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Show OREGON SHORT LINE EXPERIENCES A RUSH Yesterday the Oregon Short Line experienced ex-perienced the first effect of tho holiday holi-day passenger rush, vhen passengers bound for Focal points on the lino in Utah and Idaho took advautago of the opening of holiday rates. Today the rates to the east and west will go into effect, and the movement is expectod to be heavy, especially going cast. Ticket Tick-et men sa that most persons am going go-ing to Kansas City, St. Louis or other middle western cities. Tomorrow tho Christmas rates on the Salt Lako route to Los Angeles and return re-turn will go into effect and many persons per-sons will take advautago of ttie $20 saving to visit the coast. Threo trains, 8:45 this morning. 5 o'clock this afternoon after-noon and 11:50 o'clock tonight will operate op-erate today. Extra cars will bo put on trains. |