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Show liFJCTOK ID WOOLMEWll MEET Secretary Houston Announces Important Conference at Request of Cosgriff. EXPERT NOW AT WORK Mission of W. T. Ritch of Australia Already Produc-' Produc-' ing Good Results. Coming as ono of the most, important announcements western wool circles have known in years id the new? received re-ceived from Washington Thursday that, as a result of the efforts of President, Presi-dent, .1. E. CosgruT of the Continental Xational bank of this city, a conference, confer-ence, to bo held in Washington in June between the sheep ami wool growers of tho western states and lho woolen manufacturers of the count.rv, will bo called iminodiatelv bv the secretary sec-retary of tho departmont. of agriculture of lho United States, Dnvid S. Houston. Hous-ton. Thi. conference will bo called for tho purpose of considering at length, and in jfs eory important phase, the move inaugurated by Mr. Cosgriff for the adoption by western woolmon of the Australian system of prcpnring wool tor market at its source. Telegrams received hero vest onlay by Mr. Copgriff from officials of tho department, of agriculture in Washington Washing-ton state that, the conference has been definitely determined upon, and that Secretary of Agriculture Houston will issue the rail a I once. Work of CosgriiT. This is the first announcement of the proposed conference, and word as to the details of tho coming meeting between be-tween the woolinen and woolen manufacturers manu-facturers has been brought back by Mr. Cosgriff personally, who returned irom his Washington trip Wedncsdav evening. Tho call by Secretary of Agriculture Houston signifies a fact of vital importance im-portance in -western wool sections. It indicates that tho federal government govern-ment has come to a strong realization of the significauco and import of the move that has been started looking to the adoption in this country of the Australian Aus-tralian method of preparing wool, and that from now on Mr. Cosgriff and tiioso who have followed his lead in so urgently advocating this system may depend upon the support and' aid of the government in furl tiering their plans for thoroughly familiarizing tho wool-men wool-men of the west with the adantages of ihc Australian system. It is believed thiit. the coining conference con-ference will draw one of the heaviest and most representative gatherings of woolinen ever held in the United States. Tho manufacturers, on their part, have signified their intention of giving the conference their hearty and strong support- For General Good. The action of Mr. Cosgriff in bringing bring-ing to this countr-, at his own expense for one year, a man conceded by world authorities to be one of the greatest specialists on the Australian system of preparing wool that couutry lias ever known, has resulted in a vigorous awakening among shoopmcu throughout through-out the entire west. W. T. Riteb, the Australian specialist employed by Mr. Cosgriff. has been hero scarcely a mouth, and in that time he has created so much interest in tho s3-stcm that the move has already gained a big impetus. im-petus. Mr. Cosgriff left for Washington some three wcoks ago to confer with Socrctary Houston and his assistants with reference to government co-operation in his efforts, and tho news ol the success of his trip reached Mr. Cosgriff in concrete form 3'esterday in authoritative authori-tative advices from Washington that the proposed conference between the sheepmen and the manufacturers has been approved and the call decided upon. Persistency of Elfort. Mr. Cosgriff "s study of the Australian Aus-tralian system of preparing wool for market crystalized last January, when he announced to the delegates assembled as-sembled in Salt Lake to the annual convention of the National Woolgrow-ers' Woolgrow-ers' association that at his own expense he would bring to this country for one year tho ablest expert oil the Australian method that monoy could employ, and that for twelvo " months this specialist would devoto his entire lime to explaining to intcrmouutain and western sheep owners the principles prin-ciples and operating methods of the Australian system. Air. Cosgriff stated that he would personally defray Mr. Pitch's expenses for the year, in the hope, that tbo government would see the advisability of aiding in the move and furthering tho western wool interests. inter-ests. Mr. Cosgriff slopped at Hock Springs and Rawlins, Wyo., on his way back from Washington, and nttonded a conference con-ference of sheepmen from that district, who met to listen to Mir, Ritch. After a day and night session the sheepmen took tho affair into their own hands and have arranged for a most thorough study of the Australian 53'stem at once, with the expressed intention in-tention of adopting it at the earliest possible moment. As the details of the Australian methods become more and bettor understood un-derstood the enthusiasm of the wool-growers wool-growers grows by leaps, and Mr. Cosgriff Cos-griff stated last night that he hns already al-ready received hundreds of roquosts for a share of Mr. Ritch 's timo in various sections of the intermouutain and western 6fatee. It is expected that the exact dates of tho Washington conference will bo announced an-nounced within the next few days bv Secretary of Agriculture Houston, fol lowing the official call for tho meeting. |