa aboud ou ld adino admonish oish us that thai we have hate no time tine time to lose i every in meat should le occupied occa pied in vice of the lord science has demon demonstrated abated that nothing can caa be dex tile the tl jaberi paced upon ohp casket of bru ther gates will riot cot bs destroyed but only changed it these theae bappe works work 9 of go got I 1 are i ova true table u mac luc more inon ia his grelles grba gr eltes teat york work the soul 01 nian man the soul coill of the valiant t one who has departed will march on in the ligpit until tue toe perfect day until he realizes the truth of the voids wo ids As god nw now 13 baso 60 in man an may inay be I 1 MAY mav god bless llie family of arother 11 ir other gata gatai i that they way may endure until abey alie weeta with A ith him and share tua tila exal tati i of the faithful apostele F 11 LYMAN referred t to the the death of three veterans within one wee geee Erot faer E edward dward hunter of grantville brother Brot lief moses of mm mill jirek and brother gates Gatea he had become acquainted acqua intel wit allt arteg L eity ivio 0 yean yearda a 0 o in england ealand ald had enjoyed ra iby alve chavera colv eraa thou bilu in to tile hie talu ti ot ol tile hie oi of he has haa ful ui fi the eho law aud and fairly eari earned lej bily lion and ou ju ju ahe fie cal celestial estial of s tija jj aj L 4 alaa camj 14 lur luci bil lle he haa i D dean a a d f follower follow 11 0 0 w t tr r 0 1110 bavius and true trae t tle tile rep willy of ine ajao trust upon him 11 earned edrit d to abt plaudit well weil daue glod ani ali faith faitt iii u servant viat enter itu buiu dealt ut 1 I 1 anad nad hoped tie he w would U till ham 0 been per r p live tobe the bait lasu lem plo computed this i WAS it a ficat desin ot of bw bia bear i 1 bol pray tu tj Ller ls in ill of Br arther ther ba aed ea aau II H WAL we may till fall afao abo obil obi L of our erta lioa as well bs as 1 chur vine baams haj ajl if lie 0 is now baruj 91 dd as imd icv 11 earuel barnea tile aluc tu lu evdua ju iu tu t u elvernal kludow kl udom eliES IDENT B bilu that iru 14 ruther lher ane idt hinr t tt at bound elit chu tl tj bovena uj u tue homr Y ui 01 its lacuer alier iu ia lut luo bors bora ul lie t lie ij 1 lt bulliv 0 who WU wat 0 11 HUB 18 10 i t WILLI ue ne pra pr A 1 wie W ie 10 my latker was waa le IV i aae m atlo vi na taj ti ilij sl ih t i ertla t 4 still he bame to my mv mothers house bouse early in in the he moraine in the mouth month ojune of june 1 1844 t when my father was on oa a mission and said eaid sister Young the prophet joseph and his brother byrum were murdered in carthage jail list last night about 5 oc loek I 1 dont we children realized the borrow that was brought upon the saints through this circumstance 11 taut 0 o but we felt the solemnity of the ead adno tilida ids and joined colne d in the grief of oar mother since that bro gates become a near nea neighbor to us for many beare and I 1 look upon him with a great deal of love and veneration he has stood blood sk shoulder to shoulder with joseph and 0 other her leaders in isral israel he was never in in doubt his heart was never faint in regard to the gospel yet he was asa a a little child he spent his lifo in proclaiming the gospel and voiced its importations with no uncertain sound may god blees I 1 his faintly rod friends and enable them to be ba faithful and true as its h has been ELDER D spoke brielly briefly of his short acquaintance with bro gates in the quorum of seventies they would feel his loss and miss his wise counsels ile he prayed the lord to bless the bereaved ia family in i IV and all whom wh 0 mourn ourn it is ia but a short time till we will have hav the ledge of a eotis with brother gates gatea a spain gain JOBS desired to bear his tea testimony to the kindly words that ha I 1 bees been of bro abrogate gates Gate in the few years veara I 1 h have ave had bad tile the pleasure of beir acquainted with bro gates I 1 have found him all that has been said eaid of gf i him here I 1 crice soma same one rea rca d an article baying kayin it was waa well for men to prepare to die bro gates said 1 J I sin am pr preparing sparing to live lite live through this thia life and then thi through all the lives lives that are to come when I 1 embraced the tha gopal go pal I 1 took upon myself the work of obtaining my own and that of others by the help of the iha lord ana I 1 desire to fill up my tune lune in learning how to live and not to die I 1 believe he has haa fitted and prepared himself for the life to come then i id labor in the spirit world for him ho he ill engage in the glorious work of redemption 0 the children of adam if the th ha household of 80 bio gates and all tb the a children of israel can leave the world as he has left we shall have done well our parts B H IL ROBERTA 1 I haye have been ac quati ted with bro jacob sates gates for beur years yearl and lave have learned to tn love him I 1 recognized co cognized nihed in him a representative of a class of men whose works iong and counsels are of great value to the later day saints a class of men M ho are ara rapidly passing away if he e was intimately acquainted with the prophet joseph it is always a delight to meet those men and listen to the testimony they hay baya a to bear in regard to that ireat prophet and the work of the lord i the tims will come when the late day saints will placa more value valde upon the testimony of raen men who from experience peri ence ce than they do d today to day the testimony 1 y of the latti fathers ors of the cauich in th the 1 last a ast days willas will be looked upon with as much veneration as the of tho early fathers is by christians ind and many of the instructions we have had irons bro gates will be held iu 4 remember ance we should try to get the testimony of such veterans before our children as it will and lasting em upon their minds A man who lag bas remained firm to the truth for 50 years deE deserves erves honor and in hono honoring rim him we honor ourselves bro gates zad had a desire to see the dedication of the salt SaIt lake temple he mso also a great desire to live to cast a freemand freemans fre fres emans mans vite the lord can grant his bis desire to witness the dedic dedication Mon of the temple and other temples in this thia land and I 1 believe he will be there I 1 pray we may keep the faith and run our course wi af he has ruu run his course and that our lives may reach the same happy conclusion ilis his has bas reached GEORGE ilaya said it was waa nearly a third of a century ago since he fir adist A met bro gates in london W have listened to his teachings and wise counsels ind and have been united in performing tha the duties devolving upon us as presidents of sav seventies enties it do da not feol feel in the presence of death I 1 feel that ho he has gon before ui to his god and angels ange lawill will honor brother othor gates and every mark maa who has honored god and maintained hi his sill integrity t e g amill amid the tha temptations of the weak ness neis ot or the flesh god will crown crow unini mm in the kingdom of heaven and as he be lua hla been faithful over overs A few things he be will be made ruler over many JG J G felt aa assurance that no igau could fill the calling brother gates had fall filled ed fr for so BO many years without bein being a good man lie he believed with wilh all his soul that the salvation of brother broter gates was assured lie he referred earnestly to the great loss sustained by the family of brother gates in being deprived ol of hg he wise c and f fatherly sup support p ort and exhort them to remember tha inspru d g tons LU le has given them and asked t tl 0 people to te help the family in their hour of berea veme it and extend sympathy to them ELDea LoKis FARR farshad had been bean acquainted with brother gates from early manhood when they lived close to together ether in vermont lie he knew him to be a man j od upright and never dever known to du doubt bt the work of god tor for one f fla lo 10 is here with us now end and will be ba sent at al the dedication of tle the tempie pie his bis energy will live lice here lie reatter after in the latter day work with tho tha thousands who haya have dene before he fie prayed for gods blos blessings sings apon the family and all the saints saint hat through faithfulness we may be ba permitted to rejoice in the association a tion of bro gates hereafter laere after ELBER GEO said laid tt tle a abil of bro gates brought a strong kemem berance of ef his own birth forty one tears ears ago aga in england bro gates and bre bra vencer pencer had brought the g gospel to him he related inter interesting eiting circumstances connected with his conversion through the ministration ot ol these elders mil of god ELDER CLAUDIUS V SPENCER said that a in raab at who had been as truthful and as bro gates had biad been should uve iye truthful and ano word s sai saidu dupon poc uch tuch an occasion as tuis he called the attention of tho the young to ane fact that wen like bro gates who had bad spent the best part of their lives in the gospel were willing and anxious to devote all their earthly time in teaching its crin I 1 oles this waa ar a trong strong testimony of cf a ile e truth aud and should d be impi imp essed eased upon ane young GRO GEO Q CANNON CANNO said that tha t lo 10 much mach had been said and said so BO wal A fil that but little lit tie more could be said ile ha hud had crossd cross d tho the plains with bro maea kaa es in 47 nud and as aa a boy had bad a preat great tor lor his ability and faite faithful ful arii aei president cannon had always to listen to tha faithful t which bro gates delighted i bear and had been dc desirous airous to have tie lia hrar hear it bro gates life ial ia l 1 hem heen une ol 01 0 s ai a d he is ia ON nv fiu fill anz i a icil mann i on in iino r lp it ell WILId lit li i 1 lun ivand aad not t n a d pye p pt ye I 1 lod god t blits them ail the sp spit itol v v i ale ar the choir chair sang the TheMe resurrection day Ben benediction edition was offered by apostle alae choir gang ang sweet rest in lae heaven avent while the congregation coneie gation passed out A A large cortege followed the remains to the cemetery where z prayer was wa offered d by bishop J E booth at the close of the services serT ices in the tabernacle the conference was waa adjourned jour ned president smoot announced an that the time of holding the next quarterly conference has ba not net been definitely defina tely determined ter mined |